After asking Chen Yan for two more bamboo tubes of sugar, Tang Yun and his party left the city after buying several different types of roasted tea at a tea shop in Qingshan County.

The main purpose of this trip has been achieved.

Tang Yun is almost certain that those tough armors must have come from Qingshan County.

In addition, there are many unexpected gains.

"Qing Yuan, place a team of Fengling Guards in Qingshan County."

Qing Yuan did not feel strange and replied, "Yes, sir."

"Remember, don't alarm Chen Yan, just get the news."

"Also, check carefully where all these people in Qingshan County came from."

"I remember that Qingshan County is a low-level county with a maximum of 10,000 people, but now Qingshan County has far more than this number."

Qing Yuan nodded, and before she could speak, she saw a woman coming to her side, whispering a few words to her and then retreating.

"Your Majesty, I have already found out."

Tang Yun nodded slightly, very satisfied with Qing Yuan's efficiency.

Most of the time, Qing Yuan did not need her to tell him, and would first find out about many suspicious things.


"In Qingshan County, apart from thousands of local people and merchants, the rest are mostly bandits and vagrants from the surrounding areas."

This answer surprised Tang Yun a little, "Bandits and vagrants?"

After years of war, there are many bandits and vagrants in various parts of Da Zhou, which is not surprising.

What really surprised Tang Yun was how Chen Yan recruited these bandits and vagrants?

"How many people are there in Qingshan County's Nafuying?"

The Nafuying is actually the lowest-level army led by the military officers of the county government offices in various counties.

As the name suggests, the main job is to assist the county government in paying taxes and pacifying the people.

Most of the Nafu Camps had little combat power, and were actually not much different from the local county yamen runners. The only difference was that the soldiers of the Nafu Camp had to be registered with the Ministry of War, and were considered regular bureaus, while the runners were only clerks recruited by the county yamen.

Qing Yuan seemed to know the doubts in Tang Yun's heart, and replied: "Three hundred people, but according to the investigation of my subordinates, dozens of bandit dens and bandit camps in Longzhou have been wiped out by the Qingshan County Nafu Camp. Now most of these people stay in Qingshan County. Some have become residents of Qingshan County, and some are working in tea gardens and workshops in Qingshan County. It is very easy to find out."

Tang Yun thought for a while and couldn't help but chuckled, "You are good, Chen Yan. Knowing that Qingshan County has a small population and not many available workers, you have the idea of ​​​​bandits and bandits. You really know how to share my worries."

Bandits and bandits are a headache for the court after the war. Longzhou is good. Most of the bandits and bandits have been wiped out by Chen Yan.

"Your Majesty, there is one more thing."

Qing Yuan interrupted Tang Yun, his voice solemn, obviously a very important matter.

Tang Yun lifted the veil and frowned slightly.

Qing Yuan continued, "Several salt fields around Qingshan County have already started operation and are being mined."

Tang Yun was shocked when he heard this, "What did you say? Abandoned salt fields can also be mined?"

Qing Yuan nodded slightly, "I know that your Majesty is quite worried about the salt and iron business, so when County Magistrate Chen Yan mentioned the abandoned salt fields in the county government office just now, I paid attention to it and sent people to investigate. I found that some salt fields were mining salt, but..."

Qing Yuan paused.

"But what? Keep talking." Tang Yun's voice was unusually cold.

Chen Yan, who kept saying that he didn't dare to run a salt and iron business, actually mined secretly behind the scenes. He deserves death.

Qing Yuan handed a bamboo tube to Tang Yun, bowed his head and said: "Your Majesty, this is the salt mined from the abandoned salt field in the local area. My men stole it from the backyard of the county government. What I just wanted to say is that according to the investigation of the people below, County Magistrate Chen did mine salt, but he didn't seem to sell it."

Tang Yun was a little puzzled, "Not selling it?"

Qing Yuan nodded slightly, "The people who are naturalized in Qingshan County can receive a bamboo tube of salt like this from the county government every month."

Tang Yun was stunned, "You mean Chen Yan mined salt, but distributed it to the people for free?"

Qing Yuan nodded, "From the current news, it is true. I have instructed the people below to pay close attention to this matter."

Tang Yun's heart was relieved. Fenglingwei has always been accurate in getting information. If it is not certain, Qing Yuan will not report it.

So, Chen Yan did not engage in private salt business as he said.

"This guy can actually mine salt from abandoned salt fields. How did he do it?"

For Tang Yun, this is a big deal.

If abandoned salt fields areBeing able to mine salt means that Da Zhou can produce a lot more salt out of thin air, which may solve the temporary salt shortage problem.

"Don't spread the fact that Qingshan County can mine salt from abandoned salt fields, and your people should also help Chen Yan to protect this matter secretly."

The benefits brought by salt are greater than those of sugar.

After all, salt is a rigid demand, but sugar is not.

If someone knew that Chen Yan could mine salt from abandoned salt fields, I am afraid that many people would covet it.

"I have already given the order."

Qing Yuan nodded in response, and after a moment of hesitation, he pointed to the bamboo tube: "Your Majesty, you can taste it lightly. The people below said that this salt is different."

"What can be different about salt?" Tang Yun was a little surprised. He opened the lid of the bamboo tube and was stunned. "How can this salt be as crystal clear as white sugar? The only difference is that the granules of this salt are more obvious."

To be honest, this salt is too fine. Even Tang Yun has never seen such fine salt.

The salt in the palace should be the best in the world, and the color is not so white. At first glance, it is not very pure and has many impurities.

Tang Yun couldn't wait to taste a small mouthful, and his eyes widened immediately. On his beautiful but extremely majestic face, endless shock appeared.

Soon, shock turned into joy.

"How can this salt taste so good without a little bitterness?"

Tang Yun couldn't believe that there was such a good quality salt in the world.

Originally, she thought that salt was slightly bitter, which was natural.

The quality of salt is determined by how bitter it is.

But she never thought that there is salt in the world that has no bitterness at all.

"I don't know." Qing Yuan shook her head, wondering in her heart, could this salt really taste that good?

Although she took the can of salt from her subordinates, she didn't taste it, so she really didn't know what it tasted like.

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