Among the people who came this time, more than 30% were his people, and they had franchised more than 90 stores in total.

The range covered more than 40 cities from Sili to Xuzhou, Liangzhou, Longzhou and other places.

These cities are basically the richest in Da Zhou, with great potential.

You should know that the cities in Da Zhou, even the famous big cities, rarely have a radius of more than 30 miles.

Therefore, usually at most two or three franchise stores can be opened in a city.

And because of the special nature of Yaochi Xianniang, the target group is the rich and powerful, and these people usually choose to live in the city.

Therefore, as long as one or two stores are opened in each city, the same product market in the whole city can be basically controlled.

And because his people came to make an appointment first, they could choose the good locations first.

At this time, not only Mr. Kong, but the rest of the people who came forward could only choose the remaining cities and locations.

After choosing, many people showed disappointment and frustration.

Some people even went forward to see that the location they wanted had been chosen, and gave up joining on the spot.

After all, it was for making money. Knowing that they had lost the opportunity and did not grab a good location, they could not just go in headfirst, right?

Zhou Yang did not mind this, but smiled and said it was okay, and they would cooperate again in the future.

It took almost two hours to declare the end.

There were more than 50 people who successfully joined, with a total of 113 store locations.

However, more than 30% of the guests did not join in the end, and most of the people who joined did not choose the location they liked, so the mood at the table was not very good, and the atmosphere was a bit depressing.

Shang Qiu's eyes flashed with a touch of satisfaction.

All the people he sent successfully got the predetermined target location. He won a great victory in this franchise!

Zhou Yang happily announced the end of the franchise and congratulated all the successful franchisees.

When he was raising his glass to invite everyone to drink, someone suddenly stood up and said angrily: "You came here for nothing, what's there to congratulate? Goodbye!"

Zhou Yang was surprised and said: "Mr. Feng, you are..."

Before he finished speaking, someone next to him also stood up: "Brother Feng, let's go together! I wasted so much of my time in vain, and I thought there was really good business, hum!"

For a while, people at the table stood up one after another, and those who did not join successfully stood up one after another and prepared to leave.

Just then, a waiter suddenly hurried in, walked to Zhou Yang and whispered something in his ear.

Zhou Yang's face changed instantly, and he said in a lost voice: "What!"

This sound spread throughout the yard, and everyone who was about to leave was attracted and looked at him in surprise.

The clerk hurriedly said, "It's absolutely true! Please follow me and you will know."

Zhou Yang's face was gloomy, and he bowed to the people: "Everyone, I'm sorry, please don't leave for the time being."

The businessman surnamed Feng frowned and said, "What the hell, now you can't even leave?"

Zhou Yang bowed deeply to him and apologized, "It's true that there are some problems with the franchise. Please wait for a moment, I will be back soon! At most a quarter of an hour, I will come back and apologize to you!"

After saying that, without waiting for them to speak, he turned around and hurriedly followed the clerk.

The sudden change surprised everyone present.

The people who were about to leave did not move again, but did not sit back, and gathered together to discuss.

Shang Qiu, who was sitting as steady as a mountain, was also a little surprised and asked in a low voice: "What's the situation?"

The shopkeeper Yang next to him shook his head: "I don't know, is there something wrong with the Yaochi fairy wine?"

Shang Qiu frowned slightly, and felt that something was wrong.

But it was useless to think too much now, so I had to wait for Zhou Yang to come back.

After a while, Zhou Yang finally turned around, and the two waiters behind him each held a large paper book.

With a gloomy face, he returned to the main table and asked someone to put the book on the table, and then said: "Everyone, I'm sorry, I have received the order from the boss, and the matter of joining tonight is hereby invalidated!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was instantly silent as death.

Everyone was stunned.

Shang Qiu was even more surprised, and he stood up and blurted out: "Why?"

Before Zhou Yang spoke, a person next to him stood up and said angrily: "What the hell! You have already signed the franchise documents, how can you regret it at will!"

"That's right! You don't do business like this!"

"It's absurd! You really think there is no law, right?"

"I must sue you!"

For a while, the crowd was indignant, and those who signed the contract shouted angrily.

Zhou Yang didn't waste time talking to them. He turned around, picked up one of the piles of books, and threw it to the ground.


The noise instantly made everyone quiet down.

"Our Zhou Chamber of Commerce has always been based on integrity. Since we have promised, we will never go back on our word."

"But the premise is that you all also abide by the rules!"

"My boss and I both trusted your character, so we allowed you to join again."

"But I never thought that there would be a bad apple among you, breaking my rules!"

Zhou Yang's face flushed, and he roared like thunder, looking very angry.

At the last banquet, he didn't understand the spirit that Chen Yan repeatedly emphasized to He Jinyao. This time He Jinyao specifically mentioned this to him. Zhou Yang was a smart man, so he could grasp it quickly.

This time he performed it to the fullest, pointing at everyone and outputing!

When he became tough, everyone was dumbfounded and looked at each other.

"Manager Zhou, you said we broke the rules, where is the evidence? I can swear to my ancestors that there is absolutely no violation!" The fat man Kong Ye softened his tone and said heavily.

"Kong Ye is indeed fine, but it doesn't mean that the others are fine! "Zhou Yang said coldly, "Master Cao from Sucheng, Master Wei from Weicheng, Master Jin from Xialingcheng..."

Zhou Yang called out the names one by one, and called out dozens of people in one breath.

All the people who were called out looked surprised and puzzled.

Shang Qiu was nervous at first, after all, he did make some moves, but when he heard Zhou Yang's call out, he was relieved.

The people the other party called out were not his people.

After Zhou Yang finished calling out, he suddenly bowed deeply again: "I apologize to these masters here! Because of my chamber of commerce's negligence, I almost caused you to return disappointed. After today's banquet, whether the matter succeeds or not, my chamber of commerce will give you a bottle of Yaochi fairy wine as compensation! "

The people who were named finally understood what he meant and all breathed a sigh of relief.

Shang Qiu, who was about to sit down again, was stunned. Before he could react, Zhou Yang looked at him with a sharp gaze.

"And Mr. Shang, you maliciously violated the rules and ordered people to grab the franchise qualification and choose the best store location. How do you explain this matter!"

After a few sonorous words, everyone turned their heads to look at Shang Qiu.

Although Shopkeeper Yang next to him was not the focus of everyone's attention, he was still frightened and his hands softened. The cup in his hand fell to the ground with a snap and broke into pieces.

Shang Qiu showed a look of shock: "Shopkeeper Zhou, don't slander me! When did I send someone..."

Zhou Yang interrupted him directly: "Mr. Kong, can you please pick up the booklet at your feet and take a look at the contents inside. "

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