The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate. The God Slayer in the Sky. Chapter 304.

When she walked in, inside the goblin's tail was the laughter of the crowd and the noise of flying daisies and canaries.

"Little sister. You...." A member with a somewhat nasty image came up and asked her.

"I.. I'm here to see the president of Goblin's Tail 。。。。" She replied thusly. "Can you take care of him for me." Pointing to the man on the body, Geoff, once the most powerful black magician of all time.

"This power." Luvi and Lua who were transformed into instrumental spirits felt this power. It was. Pure dark power. It was a magic power that even they could not match.

Makarov rushed over.

Seeing Lori Maibis, she asked. "Are you the one who asked for me."

"That's right." Mayibis said so. "I'm the one who came to ask for help. I am Mayibis Vyamilio."

"Mayibis Vyamilio." Makarov felt a little familiar with the name. Then. Thinking of the first person. "The first generation?" So uncertain about the question.

The hand glowed brightly, small, but it was an extraordinary proof, a starting point for the glow of the magical goblins, as well. The proof of the identity of the first generation of Mayibis's president.

"It really is the first generation!!!" He opened his eyes, very surprised. "Why.... You...." So respectfully asked, very curious as to why the dead first generation had appeared.

"Wolf Island. Has been destroyed." She said so lonely, the dull hairs on her head bouncing. Leaving the daisyberry and canary next to Pong looking dumbfounded.

"So funny." The daisyberry went up and grabbed it.

"Pain pain pain." Maybeth suddenly struggled with red eyes, as if she was about to cry.

"Quick. Let go!!! "Makarov is so nervous.

"It's funny. "Despite letting go, the daisies are still staring at that dull hair on the Mayibis Head Mountain. It made Mayibis, who was standing on the side, panic.

One thing for one thing.


"Wolf Island has been destroyed." Mayibis said so. "The giant Murt, has destroyed Wolf Island." She spoke the news so mournfully.

"What?" Everyone began to be surprised.

It was unthinkable that the giant that had mysteriously appeared had actually destroyed their guild's sacred ground.

"This 。。。。" Makarov was also extremely surprised by this, not expecting that there was already such a deep hatred between this giant and his own guild.

"Then, this one is?" He pointed at the dark-haired light-aged man Lori had brought over.

"Him?. His name's Geoff."

"Oh, Geoff. I've heard." Makarov asked for a head, then, momentarily nervous. "The legendary Black Magician, Geoff?"

"Yeah." Maybys smiled so innocently. But Makarov's feeling was, fuck, shaded.


This place was a plain, surrounded by mountains.

A huge magic formation appeared on the earth, after which countless puppets came out. This magic-guided puppet army, now, appeared above this world.

"Let's find a few princesses first and then say love." Seikyuin Ena said so. "Just leave the rest to them."

There were several Lamp Gods standing in front of the countless puppets. Possessing an extremely high level of intelligence, they were fully capable of commanding this legion in their stead.

"Let's go conquer the nearest kingdom first." Liliana so commanded. 'I will find a few princesses, and you will send some of your people to find information about the giant Murter. "

"As you command, Mistress." The Lamp God said so humbly.

A huge city appeared on top of this plain, and countless puppets began to come out, the city of the sky, the capital of the academy, and countless puppets began their mission.

"Attack the world!!!"

There are still many countries in this world, and the more famous one is the Fiore Kingdom.

It's a no-name effect, it has only one magic guild and only one S-ranked person, but here, the S-ranked person's word is more important than the king's.

But, it was useless.

He had already been killed by countless Titan puppets when the terrifying Titan Puppets with their thunder arrived in front of him.

Titan Divine Thunder, the simplest and most destructive magic in the lightning system.

The Amanda Demon Serpent had taken over the palace, and countless statues had replaced the human soldiers as the guards of this country, which had been transformed overnight.

In its place was the dragon flag, which symbolized the king of demons.

After taking over the country, they began a closed-door development, and the Lamp Gods constantly controlled everything in the country, using all the resources to create countless puppets.

All those who tried to resist were slaughtered.

Plunging the entire country into panic.

And Lilliana, too, came to the gates of the Goblin's Tail.

Diary of the Conquest of the Rose Maiden VII

Diary of a Rose Maiden's Conquest VII

"Your Highness." Lilliana walked into the goblin's tail and made a big salute to Canary and Daisy in front of everyone's eyes.

"It's Lilliana 。。。。." Daisyberry saw the person in front of her and cheered, dropping her cake and rushing up to hug Lilly.

"Princess-sama." Lilly blushed and hugged the daisyberry in her arms. So thought the mind. "If this is your own and your master's child."

Getting open. Young girls.

"Are you the figure who came to meet them." Makarov stepped forward and asked the young girl in front of him, he could feel the surging magic within the other man's body.

It was even stronger than himself.

The two figures flashed in the air, turning into entities and appearing in front of Lillian Nan and Seichu Yard Ena.

"Luvi, Lua, meet Apostle-sama." The two women said so humbly that in their consciousness, the apostle had the authority second only to the highest master.

"You are the magic guide created by the master?" Lillian looked at the two men in front of her and said. "From now on, your mission has been successfully completed. Just leave the rest to me."

Saying so, she turned to the crowd of goblin tails and said. "I'm glad you all were able to help us take care of the two princesses."

"It's nothing." "Yeah." A bunch of people said so, after all you guys have so many things in your hands, if this doesn't do anything, we'll simply go die.

"Now, I can give you guys a chance to pledge your allegiance." Lilliana said so suddenly. "You have taken care of the princess for so much time without merit. Now, you can swear your allegiance to my Lord."

Saying so proudly, much like a villain in a novel. Sorry, we are the villains.

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