The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

The Fate of the Sky God Slayer Chapter 67

The paradise in this universe is a collection of all multiverse paradises. Naturally, it was also incredibly powerful, and the archangelic powers of the Vault were at the level of the new demons in Hell, but there was an ability that even the second ranked demons were jealous of, Truth. A powerful ability that could change the course of fate. Although none of it was used now.

After getting the ring that traveled through space, Yo planned to make a trip back to the world of the Godslayer, there were countless Godslayer worlds in the entire universe, but Yo had already gotten new coordinates from the only Baal when he came here, so he wouldn't get lost in the multiverse at all.

It was said that back then Cain was a careless man who was banished by his thirteen grandchildren, and as a result, he was driven into the multiverse, lost, and didn't return until the eve of the war to divide the powers of heaven and hell. After that war, it was the event that determined that heaven was in charge of the day and hell was in charge of the night.


This is a shore.

The tide was rising and falling, lapping at the shore, an unchanging sight.

Just then, a magic formation appeared on the ground, red runes, black magic, complicated diagrams, and a huge magic formation soon covered the entire sky.

The unpleasant smell of sulfur, which was from hell, after which the magic instantly shrank, and a group of people appeared on the ground.

This group was Yoru, Vault, Liliana, Seichuin Ena, Nero, Black Saber, Sakura, and Illya.

(Toho Supremacy: are there seven people as a harem already.)

(Yo: You're the one who started it, not me.)

"I'm finally yo back ah." Yo felt the world and so. "I wonder how the others are doing."

Inferno Chariot and Destroyer's battle rides flew up from the ground, one pulling Yo, Vault, Illyana and Sakura. The other was pulling Liliana, Seikyuin Ena, Nero, and Black Saber.

The evil breath of the two chariots, the huge magic power emitted unbridled, sweeping across this Japan.

Even some people in Europe could feel this evil power to the extreme.

It was an evil existence that even the gods would tremble at, and the power of the Fallen One announced his return, the King of Japan had returned.

Although some time had passed in hell, the world had not passed for long, only a month had passed.

Yuu returned to his home, the small house located in Oki-dye.

The chariot listened down at the small hospital in Haruno in Omu Dye, where Yo's grandfather and grandmother (I forget if it was grandfather's house or grandfather's house, never mind.) It's the doctor from Oku-dye.

Looking at the little house, Yo thinks about how he's not a man anymore, he's a god now, the god of evil, the god of corruption, the evil lord of all universes.

Dismounting from the chariot, a group of people stopped here.

This house was a testament to himself and the Vault, a testament to what he had once been as a human after, a human in the past, a demon now.

"Ale, is it Yoru and Vault." A mature voice filled with anticipation sounded and everyone looked back.

"It's Nezumi." Yoru so said. "It's been a long time."

That's right, the owner of that voice was Ehime Nayuki.

"When did you come back." Nezumi walked in with something in her hand, so it looks like she just went shopping. "If I had informed you earlier, I would have let everyone come together to meet."

"It's fine, I just got back." Yo said with a smile. "I just came back this time to check it out, and I'll be going back in a while."

"Yeah." Nezumi said so.

She looked around at the people, and the loli. "They are?"

"Nezumi-san, go inform Ichiba and the others." Yo said. "I'll introduce you all to these people, they are friends of Vault and I."


Time passes by and it's already afternoon.

Wakefield Kazuha, Tenmae Megumi, and Kuraki's tip, Nogi Ban Hatsutaka are all here (Ryohei forget it.)

"Long time no see, everyone." Yuu stood at the door to greet the visitors.

"Yo-chan." xN

"Come in with me, everyone." So said Yo.

Everyone followed Haruno Yo into the cottage.

"It's huge." The people said looking at the house. The originally tiny house had been enlarged dozens of times by Yo's magic and through the superposition of space.

Even the most difficult magic would become incredibly simple in the hands of the Demon God, not because the Demon God was powerful, but because the Demon God's study of rules far surpassed those so-called magicians.

Rules made up the world, and the world was made up of rules. This was the truth of the world.

The crowd saw the people sitting on the couch.

"Let me introduce them." Yo began to introduce the women to everyone.

"This is Sakura." Yo said pointing to Sakura. "Her parents were killed in a battle. So I adopted her." Lori Sakura greeted everyone. "Hello everyone, I'm Sakura." A slightly weak voice filled people with pity.

"Wow. So cute." Tennou Megane looked at Sakura and said.

"This is Ilya. Her parents were also injured in another battle just like Sakura, so I adopted her." "Hello everyone." Illya said in a purple dress and white dress, strong breath. "My name is Illya. Sufir. Von. Einzberon 。。。。"

"Ilya's cute too." It was still the voice of Tenno Megane.

"This is Nero. She's a descendant of the Italian Augustus family, and her ancestor was the emperor of ancient Rome." Regarding Nero's behavior, Yo had to give her such an identity. "Good. I am Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus." Nero said proudly. "I am the king of ancient Rome, Nero."

"She is the descendant of that guy Nero." Yo interrupted Nero's speech.

"Royalty?" The crowd was surprised.

"This is Altoria." Yo said, pointing to the black saber. "She's also a royal, a descendant of King Arthur, Altoria. Pendragon."

"Yoyo." Tenmae Ei asked, hugging Sakura. "What were you doing out this time, I think you came back."

"Have I changed." Yo so sighed. "Man, there's always something to do."


"I'm just doing what men are supposed to do." Moustache 。。。。

Chapter 3.

External chapter 3

The scenery of Omu Dye is still as beautiful as ever.

In Yo's eyes, Omu Dye was the only home he had ever known. Hell's Guild? It was just a place to live swinging.

There were many other places in the world more beautiful than Omu Dye, but in Yo's eyes, Omu Dye was irreplaceable, it was the last place it had once been home to as a human.

If the world hadn't rejected it, it might have been a place to live for the rest of one's life.

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