The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

The Fate of the Sky God Slayer Chapter 39

He said so. Making his two guns.

"Come on, saber, let's engage."

The two of them engaged in hand-to-hand combat. Powerful power destroys everything, causing the myth to show itself to Alice Fell, a realm that magicians could not reach.

Both sides couldn't take anyone down, Saber's invisible sword, lancer's twin guns, neither side dared to be careless, only by seeing the other's real name and identity could they defeat each other.

Around, there were many people observing.

On the bridge, a large red-haired man with a cape, watching all of this, said to the master beside him "That's awesome, I really want to know their identities and take them under my wing."

In a chamber in the distance, the man named Endosaka Toki, watching all this through the eyes of ASSIST, using ancient magic.

And there was Kheiya Kheiya, successfully using technology to monitor it all.


But soon, a voice came out.

It was the voice of lancer's master.

"I give you permission to finish off your opponent with your treasures." It was an obnoxious voice. But lancer obeyed his command, "Yes, my master" he replied so.

The yellow gun on his hand was placed on the ground and the red gun went out, intending to go and defeat the saber.

It was then that a cocky voice rang out.

"Mortals, go to destruction." It was a voice filled with rage.

Saber and lancer looked over. A large man was standing off to the side, watching them. "Who," saber was the first to exit. No one was allowed to interfere with a duel between knights.

The Khan transformed into his demonic form, and the Flame Lord appeared, his body burning everything with flames. The air around it was distorted and refracted with countless rays of light.

"Demon" everyone was surprised. Those who were hiding were also surprised. This kind of monster that only appeared in legends had actually appeared here!

"My Lord's command to destroy this rotten, filthy world." He smiled wickedly and said, "So, to hell with all of you."

"Twisted souls with the power of vengeance, he will destroy this world" Ragnaros shouted "Destroy, destroy! This dirty world ah."

Countless flames erupted with rocks, powerful forces swept across everything, the entire sky of Winterwood City was dyed red, and disaster struck!

The Demon of Failure

Chapter 3

The flaming lord of hell, summoned by the demon god, came to earth.

At the command of the Supreme Demon, he challenged the ancient hero to a duel.

Lancer and Saber both put aside their duel and challenged the demon who had disturbed their duel.

The lord of all flames, the mighty fallen of hell, Ragnaros struck first, roaring flames laced with the evil power of hell slammed into the air.

Lancer and Saber ducked to the side, waiting for an opportunity.

Lancer and Saber dodged to the side, waiting for their chance to move, as the flames around Lagnaros continued to burn, and the earth was turned upside down by the countless meteorites falling from the sky.

Invisible swords and twin spears swung and attacked the demon.

The heat continued to force the two, powerful flames burned around them, a power that threatened their souls.

"Dang" saber's sword was blocked and Ragnaros held his burning hand guard high to block saber's attack.

"Quack," laughed Ragnaros maniacally "It's not enough at all, Gryphon." He mocked thus.

Lancer's lance came out this way, and Ragnaros blocked the blow with his armor. But then he howled.

"Ah, damned creeper." Upon closer inspection, the armor on his body had lost all traces of flames burning. Surrounding it was the scorch left behind after the flames retreated.

Effective! That was the thought in lancer's and caster's heads.

Saber backed away at once and said to lancer. "I'll stalk him, you attack. lancer."

"Understood." Lancer said, before swinging his twin guns and attacking.

Saber also matched lancer's fight, stalking or resisting Ragnaros' attacks. The invisible sword resisted the flames and kept the evil out.

Lancer swung his lance, and Ragnaros' armor was covered in scars.

"Damned, damned, damned." So said Ragnaros. "Foolish ones, let it be known to you that I am invincible."

So said the demon.

In one move, he forced away the saber and lancer, covering the surrounding area with powerful flames.

Suddenly, time and space changed, the goods around them disappeared, replaced by a red sky, flaming earth, inch of grass, and sulphur smelling space everywhere.

This was a lord level ability, Hell Projection, projecting the demon's own territory onto the target location, allowing it to exert even more power.

"Inherent Boundaries?" Weber, who had seen this space, said so.

In the World of Type Moon, this was the powerful power known as the Inherent Boundary, the closest to magic.

"It's powerful." The giant red-haired man said. "I really can't wait to meet them now."


"Come on, little master, let's go meet these guys for a while."

"Wait. Ah." Webb, who had not yet had time to speak, was pulled into a wagon drawn by two bulls. Fly to the target.


In this land of projection, Ragnaros' power was amplified. Unleashing even more frenzied fire spells, burning and burning, everything burns.

Powerful flames twist everything, the air burns, magic burns, and even space is distorted.

Being an elemental being, the Fall possessed an even more powerful magical power, burning and destroying everything, a power that even the gods were horrified by.

Unfortunately, his opponent had a power that would defeat even the gods.

Wielding a burning hand and smashing down with a fist, the transformed him had a body that was ten meters tall. Full body flames caught in the giant fist smashed, the target.

Lancer's gun still did its job, but it was insignificant to his massive body.

The demon felt excitement, his soul felt pleasure, it was the demon's nature, the quest for chaos and destruction.


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