Although the carriage is quite stable, it is still a shock absorption system, not a shock absorption system, so it still shakes.

As she shook, her body swayed, and the surging pride in front of her kept rising and falling, making Chen Yan a little dizzy.

It seems that I have to ask Qing'er to come up and try it someday. This movement is really a bit drooling...

The shock absorption system is actually not too complicated in principle, and he had the blacksmith make the shock absorption spring a long time ago.

It's just that there are some technical problems, such as the production of hydraulic devices, which took a long time to succeed.

In contrast, the soft tire was figured out by Chen Yan's craftsmen a long time ago.

Without rubber, he directly sent people to the mountains to hunt wild boars. The back skin of wild boars is thick and wear-resistant, and the belly skin is more flexible, which he used to make outer and inner tires.

The inner tube is inflated, and then a bracket is added, and the outer tire is covered to become the most basic soft tire.

Compared with the common wooden wheels in the Great Zhou Dynasty, this is a revolutionary progress, which can greatly improve the stability of the carriage.

Of course, this is very rough compared to the tires in his previous life, and the performance in all aspects is very different. There is still a huge room for improvement in the future, but it will have to wait until there is a breakthrough in the material manufacturing process.

Zheng Yan didn't know this, so she was quite surprised.

"But the horse runs so fast, aren't you afraid that it will slip its hoof?"

Zheng Yan was looking left and right in surprise, and didn't notice that Chen Yan's eyes were different.

"Don't be afraid, this speed is okay, I installed hoof covers on the horse's hoof, it's not a problem..."

Chen Yan was halfway through his words when the carriage suddenly had a violent bump, and Zheng Yan, who was caught off guard, fell down. He subconsciously hugged her tightly.

Well, this weight is really amazing!

When Chen Yan was distracted, Zheng Yan broke away from his arms with a red face, rolled her eyes at him, and was about to speak when a scream suddenly came from the distance behind: "Ouch!"

The two turned their heads at the same time and saw that one of the people chasing behind had lost his horse and fell to the ground with his horse and rider.

Several horses following behind had no time to dodge and hit the fallen horse and rider, causing a series of car accidents and falling to the ground one after another.

For a while, people and horses fell behind!

As the speed increased, the carriage had to slow down after all, and the distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer.

But now, it was back to the days before liberation overnight. Except for the thirty or so riders in the front, the people behind were all stopped by the accident and could not chase anymore.

Wu Ming looked back, hesitated for a moment, and continued to chase!

It was impossible to give up halfway!

At this moment, the carriage in front suddenly slowed down.

Wu Ming was overjoyed. He quickly chased to a distance of 20 feet before he stopped his horse. At a command, more than 30 riders, including him, drew their bows and arrows and were ready to shoot!

Chen Yan in the carriage laughed and shouted: "Before you start, you'd better look around!"

Wu Ming was shocked and turned his head to look at the woods on both sides.

He saw that densely packed soldiers appeared in the woods on both sides at some point, also drawing their bows and arrows and aiming at them.

There were at least hundreds of them!

It seemed that as long as they dared to move, the other side would shoot holes all over their bodies!

Wu Ming felt cold all over his body, knowing that he was ambushed by the other side. He could only sigh and throw down his bows and arrows.

Seeing this, his men behind him had to follow him and give up resistance.

Qian Wu, who was ambushing on the side, made a gesture, and his men rushed forward, and in a few seconds, all these people were thrown off their horses and tied up.

Qian Wu stepped forward and kicked Wu Ming, who was tied up, and he turned over twice, with a look of disdain on his face: "A bunch of ignorant people dare to come to my Qingshan County to cause trouble, bah!"

Wu Ming's face was ashen, and he was silent.

In his heart, he was really shocked!

How poor Qingshan County is, everyone knows.

How did such a place train these well-trained and strong soldiers?

And the equipment used by the other party was excellent, where did it come from?

"Sir, everyone has been captured alive!" Qian Wu ordered people to tie up everyone, and then ran happily to the back of the carriage to report to Chen Yan.

"What about those who fell down at the back?" Chen Yan asked.

"Brothers have also been arranged to capture them!" Qian Wu said immediately.

"Very good, lock them all up for me!" Chen Yan said with a smile, "This is all silver!"


Until dark, Xiong Jin received the news.

"What! Say it again!"

His fat body jumped up from the chair and exclaimed.

"Report to the general, Master Wu and his brothers, all... all captured alive!"

The person who came back to report was a member of the Nafu Camp in Lianggu County. He had been captured, but Chen Yan released him and asked him to report.

"Captured alive? Trash, absolutely trash!"

Xiong Jin was furious."That County Magistrate Chen also said that he would pay 100 taels of silver per person. He has hundreds of our brothers in his hands. Please use the silver to redeem them, Lord Xiong."

The messenger said in panic.

"Dream on! I will never spend a penny on those trash!"

Xiong Jin was furious and roared.

The messenger lowered his head, not wanting him to see the anger in his eyes.


It is thanks to these "trash" that this fat guy has today's prosperity and wealth!

Now that they are in trouble, the man surnamed Xiong actually abandoned them and refused to redeem them!

Xiong Jin was angry for a long time, and then he slowly calmed down, his two thin eyebrows twisted into a ball.

Wu Ming is his confidant and knows a lot of his secrets.

Especially in the matter of Tang Shuo, this soldier from the Nafu Camp is fully responsible.

If he doesn't redeem them, if Wu Ming leaks his affairs, it will be troublesome!

After struggling for a long time, he finally gritted his teeth and said, "I will redeem you tomorrow!"

At the same time, Chen Yan had returned to Qingshan County.

Zheng Yan had worked hard for many days and went home to wash and rest.

Chen Yan first checked the carriage. This trip was the first real combat of the carriage. The effect was similar to what he expected, but there was still room for improvement.

He got under the carriage and was checking the wear of the bottom plate when a surprised voice rang out, "What kind of carriage is this?"

Chen Yan poked his head out from under the carriage and saw Tang Yun standing beside him, scanning the carriage with a surprised look on his face.

"This is my carriage, named Yufenghao." He smiled, "You haven't seen it before?"

"Is this the carriage you took Manager Zhou back to Beijing last time?" Tang Yun gently stroked the shaft with her jade hand and was even more surprised, "Is it made of iron?"

From the color, it seems to be made of wood, but it feels cold to the touch, obviously made of gold and iron.

"Yes, the whole car is made of iron, which has excellent arrow-proof, fire-proof and stone-proof functions."

"But in order to avoid being too conspicuous, I inlaid thin wooden boards on the outside of the iron sheet."

"And in places where it is inconvenient to inlay wooden boards, I used paint to dye them into wood color."

Chen Yan said as he climbed out from under the car.

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