Chen Yan sneered: "Hey, Biaozi, don't be too cruel, just break one leg for each person."

Zhang Dabiao responded with his eyes shining, rolled up his sleeves, and strode forward.

Seeing that the other soldiers of the Nafu Camp did not move, and let Zhang Dabiao rush into the encirclement of his yamen runners, Xiong Jin couldn't help laughing: "You are quite arrogant! But this county is not so kind! All yamen runners listen to my order! Kill this bastard who came to the yamen to make trouble..."


"Ah! My leg!"

Before he finished speaking, a scream suddenly came.

Xiong Jin's face changed drastically, and he saw a yamen runner holding his left leg and crying and falling down.

This is just the beginning.

Zhang Dabiao did not use weapons, but stepped forward with his left fist and right foot to block and trip. His movements were crisp and neat, and one person would fall down with every hit.

These yamen runners usually face young people, how could they have encountered such a ruthless person?

Although they were still rushing forward, no one could stop his punches and kicks. Half of them fell in a blink of an eye!

Xiong Jin was dumbfounded. He thought it was an overwhelming scene, but it was indeed overwhelming. He was being beaten and had no power to fight back!

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer people on their side, the yamen runners felt cold in their hearts and began to retreat.

Now it was Zhang Dabiao's turn to attack, rushing left and right, not sparing any one.

He stopped until the last person fell down holding his leg and screaming in pain, and then he looked up at Xiong Jin.

Xiong Jin shuddered, his face turned pale, and he turned around and wanted to run.

Zhang Dabiao grabbed the back of his official uniform, dragged the fat man back, and threw him in front of Chen Yan.

"Chen... Chen Yan! I am an official appointed by the court. If you dare to mess around, the court will not forgive you!"

Xiong Jin lay on the ground and screamed in panic.

Chen Yan frowned, stretched out his hand, and picked up the silk scarf he had just dropped on the ground.

"I'll only ask once." He said coldly, "Where is the person?"

"In... in the prison..."

Xiong Jin stuttered.

Chen Yan made a gesture, and Zhang Dabiao immediately picked up Xiong Jin again: "Lead the way!"

Soon, the group entered the county jail.

Unlike the empty Qingshan County jail, this place was full of people, and each jail was crowded with more than a dozen people.

Seeing Xiong Jin, the master, being pushed in like a grandson, everyone was shocked and looked at this scene in disbelief.

Chen Yan ignored them and followed Xiong Jin to the end, stopping in front of the last prison.

In the prison, Zheng Yan had her hands tied behind her back, sitting in the corner with her legs curled up, her face full of unyielding.

Seeing Xiong Jin, she said viciously: "Come in if you dare, I'll twist your neck off... Eh? Sir!"

But at the end, she realized that Chen Yan was following her, and she couldn't help but exclaimed.

Chen Yan was relieved to see that she seemed to be fine.

But he also understood why Xiong Jin said she was "brutal". At this moment, she was like a tigress, and she was indeed a bit fierce.

After asking the jailer to open the door, he walked in quickly and untied the rope on Zheng Yan in a few seconds: "Are you okay?"

Zheng Yan's eyes turned red and she choked: "Sir, I... I..."

Seeing her like this, Chen Yan's heart sank. Was she bullied? A surge of anger surged up, and he shouted: "Biaozi, destroy the right and wrong roots of that dog official!"

Xiong Jin's face changed immediately.

Zhang Dabiao was stunned: "Ah? Sir, he is the county magistrate of Lianggu County..."

Chen Yan had no expression on his face, and said in a cold tone: "I don't care who he is if he dares to hurt Captain Zheng!"

Zheng Yan didn't expect him to be so impulsive. At this time, she finally woke up and said quickly: "Sir, I'm fine, he didn't touch me."

Chen Yan was stunned: "Then what does it mean that you were about to cry?"

Zheng Yan's cheeks were slightly red, and she said: "I'm happy."

Originally, she was a little desperate, thinking that it would be difficult to escape the clutches of the surname Xiong. She had made up her mind to die rather than live in disgrace. Unexpectedly, Chen Yan came to rescue her in time, so she cried with joy, but she didn't want him to misunderstand her.

Chen Yan was still a little worried, looking her up and down: "Are you really okay? Not injured?"

Zheng Yan shook her head: "That dog official had bad thoughts about me, so he didn't allow others to hurt me. He was just afraid that I would hit him again, so he had me tied up."

Chen Yan suddenly realized.

"Let's go back first."

Chen Yan helped her stand up and walked out.

"Wait, sir, the guy you asked me to find was hidden by this dog official!"

But Zheng Yan stopped him.

"You mean..."

Chen Yan reacted immediately and turned to look at Xiong Jin.

No need to ask, the "guy" Zheng Yan was talking about was Tang Shuo!

But he didn't ask any more questions, just said: "Let's talk about it when we get back!"

He didn't want to have anything to do with Tang Shuo, so he sentZheng Yan secretly took action, so it was impossible for her to ask Xiong Jin for the Rebel King directly.

After a while, Chen Yan helped Zheng Yan and took Zhang Dabiao and others out of the prison.

Xiong Jin was no longer useful at this time, so he naturally didn't need to be taken with him. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw everyone walking away. His whole fat face sank.

Damn it!

He was actually bullied to the point of being bullied. How could he swallow this breath!

"Come here! Call Wu Ming to come!"

After leaving the government office, Chen Yan took Zheng Yan to sit in the carriage, left with Zhang Dabiao and others, and headed towards the city gate.

On the way, he asked what happened, and Zheng Yan pouted: "I had already found that guy!"

It turned out that she had been looking for Tang Shuo in Qingshan County these days, and finally found him not far from Lianggu County.

This now impoverished rebel king, after leaving Qingshan County that day, was wanted nationwide and did not dare to walk alone on the main road, so he went into the forest and got lost.

After wandering in the forest for several days, he finally reached the junction of the two counties, but was caught up by Zheng Yan.

Zheng Yan remembered Chen Yan's instructions and saw that he seemed to be leaving Qingshan County, so she did not show up and followed him secretly.

She thought that if this guy left by himself, she would save trouble.

However, at that moment, a group of people suddenly appeared and intercepted Tang Shuo.

The leader was Xiong Jin, the county magistrate of Lianggu County!

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