The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

The Fate of the Sky God Slayer Chapter 90

"...... oops? Lillias, didn't you tell the servants about me? And there's someone who doesn't know me? Who is he? Even that's too much." Liza said so.

"This is our teacher, Haruno Yo-sensei."

"Sensei?," he said, looking at Yo and smiling. "This man without magic is your teacher?" He was very dismissive.

"This is Lysa Phoenix-sama. A pure-blooded superior demon, as well as the third son of the long-established Fenix family." Miss Glafia had come to the Colt King Academy a few times and met this teacher, who, in the words of Demon King Lucifer, was an unfathomable old man.

"Phineas? The descendant of that firebird?." Yo picked up the game console so casually. "What a boring clan."

"You!" Legge was furious. "What are you! How dare you insult my family!"

"Me?" said Yo up, looking at him. "Bastard, you have no business asking me questions!" It was so wildly angry.

"Lysa! I've said it before! I'm not marrying you!" So said Lias.

"Yeah, I've heard you say that before. But Lillias, that's not good enough, is it? Your family's situation is actually unexpectedly dire, isn't it?"

"No need for you to talk! Since I am the succeeding Patriarch, the choice of a husband is up to me! Father and brother and the rest of the family are in too much of a hurry! It was agreed that I would be free until I graduated from college in the human world!"

"Yes, it is free in principle. But your father and Lord Sazekos are very worried, very afraid that your family will be cut off in your generation. In the previous war, many pure-blooded demons have died. Even though we are now out of the state of war, we are still fighting against the Fallen Angels and God's camp. There are times when the heirs of pure-blooded demons have died in unnecessary skirmishes with those guys, and the family line has been severed. Considering the demonic situation in the future, it was only natural that families that were both pure blooded and also superior demons would combine. You're not unaware of how valuable pure-blooded superior demons, as well as the newborn next generation, are, right?"

"A whole lot of crap." Yo said, sipping the tea that Himejima Junai had made. "To be fair, it's all about the rape, isn't it."

"Huh, right." This big firebird said so. "Even if I have to kill all your servants, I'll take you back!"

"Do it!"

Just as it was about to do so, a voice came out.

"My lady, Lord Lysa, please calm down both of you. If the two of you don't stop, I cannot sit idly by. For the sake of Lord Serjax's honor, I will not be polite."

She said so.

"Since the strongest queen has said so, I will also have to give Sazekus-sama face."

It looks like that Sazekos guy has a lot of face.

"Knight, my lord and Sazekos-sama already have a solution." She said so. "The adults think they just need to have a ranking game."

(Everyone knows about this game, so I won't lie about the word count.)

So Lillias and the big firebird cursed at each other, mixed with Yo's national curses, and drove the big firebird back to the underworld.

"I say, O Lillias." Yo said. "Your soldiers aren't even all together yet."

"Ooooh." Lillias got down on the table and complained. "What do you think I should do, Sensei."

"Actually, I have a bunch of stuff that you can have if you want." Yo said so. "I'm not sure about those things either, so you can go look at them."

"Really, Sensei?" Lias swooped up at once, hugging and rubbing against Yo, "Thank you very much then, Sensei."

Just at that moment, the door opened. And in walked. The dome that came to deliver the bento.

"Is that another one, Oni-san." Vault looked at Yo (or so she thought,) who was rubbing up against Lillias. "Isn't it enough to have everyone, another one."

The background turned grey! The Vault closed the door and walked out.

"Vault! You have to believe I'm innocent!" Yoru flew away like a bat out of hell!

Chapter XVIII

Chapter XVIII

Yo led the group to a basement of his house.

"Here it is," said Yo, standing in front of a large door. "This is the place."

Surrounded by a pile of goods, useless flying things, Yo said, this one in front of himself, interwoven steel with skulls on it, if anyone recognized it, they would know that this was the portal from Diablo's second act mystical sanctuary.

Red light slowly appeared here, woven into a red passage.

"Go in." Yo said. "I'll go in first." After saying that, he took the lead and walked in, followed closely by everyone else after that.

After walking through the portal, what appeared in front of everyone was a world of black skies, decaying land, dried trees, crows cawing in the branches, this was the experimental ground where Yo made life and artifacts.

"Ow" countless sounds rang out in an instant, the crowd who had just entered looked around, countless green lights floating in the forest, and looking closely, those green lights were. A wolf's eyes, after that, the crowd saw. Was that really a wolf?

The wolf head and snake body, also had two hands, this was the life that Yo experimented with, wolf and snake demon, the combination of wolf and snake, plus the magic crystals in his body, had the strength of a lower demon upon birth, had the strength of a middle demon upon reaching adulthood, and the excellent ones could even have the level of an upper demon, but, in his opinion, he was still not satisfied.

"These all have the strength of a middle ranked demon, watch out!" Lillias reminded her so.

"These are the lives I've been researching oh!" Yo said so. "It doesn't matter if you guys even take it as a magic pet la!"

"You researched that?" After hearing this, Kiba Yodou was stunned, then suddenly excited. "You're studying life!"

That statement shocked Lillias, Juno Himejima and Aisha!

Studying life, it may not seem like much, but this is already the domain of a god, yes, not just any god, the domain of the supreme god, this is already a domain that is enough to drive all people crazy, and now the only people who are qualified to say that they are studying the domain of life are those few in the mythology, such as Loki. Now there was such a one in front of himself.

"No, just curious, so I studied it." Yo said. "It was just to research a hitman, but now it seems completely hopeless."

"In this world of mine, there are nearly hundreds of such demons," Yo said. "You can take some of them if you can."

"By the way, there are still some artifacts I left behind in this world, and I'll give them to you if you want them, but I can't use them now."

So saying, Yo disappeared in front of everyone's eyes and his voice was heard, "I'll be waiting for you at the highest pyramid ahead!"

"Pyramids?." Everyone looked and sure enough there was a spire at the very front, "That guy can't be hiding something inside the pyramid." Hajima Jounai said so. "Let's go check it out."

"Well, let's go!" So ordered Lillias.

The people advanced, and on the way, they encountered many demons.

Demons with wolf heads and snake bodies that could use powerful dark magic to destroy everything!

Flaming rock trolls that can project flaming rocks from their hands, but are too slow.

There were also three snake-headed turtles, lion-headed, eagle-winged monsters.

"How did this guy research so many monsters." Hajima Junai complained so, "And they're all in groups."

A voice from the front came from Lillias. "I'm getting curious about this guy's identity now, a guy who can study so many things must not be a simple person, right. "

"That's right." Hajima Jounai responded and continued walking forward.

The group came to a building.

"Hey, hey, this building is too huge." Kiba Yodou said as he looked at this pyramid. "It's at least a few kilometers."

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