The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate. The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 324.

They scattered around the giant in a vain attempt to restrict its movement with their own ice, then freeze it and go together, but the giant kept summoning the magma beneath the earth to cover everything with ice.

The two sides were so deadlocked.

The battle lasted for a whole month.

The entire continent of Arad was divided into two halves, generally blazing hot like summer and the other half as cold as a harsh winter. The world was changing like this.

Not only that, the battle between the giant and the breath blower brought another problem, due to the giant's constant speech of summoning the earth, the world's magma activity was ordinary, and many dead volcanoes began to erupt and come back to life and began to spew magma.

And the harsh winter brought on by the Ice Blower caused countless crops to die, and the world entered an ice age.

Just the aftermath alone was already so terrifying that if the two guys were allowed to continue fighting, such a disaster would spread to the Heavenly Realm and even the Demon Realm.

Even Baron and the others were powerless now.

However, at this time, they met an unexpected person.

"Lord Father!" Cui Xing Shi and Cang Xing Shi looked at the young man who suddenly appeared in front of them and rushed up with such a shout.

"Is he your father?" Everyone looked at the young man in front of them in a gorgeous black robe in surprise that he could be the father of these two little girls.

"You guys. "Yo touched their two heads and said." You two are each really too naughty. You actually ran out like this. "

"It's all Kingfisher Stones." Pale Starstone reported all the movements of the Kingfisher Starstone. 'It's all Kingfisher Starstone's bad. "

"Why it's all my fault. The Crested Star Stone was also responsible. ' Crested Starstone said in such a defense.

"Okay, stop it." Yuu picked up the two lollies and said. "Let's go back when I'm done."

"En." The two little loris responded thus.

"Master...." Sachs knelt in front of Yo.

"You've done well this time." Yo said. "After it's done, I'll grant you a Demon God's virtual divinity."

"Thank you master." Sachs knelt down and thanked .

"Are you their father." Barron stepped forward and asked.

"Yes?" Yo looked at the young man and asked. "Yes, I can see what you want me to do."

"And do you have a way to save the world?"

The Legendary Tainted Milk Powder VIII (End of this book →→)

The legendary tainted milk powder eight

"I do have a way to stop them." Yo said, looking at the crowd in front of him. "But why should I save the world?"

Yo's words stunned everyone. Yeah, why would he help himself? He was not of this world, merely a passerby.

"But." Barron said to Yo. "Are you indifferent to these people. The entire world was covered in natural disasters, the world seemed like the end of days, the elements in the air began to flutter, and around the Arad Continent, earthquakes and tsunamis were occurring.

Numerous natural disasters had completely descended on the Arad Continent.

"I'm just a passenger in the world." Holding the little loli in her hands, "Every single day in the countless universes, there are countless worlds heading towards destruction, and at the same time, there are countless worlds being born out of people's fantasies, the world you see is just a part of the multiverse, and in my eyes, it's just like dust."

"And what obligation do I have to help you Gryphons?" With cruel words so addressed to Barron, unforgiving words hit them in the heart, and the brutal truth shook all of them.

"Perhaps I can help you with another favor." Yo's mouth quirked up at the desperate crowd. "The world is headed for the end anyway. How about. Just let me help you guys deal with it."

"Dispose of it?" The people looked at each other in confusion. "What to do with it?"

A magic formation covered in a huge black light appeared on Yo's head. It was the magic formation of the power that had destroyed countless worlds, Apocalypse Doomsday, summoning the four world-destroying knights to bring everything to despair, and then completely destroy it all.

The gigantic magical formation covered the entire continent of Arad, and all those who looked up could see it. An ominous atmosphere emanated from it, and the vast power swept over every corner of the world.

"As long as I wish. I can destroy this world right now." With crazy words spoken to them. "This world is heading towards the end anyway, it's better to destroy this world completely than to live in such pain."

With the language of the devil, tempting them. "You were born in such pain, you were tortured from childhood. Not even being understood, your suffering is buried in your hearts, and everyone lives in this world with a false smile."

"Rather than living in this world in such pain, it is better to die and let everyone join you in this suffering with you forever."

"Come. Take revenge on all that this world has to offer."

"Take revenge on all who are unfair, all who are unjust, all who hate you, all who are hostile to you." The language of the yuks tempted their minds, and some of them rang of having to wander the world after their own kind had driven them away, or remembered their grandfather being murdered by a loyal monarch.

Balon rang of the hostility he had been subjected to as a child, and all sorts of pain flooded the minds of the people.

"So, destroy." With a long sigh, Yo's words were completely transformed into power.

Burning flames fell from the sky and cut through the skies of the Arad Continent, terrifying figures appeared in the magic circle, from the final chapter of the Bible, the four world-destroying knights.

The knights of the ancient mythology who were given the four plagues of death, war, pestilence, and famine. Riding down from the Mercedes on horses of four colors: red, black, grey, and white.

With unrestrained calamity, they descended upon the land of Arad. Death reaped the lives of all the living with its own scythe, turning everything into a no man's land.

War summoned countless armies and wiped out all the living, setting off a horrific war to besiege the countless living wherever he appeared, an unrestrained war 。。。。

Pestilence was the root of the virus, his virus was enough to corrupt everything, from the humane to the inhumane, from the living to the dead, even the so-called divine soldiers were still dissolved in front of this virulent poison.

Then there was famine.

His presence makes all food disappear, all food that is even usable, such as water, and on the earth, even the traces of water have disappeared.


The Hundred-Armed Giant appeared. He used his terrifying power to tear apart all the cold ice blowers, even the demons that could regenerate in the cold ice, were completely reduced to pieces under that terrifyingly unlikeable power.

The terrifying giant roared in the continent.

"Ahahaha." Yo looked at the people in front of him, the disaster around him. "This is the world I've been praying for."

"Fear, despair, destruction!" The black original sin was absorbed by the magic circle, an even more terrifying calamity spread, and countless demons became even more powerful.

"The final despair of the world is our eternal quest!"

To bring the world to despair, to bring it to ruin, to shatter it utterly!

Yo's figure disappeared in the fiery red sky. What was left behind was a completely destroyed Arad continent, where the terrifying giant roared through the continent, his hundred arms tearing through the void around him.

With a long passage through space.

The giant had arrived in a new world, one of the subsidiary worlds surrounding the continent of Arad, known as the Celestial World! The technology here was exceptionally advanced, and it took a different path than the magical civilization.

However, even having the power to annihilate planets was useless in front of the terrifying giant.

The giant from the ancient mythology treated the entire child world as a toy, countless floating sky cities were thrown out by him, and disaster spread throughout the whole world.

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