The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate The Sky God Slayer Chapter 317

The body changed into earth. Being completely eroded by the terrifying power of the earth. Completely dissipated.

Fist Seven.

King of Fighters VII

"Pop, pop, pop" yo applause from the audience. "What a beautiful match." So praised by Yo. He was satisfied with such a death.

"I'm tired of death than those that end in blood. You've done an excellent job. "Yo so praised.

"Thank you for the compliment." The Seven Yoke Society said so respectfully, showing his respect and humility for the strong. "Those net-sama will be able to see more magnificent performances in the next!"

"Great!" Yo praised him so, "If you die. I will allow you to become one of the soldiers of my legion." There said so. "But of course only after death, you will be eligible to become my soldier."

"After death?" He looked at the man in the audience. "I don't want to die yet."

"That's a shame." Yo sat on the seat of skeletons forged from the bones of the dead on the spectator stage, "I was planning to form another legion of the dead."

"See how tired you guys are of fighting. How about I make a different suggestion." Yo suddenly thought of something. "So many of you. Come and duel with my daughter."

"The victor can take the person of your choice from among so many humans. Of course, the cap is only half." Yo said so. "That means you can take away everyone in general each time."

"The last one who stays can only be said to be unlucky." Yo said with a smile. "How about this proposal of mine?" Such a smile with unrelenting killing intent.

"It's such a great thrill." One of the Hell's band said so. "Line not even His Excellency was able to make such a wonderful suggestion."

"How about that, it's great." Yo stood up, the soul wine forged from the skeletons of the dead in his hand sarra a floor. "In that case, you, come into my battlefield."

Countless skeletons crawled out of the ground, on top of the earth, climbing over each other and finally forming a huge tournament ring.

Underneath the ring were countless skeletons and dead souls, clinging to it and roaring endlessly.

Everyone who saw this ring, their? souls would be incredibly shaken. All of them would be shaken by screams of terror.

"This is my tournament arena." Yo said so. "Let you see my daughter."

"As you wish, Lord Father." Fanning his fallen angel wings, Mercury Lamp slowly made his way to the ring. "All of you will die by my hand and become part of this ring. You, none of you will be spared."

"I will allow you three to challenge my daughter in a team." Yo said so. "I believe in Kosui. She will not lose."

"Then I'll defeat her!" Having already lost one of the remaining teammates of the Extreme Flow team, Ryo Sakazaki stood in the ring, while the other man, Robert, was also standing in the ring.

"Do you two want to die." Kosui looked at them with disdain, "If you want to die, I'll give you a ride!"

"Heaven and Earth Tyrannical Fist!"

"Shadowless Gale Heavy Section Kick!" Even the individual separately made their best moves. However, an invisible barrier appeared in front of Little Water.

"Dark Hell descends!" Endless dark magic power descended from the sky, pressing everything into the ground, and Robert and Ryo Sakazaki, who had just attacked, were pressed into the ground by the powerful pressure.

The surrounding sky was black. Not really making hell descend, but actually making the surroundings into a hell-like environment.

And with Hell being so heavy, there were always a few exceptions.

The hell that Kosui summoned was. The Ice Cold Hell. Endless hells of cold ice appeared on their bodies. The power of the Mercury Lamp was from a magic guide book Endless Zero that Yo had forged.

The terrifying magic of a hell was completely reflected in a book, then, the entire book was poured into a person's body, making the magic guide book his natural magic, so that he would be able to use the magic of this hell completely.

The magic power was like a hell!

It was the magic of a huge hell. It was not something that ordinary people could withstand.

Robert and Ryo Sakazaki became ice under this terrifying magic power. Then, in everyone's eyes, they turned into pieces. However. Their souls were still there, captured by the countless dead souls under the ring, and then, they became part of the entire ring's dead souls.

"Father-sama, I won! "Kosui is so self-satisfied standing in the ring," he said." These guys are so weak. "

"Yeah." Yo looked at her, and then at the crowd on the stage. "Anyone interested in another game?"

Everyone saw the match just now and shuddered, all of them brushing back a step.

"Since no one is willing. Then I'll personally recruit one!" Yo said, looking at them. Seven Yoke Society. "I can see a man in your body."

Yo's finger pointed forward.

Terrifying infernal magic poured into his mind. "I'd really like to see. This planet. What about the power of God."

The combination of world consciousness that terrified all humans, all natural consciousness. When mankind is separated from nature, it becomes the representative of evil.

"Thou who art!" The huge shadow looked at the man in front of him. "Are you a man?"

He could feel that on the other side, a terrifying magic power that was very different from him, a terrifying magic power that even he couldn't match.

"I am a god!" Yo replied thus. "Above all else. The only God of the universe!"

"The Immortal True God!" The world was now full of devastation, the world was all radiantly scarred by the magic dragon that Yo had summoned.

Countless people and countries were destroyed under the power of the magic dragon.

"The world has been destroyed by me oh." Yo said so. "Now, let me see the last power of you, the God of Earth."

"Father-sama, let me do it! "Little Water stepped forward and said." Let me teach this last murderer who dared to offend Father-sama a lesson! "

"Twilight of the Calamitous Gods! "

Endless light emitted from the mercury lamp's hand. The power to destroy the gods!



"You are an insult to God!" The serpent's figure was floating in mid-air, and in contrast to it was the slightly skinny looking figure of Mercury Lantern.

However, the light emanating from her head suppressed the serpent so fiercely that even the serpent who possessed the spatial divine power was unable to break free from this power.

"God?" Yo looked at him. "The so-called gods are nothing more than our prey. We hunt the gods in the infinite universe, and we target the gods. "

"So, suffer death." A black longsword appeared in his hand and was thrown to Sailor Mercury. "Go ahead, Sailor, kill this guy."

"I will not admit defeat!" So said the serpent. Hands gathered on his head, and himself radiated the light of the sun of old, a light that even ten thousand suns could not rival, a light of God enough to make all who saw it willing to become prayers, a miracle that any could and could not create.

"The sun is shining!"

Not the true sunlight, but the power of its own power to destroy everything. It was like the power of karma, where a mage was illuminated by the light, all would become dust and turn into ashes.

"It's useless!" Kosui said so with the black magic sword. "I am not going to disappoint Lord Father." The magic sword in his hand gathered countless grey breaths.

It was a collection of the power of all the dead humans, the death, resentment, and unwillingness of over 7 billion humans. It was power enough to turn any place into a land of skeletons.

However, this power was still not enough for the serpent.

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