The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

The Fate of the Sky God Slayer Chapter 73

The four Abyssal Demon Dragons roared, spewing endless dragon breath and rushing up, each of them hundreds of meters in size.

The two gods who were fighting below, suddenly heard a sound overhead, looked up, and immediately separated to hide in fright.

"Damn it, there are actually so many monsters again." Jian Yu Lei said so.

"So much for that, we'd better retire." Jian Miku's famous side said. "We're deep into the other side's camp, so if we get cut off, we won't be able to escape."

"Haha." Jian Imperial Thunder scoffed. "You coward, if you want to go you go, let me cut off the enemy's head to show you." He was conceited for his own strength.

"You should indeed listen to him." A voice came from above him.

"What man." Build Imperial Thunder God was surprised, looking around, and finally, behind the four-headed demon dragon, he saw this person. A demon with flames burning all over his body and wearing copper armor.

"Demon, suffer death." After seeing it, the Jian Mikado Thunder God waved his sword in his hand and took the lead in charging out.

"Foolish." Yo said so, and the giant hand that burned with flames waved, and the powerful inferno shattered everything, sweeping out in black flames.

The flames burned on Jian Yu Lei's body.

Ignoring defenses, it burned directly on top of the soul, seeping into the pain of the soul.

"No." Jian Mikurei's hands trembled from the pain, Jian Mikurei's sword was thrown, and Yo's hand beckoned the sword over, "It's okay." Yo did so. "Vault, do you want it, I'll give it to you."

Standing at the side of the dome, she received Jian Yorai's Excalibur, "Yeah." She nodded her head and took it.

After giving the sword to the Vault, Yo turned around and said to all the demons. "All of you, follow my orders. Attack!!!."

Yo's Demon Dragon Chariot, rushed over at once, the four Abyssal Demon Dragons shrieking and rushing over first.

This demonic dragon at once devoured the Jian Yu Name Fang God who stood before him, the magic in his body gathered in his mouth, killing all the existences visible on the road, be they gods or demons.

The violent flames had been, and the destruction had covered half of the High Heavenly Plains world.

The gods and goddesses who were fighting with Solomon's demons were in a state of shock.

Not only Amaterasu Great Mikado, but all the gods felt an atmosphere that was even more terrifying than destruction, causing the world to despair.

"What's going on here?" The gods were so bold and frightened that they asked.

After that, they saw, four demonic dragons appearing in the sky, a huge figure above the sky, a monster with fourteen horns and seven heads, with a serpent underneath, and a crown on each pair of horns, and on each crown one sin written in divine writing, making a total of seven sins.


Blaspheming the truth of the world, blaspheming the order of the world, caused even the true gods to tremble.

"Gods?" This huge figure scoffed thus. "Go to hell." Seven heads and seven mouths opened to devour the stars in the sky, their own power turning all that passed into hell.

Those devotees of the gods who had entered the world of the High Heavenly Plain had become new demons.

"No, damn demons." Countless voices came out from the surroundings, these were the ancient gods of the High Heavenly Plains, each of them with a strength no less powerful than Amaterasu.

The country's constant standing god. Fuyuno God Ubychi God. Sumibi Chi Chi God. Horned post gods. The posting of tether gods. The post for the posting of animals. Da Dou Nianzhi. Toluche. Anihashiku. Izanami-no-Mikoto Iyanagi God. All seven generations of the gods are out.

"It's no use, you bastards." You can't stop me.

So said the blasphemer's yo. "And me." Five voices rang out.

"What a disappointment for you." An endless amount of black Qi emitted, and the blasphemer form of Yo said so. "You have already lost, ah."

Endless black mud spilled out from the ground, not the evil of this world, but the evil sludge known as the Ocean of Original Sin, an evil force powerful enough to corrupt even the true gods.

In the fearful eyes of all the gods, Yo began his final destruction.

Chapter 9.

External Chapter 9

Back to the real world.

Now that the High Heaven Plains has become a completely deserted land, all the gods have been captured by Yo and locked up, and gods can't be killed indiscriminately.

Divine blood can be made into medicine, divinity can be made into weapons, corpses can be 。。。。。。 Anyway, it can be said that they are all treasures. Be thrifty and frugal ah.

What's more, this time back with an additional sidekick, beast ears, white hair, full body red and white witch costume. Don't worry it's not an unruly witch who comes a hundred thousand dollars a round, but a loli who was crippled by Yo's power and inherited the name Amaterasu. As long as she existed, she could continue to absorb Amaterasu's name and make Amaterasu never come back to life, and Japan's godly kingdom of Takatenbara had been completely finished, so this loli followed.

"Oni-san." Yuu looked at the white haired beast-eared loli beside him, and then at the dome that was staring at him. "Vault, I didn't expect this at all 。。。。"

"Lori control." Vault said softly and turned his head away.

"I'm Lori Control, I'm Lori Control 。。。。。。"


Yo and Vault returned to the royal residence, when Emperor Jianren and those old families teamed up in a rebellion and were killed by Illya loli, Emperor Jianren has been imprisoned, while all the families involved in the rebellion were purged by Liliana and Seikyuin Ena, and all the participants were killed directly, while those masterminds were imprisoned.

Back at the imperial residence, Yo met an unexpected, yet expected, person.

Speedy Sasori no Man.

"This is the first time we've met." This old man said so. He was sitting in the middle of this hall, making tea, "Those little guys couldn't even spot me, so I came in."

"What an annoying old man." Yo said so. He pulled the dome and the new Amaterasu to sit across from the man of Speedy Sasori. "I dare you to tell me what to do."

"Those guys are dead at your hands now." He said so. "I know, but it's hard to avoid hurting feelings."

"That's right, not only your brother, but the seven generations of Gods and Gods of Creation and the five gods died at my hands as well." Yo said. "What, do you want revenge."

"No no no." He shook his head and said. "I understand I'm no match for you, and my days are numbered."


"You destroyed the High Heavenly Plains and gathered all your faith in that little girl." The old man said so. "I can feel that my power has stopped growing, and is even going backwards, disappearing."

"My own followers have been killed, my power has stopped growing, the kingdom of God has been destroyed, and my existence has been shaken," he sighed. "I'm afraid I'll be gone in a few years."

"Then what have you come to me for?" Yo asked so.

"I'm here to find her." The old man pointed to Amaterasu. "I'm here to find my sister."

"I'm about to leave this world, and I understand I'm no match for you." He said. "I just want my sister to be safe now."

"With you and the Clear Autumn Courtyard here, I have no regrets." The old man placed his hand on the sleeping Amaterasu's head and his own power irrigated in, a concept that was given to someone else.

From then on, there was no longer a man named Speedy, and among all the Japanese gods and goddesses remaining was the little loli Amaterasu.

The battle came to an end with the victory of Kasugano Yoru as the result.

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