The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate. The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 322.

As the monarch of Delos, Leo's ambitions were already arguably more massive than those of previous kings, and likewise, bold.

For this reason, he went so far as to make a deal with the legendary demon, offering his daughter to the demon. And what he obtained after offering his daughter to the demon was a terrifying magic that far surpassed everyone in the modern era, the pinnacle of all professions.

But there was a terrible price to pay, the demon's power was not something a human could withstand, and after the dark magic had been poured into his body, what had replaced it was no longer a human.

The black magic markings, the pale skin, the sharp horns on his head, and the broken bat wings on his back symbolized that the former Delos Monarch, Leo, had died, and in his place, was a demon named Leo!

"This kind of power." Feel the magic around Zhou himself, the kind of power that makes the whole world turn for him. "It's wonderful."

Just then, a spoof magic circle appeared in front of him and a red heart was thrown out, "Bury this heart in the depths of the earth. Wait for him to rise. He can help you and rule this world!"

Looking at the incredibly magical heart in his hands, he didn't ask too many questions, sometimes it wasn't good to know too much.

This heart was actually the heart of a fallen Titan, and not just any Titan at that. It was the son of Tartarus, a hundred-armed giant, one of the five gods of creation in Greek mythology, the god of the Stygian abyss.

Back in the day, after being defeated by Zeus, he was hand-accessed to Hell by Baal himself, and ended up becoming a terrifying fallen Titan, possessing wisdom inferior to that of even an 18-year-old youth, but with a terrifying fighting prowess comparable to that of Ouranos.

It could be said that in a world where the God King level existed, it would only take a few minutes for him to destroy the world. But, unfortunately, this guy was crippled by Michael during the war with Heaven back then, and then his body was destroyed by the Ten Commandments of the Ark. It became this Titan's Heart that was forever dormant.

Now, Yo intended to awaken this good fighting servant.

The red heart was taken by Leo to a barren mountain and thrown down.

The moment the heart fell into the ground, a whirlpool appeared in the earth, and this heart fell down, and in the end, the earth calmed down and no trace of it could be seen.

Leo watched the scene and did nothing, leaving alone, he had more important things to do! Conquer the whole world!


This was the place that was infected by the Necrotic Heavenly Plague. Numerous dead people wandered here, and the one who had performed the undead natural disaster was one of the demons that had descended. Now has transformed his body into a witch demon.

An undead army has now been formed and has begun to attack the entire world.

The undead, of all systems, are without a doubt the cheapest and best soldiers, bar none, know no pain, no hunger, no fatigue, and absolute obedience. The best soldier in the hearts of all generals.

Countless skeletons stood densely under a wall, they were attacking the base of the Allied Army of the Alad Continent, the last fortress base now.

Countless humans, elves. All the races had joined hands just to fight these evil forces.

Flying in the air, were sub-dragons from a different realm, one of the dragons' closest relatives, who didn't have the intelligence of dragons, but their skin and breath were in no way inferior to dragons.

Outside of not being able to do magic, they were simply a dragon.

On top of that, there were huge beasts, and demons with large knives that crawled on the ground. If anyone knew about the Diablo Mythos they would know about these two monsters.

The Giant Beast and the Primary Monster of Act 5.

These otherworldly monsters, summoned by the demons, reappear in a new world to continue their insane journey, preaching violent horrors to the world!

Their terrifying power made the entire fortress tremble. The terrifying monsters hurled everything they could get their hands on, and the roar of the great beasts resounded throughout the world!

"It's scary." Barron arrived here looking at the monsters that were attacking the city, and countless people spontaneously came from all over the world to stop the invasion of the evil army.

However, still failing to do so, they could only stay in this place, and the terrifying undead natural disaster left all the territories occupied by the dark elves completely in ruins.

"This child place is fine." Cuixing Shi looked around with the sprinkler in his hand.

"If it's a forbidden spell level, this range is enough." Sachs said so to Cuixingstone. "It's already possible to cast magic."

"I'll use it then." Asterite said weakly, and cast the magic on the sprinkler in front of everyone's attention.

A vast divine magic.

Sending all the light to the earth, everything was invisible under this light, and the viral plague brought about by the undead natural disaster completely disappeared under this magic. This was the light that redeemed the entire world, and all the injured and sick people were once again reborn under this light.

In the distance, the earth covered by the light lost their darkness, and the clouds in the sky then scattered. The entire world seemed to be redeemed.

"This power...." The witch saw the young girl in the distance. "It's Her Highness, and Sachs."

"He betrayed us?" A demon asked thus. "He killed that guy." Said the Phantom Lord.

"We all underestimated him." Said the witch demon. "This guy."

"Not good."

Just when everyone thought they had been saved, disaster struck.

The sky turned red, and huge figures crawled out of the earth on the earth. Hundreds of arms covered the sky.

Demons from a different realm! The Hundred-Armed Giant!

Underneath the terrifying body was raging lava and tumbling flames. Huge figures appeared in front of everyone, and the first to be attacked were. Demons and Dark Elf troops!

The combined forces from the Dark Duchy were all annihilated by this giant in an instant.

The so-called subaltern died miserably under hundreds of arms as well.

The entire earth began to tremble, the most terrifying catastrophe in the continent of Arad, the Hundred-Armed Giant!

Then in the distance, a huge figure walked over, bone-chilling ice, a terrifying storm. The Ice Breath Blower!

The legendary tainted milk powder VI

The legendary tainted milk powder VI

You guys are overthinking saving the world and all that.

Although the undead natural disaster was solved, before everyone returned to their senses, something even worse than the undead natural disaster happened. The Hundred-Armed Giant was resurrected in this world and began to attack this world.

The Hundred-Armed Giant in its full state destroyed this world without pressure. Unfortunately, this Hundred-Armed Giant was now an incomplete existence, but it was enough.

The cold ice blowers that came over were once the kings of the cold hell, they were demons born in the cold hell, but this stupid race actually started a rebellion to gain independence and become a new clan of hell kings, comparable to the fallen angels and other races.

Although the race was strong enough, the numbers were too small.

So the Chilling Inferno was destroyed and the Chilling Breath Blower was completely wiped out, but a few had been summoned before, so they survived.

But how could Yo let these guys go?

It just so happens that the continent of Arad has enough magic, and a high level of civilization, so the titanic heart left behind is thrown over.

Use the Land of Arad to resurrect his powerful henchman, the Hundred-Armed Giant. The Hundred-Armed Giant is a Titan by blood, the ruler of the earth, and if he can draw on the essence and soul of a world, he can be resurrected to appear in the world once more.

What's more, he is the heir of the God of the Underworld.

This giant had absorbed the earth's energy from the continent of Arad, and had begun to resurrect, as for the origin of the continent of Arad. In the ancient times, there had been a group of people in the continent of Arad, if you go by their term. That was the gods.

The heavenly world of Arad was a technological development, but the Arad continent on earth had the existence of gods, but these gods had completely but disappeared from this world, and became one with the Arad continent.

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