The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

The Fate of the Sky God Slayer Chapter 46

"What a surprise," said the red saber, the monarch named Nero, as she did so. "I never would have guessed that the musician who summoned me here would be a god of legend."

Yo sat on a large chair and looked at the caster in front of her, that's right, a caster.Nero who was originally a saber became a caster after he summoned her.

But there was one key problem, she had headaches, had ex-class abilities, emperor's privileges, she could theoretically become any job-agent Yingling, but the only thing that wasn't possible was caster.

"Then this Holy Grail victory is ours." She did so.

"Pay attention." Yo said, "I'm fine, but you, because of your headache, are completely incapable of being a caster, right."

"Ahahahahaha" Nero laughed awkwardly, "Don't worry about that. Even if it's because of the headache, I'm fine with it."

Covering his face, Yoru said, "I always feel like I got shot in the knee."


Now, Yo is shopping with Nero and Sakura, yes, shopping.

Although it's only 19xx (I'd forgotten...) , although there's nothing good on the streets, you can eat something.

"By the way, should I take something back to the dome." Yo thought, "It always feels boring after spending a few days in hell, but it's better to be on earth."

Money and all that, there's no pressure at all in front of the demons, buy big and bring it to the Vault when you return, and next time, bring the Vault along. Yo thought so.

"Yo, if it isn't Barr."

A voice sounded and Yo turned back to see the Conquering King wearing the short sleeves that marked Grand Strategy and his Master Weber.

I've seen them before, but they look very happy. Yoru thought "Hello again, Rider."

"This is." Rider looked at the red saber in plain clothes behind him, "Which Knight King is it? It doesn't feel like it." He said so.

Nero snorted in discontent and stepped forward, speaking loudly. "I am the Emperor of Rome, King of the World, who rules over the world. Here to caster descends directly."

"Alas alas alas," Rider and the little boy beside him, Weber, were both startled, "the eighth Englishman?" Rider asked.

"No, it's the seventh." Yo replied. "I summoned the advent with a demonic sacrifice, not a true spirit, and this last Roman king beside me is the spirit I summoned."

"I see," said RIDER with a wave of his hand after it dawned on him. "Then caster and Baal, would you care to attend the banquet I am hosting."

"A banquet?" Nero asked curiously. "Yes, it's a banquet to which the king is invited, I just ran into that Gilgamesh guy and he agreed, so just follow me and go to Saber's house."

"Okay" agreed Yo and Nero. Yo turned back to Sakura again. "Sakura, why don't you go home, I'm going to a party now."



About thirty kilometers straight west from the busy streets of Winterwood, there was a mountain, and within it was the Einzberon family's home base in Japan, a castle built for the Holy Grail War, and although mortal magic was no different than scratching an itch in the presence of the English, when used well, it could deal a considerable blow to the other side.

And now, this glorious castle had his first visitors in sixty years.

The king of Iskandar, named Baal, the demon now known as Yuyu Haruno, and the Roman tyrant named Nero.

No amount of strong magical boundaries could stop them.

When they reached the castle gate, it was closed.

Rider shouted out. "Hey, hey, Rider King, come out, I've come to get you a drink."

Alice Phil and Saber finally crossed the corridor to the terrace ...... However, when the two of them saw the enemy Servant standing with his chest puffed out in the hall by the moonlight coming in through the skylight, they didn't know what to say.

"Yo, Saber. after hearing about the castle here I thought I'd take a look."

Rider smiled guiltlessly to show his teeth, then he moved his neck in a fury.

"Too many trees in and out of the courtyard were too inconvenient, and I almost got lost before we got to the gate, so I cut some down for you guys, thanks to me. Visibility got a lot better."

Saber spoke harshly, but she didn't know what to say next in the face of this always inexplicable enemy.

The burning horse crossed the sky and came up beside RIDER's chariot.

"You're Baal," Saber recognized Yo.

"That's right," RIDER said with a smile. "I saw him on the way, and caster, and invited him along as well.

The chariot was hanging in the air, and four hell horses were roaring.

Saber saw it. Nero, who looked exactly like him.

"Who are you?" x2

The two men spoke in unison.

Nero was the first to say, "I am Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, King of Rome, King of the World, and Emperor over all the world. Here, by caster direct, commoner, state your name."

"It is the last king of Rome!" Alice Phil said in surprise.

Saber also said without any weakness, "I am the Knight King of Britannia, Altoria."

After that, the two bickered there for half a day.

Saber had been irritated lately, first his own duel with lancer was interrupted, then he learned that his best friend Lancelot had become a Berserker, and now a caster who looked exactly like him was out.

"How's it going, Saber," asked Alisfil, seeing that Saber wasn't in very good spirits.

"I'm fine." SABER said.

"Hey Knight King, aren't you going to change into a modern outfit tonight? Don't keep wearing that rigid armor." Rider said with a frown.

Rider, what are you doing here?"

"Can't you see it? I've come to drink with you... Hey, don't just stand there, lead the way. Is there a courtyard for a party? This castle is full of dust, no."


Saber sighed helplessly, the anger that had been building up in her chest was gone. There was no way she could maintain her fighting spirit looking at this seemingly harmless opponent.

"Alice Phil, what should we do?"

Alice Fell was equally foggy.

She was angry before because of the destruction of the forest's boundary, but after seeing that smiling face, she couldn't hate it anyway.

"He's not the type to set up a trap, is he really trying to drink?"

"Did the man try to adopt a policy of tenderness towards Saber?"

"No, that's the challenge."

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