The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 99

All the people felt it, no, it should be said that all the angels, demons, gods, fallen angels, and magicians on earth felt it.

The golden power was like a meteor, shooting from the earth into the sky, outer space. After that, it fell from outer space again!

"What, exactly, is this." Vali looked at the meteor arrows in the sky.

"Terminating sword!" Yo said so. "God extinguishing tool - the end sword."

"Ending Sword?" Wally had never heard the name before and asked it. "Is it new?"

"No," Yo looked at him willy-nilly. "It was sealed by God because it was so terribly powerful."


"The flood, accompanied by a storm, inundated almost all the high mountains of the continent in one night, and only those who dwelt on them and those who fled to them survived."

"The heavens approached the earth, and in one day all the people were extinct, and the mountains were hidden from the flood ......"

"It was a devastating havoc ...... A great flood ...... People drowned in the slimy rain that fell from the sky."

"All the floods that have been recorded in all the myths." Yo said, "All of it was caused by this sword, ah."

"Ending the world, flooding the entire world with a power that even the gods cannot control - at the same time, all the beings that are submerged by it will die because of the gods' declaration."

"Its name - the Ending Sword!"

"How could it be." Vali laughed bitterly. "Such a weapon actually appeared right in front of me. But."

"But I won't back down ah-" he rushed over, all of the White Dragon's power on display in front of Yo.

The arrow of gold instantly landed on him before he could attack.

"Boom", Vali had to go to block the Golden Sword. It was smashed to the ground. "Is this the power of the Ending Sword." Vali stood up, all of his own power had begun to be liberated.

"It's useless." Yo pulled the end sword away. "My Terminating Sword can end everything."

"Leave, young man of the Lucifer family, I am still no different from your enemy, you still have room to move forward, and in the future - you may be able to reach the same point as me."

Vali stood up, pointing to Yo and asking. "Tell me your name, and in the future, I will defeat you. "

"Me." Yo said, looking at him. "I am a fellow Hell Demon Baal-"

"The Demon of Fear - Diablo!" The power of the Self's God proclaims its existence. "It was we who challenged God with my brothers back then!"

"The old monster?" Vali did so. "I will defeat you myself!"

"Feel free to accompany me."

After that, Wally left without a word.

"Damn it, it's about to be class." Yo said so, putting away the Terminating Sword in his hand and running quickly to the classroom.


"What a terrible power." A red-haired man said so. Behind him was a maid.

Demon King Sazekos, the brother of Lyasgimori, the demon who inherited the name Lucifer.

"It looks like it's issued from the Colt King Academy." The maid behind him, Glafia, said so. "Is there anyone else from this school."

"Exactly." Sazex said so. "I just know an old guy who stays at this school and is a teacher, ah."


"Past the brother of the demon Baal-" he said to Glafia. "Diablo, the Demon God of Fear, Diablo."

"Diablo?" Glafia asked curiously. "No name I've heard of, is it Ra's al Ghul." She asked so.

"No, he's not the Demon King-" said Sazekos, looking at the sky of the Colt King Academy in the distance. "He's a Demon, a powerful being that rivals God."

Regardless of what would happen to the rest of the situation, the also-rans of the Angel, Fallen Angel, and Demon trio would still begin.

Chapter 28: The Long Lost Title Name

Chapter 28

Yo gives Chinese lessons to students.

This world's heavenly dynasty is still very hung. Because this dynasty has the support of the heavenly divine system, it is completely tough on the outside, and Chinese has become one of the required languages because of the dynasty's strength.

After giving another lesson to the students, Yo returned to the club's activity room.

Seeing a blonde haired beauty queen talking to Mina, but unfortunately, he wasn't a beauty queen, he was Mina's younger brother, Gaspar Chaifixiu, a descendant of the exiled vampire True Ancestor back then, and at the same time, possessed a powerful artifact to stop the evil eye of all things.

There was another man there as well, red-haired, followed by a maid.

Lias' brother, the Demon King Sazekos, and his wife, Glafia.

"Yo, long time no see." Yo walked over to him and patted him on the shoulder. "It's been a long time, how many years has it been."

Sazekos looked at him and said. "We met at the challenge ceremony at Serraog in the beginning, right."

"That's right!" Yo said so. "I can't believe so many years have passed in one go."

The crowd spat in their minds: you're least qualified to say that.

Yo walked over and touched Gasper's head and said. "Oh my, I can't believe we've met again. "

"Teacher." Gaspar said weakly. "Can you please stop touching my head." By the way Yo, are you already obsessed with the act of touching your head.

It really looks like a small animal to touch. Yo sighed so in his mind and dropped his hand.


The time is late at night on a holiday, and now that the school is surrounded by an infinite boundary, being the place where the three powers meet, such caution is necessary.

I don't think many douchebags would attack this place.

But there are just so many douchebags in the world.

This time, Yo also met an acquaintance.

"Teacher, what a long time no see." A burly man, followed by a group of them, walked into the school and said a discounted greeting to Yo. "It's been more than ten years since I've seen you, teacher."

Yo, who was playing a game, looked up and saw that Ale, it was Sierra Ogg.

"It's been such a long time 。。。。." Yo said so. "Why are you here for the meeting too?"

"Exactly!" Serraog said proudly. "It is as the Demon King of the Barr family that I have come for this meeting."

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