Someone started to stand up, and the others followed suit.

"I'm a little drunk, so I won't bother you anymore."

"Brother Wang, wait for me!"

Zhou Yang really wanted to slam the table on those people's faces!

Can't hold back the alcohol?

The guests at this table had only drunk the Yaochi fairy wine, and this treasure didn't make them drunk at all, so how could they say they couldn't hold back the alcohol?

These people were clearly looking for excuses to leave!

He gritted his teeth and was about to step forward to make a final attempt, when suddenly an angry voice came: "Manager Zhou, you made me look so hard! You are hosting a banquet here, why didn't you invite me!"

Everyone was stunned, and the guests who were about to leave looked at the entrance.

I saw a man in brocade clothes and jade crown, striding over, it was Ning Wang Tang Qian!

"Greetings to His Royal Highness Ning Wang!"

"I pay my respects to the prince!"

The people who reacted were startled and hurriedly saluted.

King Ning had a gloomy face, and without even glancing at them, he strode towards Zhou Yang.

Zhou Yang didn't wake up until he approached. Seeing his unfriendly expression, he couldn't help but feel uneasy, and hurriedly bowed respectfully: "Your Majesty, I am sorry for not welcoming you from afar. I hope Your Majesty will forgive me!"

Others also realized that King Ning was not in a good condition, and they were all shocked.

This posture, is it possible that he wants to eat Zhou Yang alive!

King Ning walked up to Zhou Yang, grabbed his front, and gritted his teeth and said: "You are so good, Zhou Yang! You said in front of me that you were unwilling to sell Yao Chi Xian Niang to me, but you actually used Yao Chi Xian Niang to entertain others behind my back! This is unreasonable!"

Zhou Yang was stunned: "Ah? Your Majesty, you..."

Before he finished speaking, King Ning couldn't hold it back anymore. He picked up the small bottle on the table with his other hand, raised his head, and blew into his mouth.

The whole audience was dumbfounded!

After blowing the bottle, King Ning burped for a long time and couldn't help letting go of Zhou Yang, with an extremely satisfied look on his face.

"It's so enjoyable, so enjoyable!"

He exclaimed, turned his head to look at other tables, and his eyes fell on the small bottle on another table.

The guest at that table was Tong Yu. Seeing his eyes, he knew what he meant, and said in panic: "Your Highness, I couldn't help but drink up the Yaochi fairy wine just now."

King Ning walked over with a look of distrust, picked up the bottle, and took a closer look. There was really not a drop left.

He was very disappointed and turned his head to look at other tables.

Everyone looked at each other.

Everyone knew how precious this thing was, how could there be any left?

Only Zhou Yang was busy introducing the franchise, so he had more than half a bottle left, and he just drank it all for King Ning.

"Are there any more? Take them all out, I want to buy them!" King Ning turned back and stared at Zhou Yang in disappointment.

"Your Highness, there is really no more!" Zhou Yang said in panic.

King Ning's face darkened.

Zhou Yang hurriedly said, "But my shop will reopen the day after tomorrow. If the prince comes, he will definitely gain something."

King Ning said happily, "Really? Okay, I will go there! If you bluff me, your Zhou Chamber of Commerce will not appear in the capital anymore!"

Zhou Yang broke out in a cold sweat after hearing the last threat, and he quickly made repeated promises.

King Ning turned around and was about to leave, but suddenly stopped again, took out a gold ingot from his bosom, and threw it on the table: "This is the money from the bottle just now, I won't take advantage of you!"

After saying that, he hesitated for a moment, picked up the bottle again, turned it upside down and tried to suck up all the remaining drops in it, and then strode away.

It was not until his figure disappeared in the distance that everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhou Yang picked up the gold ingot, which was heavy. If it was converted into silver, it would probably be one or two hundred taels.

Tong Yu's eyes turned, and he suddenly rushed forward and said, "Manager Zhou, I've considered it, please register me as a customer."

Zhou Yang looked at him in astonishment: "Ah? Master Tong, you are..."

Before he finished speaking, another person next to him also rushed forward: "I want to join too! Manager Zhou, let me register first!"

Then, everyone who was originally ready to leave ran over and rushed to join the registration.

Zhou Yang was surprised and happy, and hurriedly asked people to handle it for everyone one by one.

He vaguely guessed in his heart that these people suddenly changed their minds because of the unexpected intrusion of King Ning.

This reminded them that doing this business is not just about making money, but also about currying favor with those dignitaries!

When doing business outside, everyone wants to please the government.

The official road will be open only when the financial road is open. This principle has never changed.

But now the Great Zhou strictly controls bribery, and it is not possible to force money.

But if this business is done well, wouldn't it be equivalent to having one more way to please the nobles?

Moreover, those who register first have the right to choose the store location first.

If the store location can be chosen in a place where there are many dignitaries, it will be the first to get the moon!

However, how could King Ning know that he was hosting a banquet here?What a coincidence that you barged in at this time?

Late at night, in the mansion of the Minister of Land.

In the flower hall, Tang Yun stood woodenly in front of the window, watching the moonlight outside the window falling on the flowerbed, her mind was blank.

These days, she had gradually gained confidence in Chen Yan, so she decided to bet on his method.

The failure of the idea of ​​joining the alliance affected more than just 200,000 taels of silver.

You know, 200,000 taels of silver are only used for disaster relief in the early stage. For such a large Jizhou, a large amount of silver and grain will inevitably be needed in the future to appease the disaster and stabilize the people's hearts.

So she naturally hoped that she would lose the bet with Chen Yan, as long as this business could last for a long time.

But now, even if Chen Yan really took out 200,000 taels of silver to compensate her, it would not solve the problem later.

In this bet, she won.

But she lost the bet on Chen Yan, which made her confidence in him waver.

He Jinyao sat on the chair and sighed.

At this moment, Zhou Yang came quickly and arrived at the door.

"Sir, I'm back! Eh? His Majesty is here too! I, Zhou Yang, pay my respects to His Majesty!"

Zhou Yang didn't expect Tang Yun to be here, so he quickly bowed to the ground.

"Get up, you've worked hard." Tang Yun said lightly, without turning back.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Zhou Yang got up and said carefully, "Your Majesty, Sir, about the joining..."

"Alas, you don't have to blame yourself, it's not your fault." He Jinyao sighed, "Go down and rest first."

"Ah?" Zhou Yang was stunned when he saw He Jinyao's depressed expression.

"The servant has come back to report that this method doesn't work. It's not your fault. You don't have to blame yourself too much." He Jinyao said with a sad face.

Zhou Yang was completely stunned.

He is still not satisfied with this result?

"I don't understand, what kind of result does your majesty want?" He asked doubtfully.

"It doesn't matter what kind of result I want. Anyway, it won't be the result of only two households joining." He Jinyao couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"I am stupid and don't understand why you said only two households joined?" Zhou Yang was confused. "The record in my hand is forty households!"

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