Chen Yan was talking excitedly, spitting all over the place.

"But the journey is long, and how to ensure the safety of food delivery along the way is a big problem."

"So, this is not just a problem with the food itself, but also a problem with the delivery channel!"

"If we can build a highly secure channel and build it into the first logistics system of our Great Zhou, no, a delivery channel, we can improve this problem."

"And then not only food, but other things can also be delivered, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone!"

Bai Lu gently rubbed her forehead, feeling a little headache.

She was wrong.

She shouldn't expect to ask useful things from this greedy and lustful guy.

He always talked about his business, and no matter what he talked about, he would always talk about making money!

After waiting for Chen Yan to stop, she said helplessly: "That's not what I'm asking! What I'm asking is whether there is someone secretly inciting behind the Jizhou uprising."

Chen Yan was stunned: "How would I know this?"

Bai Lu was a little disappointed, so she had to ask what Tang Yun asked her to ask: "The boss asked me to ask you, can you let your powerful subordinates help to investigate?"

Chen Yan's eyes narrowed into slits: "Isn't your boss a little too nosy? Shouldn't this be the business of the court and the government?"

Tang Yun had considered that he might ask this before coming, and had already instructed him, so Bai Lu immediately said: "Yes, the court has issued a reward for this matter. As long as anyone can provide clues, there will be a reward of 10,000 taels of silver!"

Chen Yan's eyes lit up: "10,000 taels? Wait, why haven't I seen the reward issued by the court?"

Rewards are one of the most profitable businesses without capital, especially after he started to build a nationwide intelligence system, he has received a lot of rewards.

The reward of 10,000 taels is not big, but it is not small either. If there is such a reward, it is reasonable for him to not know about it.

Bai Lu hurriedly said: "The boss said that because this matter is just speculation and there is no actual evidence, the court did not publicly issue a reward, but a private reward. If our boss did not have connections, he would not know about this matter."

Chen Yan was moved and said: "Your boss is really powerful! But 10,000 taels, isn't it a bit too little to investigate such a big matter?"

Bai Lu lost her voice and said: "10,000 taels is not enough?"

10,000 taels, she can't earn it in her lifetime as a Fengling Guard!

"Do you know how much manpower, effort and money it will take for me to find someone to investigate this matter?"

"Let's say it takes three days from here to Jizhou, and six days for the round trip."

"Let's say it takes half a month to investigate, which adds up to 21 days."

"The investigation results need to be sorted out, which takes three days, which adds up to 24 days."

"Based on a salary of five taels of silver per day, the total is 120 taels!"

Chen Yan counted on his fingers, and just as he was talking about this, Bai Lu interrupted him in surprise: "What do you mean by five taels of silver per day!"

Chen Yan said as a matter of course: "That's the market price! Ordinary hired workers have to pay one tael of silver per day, and this job requires risking their lives. It's simply a business of hanging their heads on their belts. Five taels of silver per day is already a bargain!"

Bai Lu said angrily: "How can ordinary hired workers be as expensive as one tael of silver!"

Just kidding, one tael per day, that's 360 taels a year, which is a very comfortable life in the capital.

Even the long-term workers of wealthy families only have about two taels of silver per month!

Chen Yan said without hesitation: "The wages for workers in Qingshan County are just this level. For example, the workers in Yaochi Xianniang earn one tael of silver a day."

Bai Lu was shocked and said: "Really?"

Chen Yan sneered: "Would I deceive you for such a small amount of money? This does not include performance bonuses and job subsidies!"

Bai Lu's mouth opened wide and could not close.

One tael of silver a day!

No wonder those workers were scolded and punished, and refused to quit even when forced to pay silver. This month, they earn thirty taels of silver, which is higher than the income of some officials of lower official rank!

She thought about her salary and couldn't help but feel envious.

Working with this guy, the money is actually more than that of Fengling Guard!

Moreover, she is working with her life, while these hired workers are safe and stable, and don't need to worry about their lives at all!

"Let's continue."

"Besides, investigating this matter is definitely not something that one person can do."

"Jizhou is so big, there are places of civil unrest everywhere, and people must be sent to each place."

"Even if we send 20 people, each person will be 120 taels, a total of 2,400 taels."

"In addition, we have to add subsidies for accommodation, food, etc., 5 taels per person, a total of 100 taels."

"Plus, it is necessary to spend money to inquire about the news, buy off relationships, and make arrangements. This is the real big expense, at least 3,000 taels of silver!"

"Total, it will be 5,500 taels!"

"These are not counting unexpected expenses.""For example, if someone dies and no pension is given? Each person will have to pay at least 200 taels."

"Or if they are not dead but injured, the cost of medicine is not a small amount."

Chen Yan continued to count on his fingers, calculating for her one by one.

Bai Lu listened and felt something was wrong.

In this case, 10,000 taels does seem a little too little?



Why did she follow his path!

She quickly interrupted Chen Yan: "Don't talk about these messes, how much do you think is appropriate?"

Chen Yan's eyes rolled: "At least 30,000 taels."

If Bai Lu hadn't heard Tang Yun say that this guy would definitely bargain before coming, she would definitely jump up at this moment.

From 10,000 taels directly to 30,000 taels, this guy is no longer a "greedy" word!

"How can 30,000 taels be possible? The boss said that the court is in a difficult situation now, and at most 15,000 will be given." Bai Lu tried to bargain.

"I understand the court's predicament, but I have my own difficulties. I have no choice but to give this great opportunity to others." Chen Yan retreated to advance.

"Hey, how can you bargain like this? Shouldn't you offer 25,000 taels? Then we can each take a step back and agree on 20,000 taels!" Bai Lu blurted out anxiously.

She had no experience in bargaining. She learned these skills from He Jinyao. At this time, she was anxious and blurted out all her calculations.

Chen Yan was very happy, thinking to himself that you are asking for trouble by bargaining with me.

"Miss Bai, you really misunderstood. The 30,000 taels I quoted are not exorbitant prices." He said sincerely, "but the bottom price. If it is higher than this price, I can make a profit by helping. If it is lower than this price, the risk is greater than the benefit, and I will never do it."

Bai Lu stared at him angrily, at a loss for a moment.

The whole situation was completely different from what He Jinyao or Tang Yun had expected, and she didn't know what to do.

Chen Yan stood up and said, "Forget it. The reward from the court is not something you can decide. There's nothing to talk about. Let's just leave it at that. I know you're busy, so I won't keep you. Please go."

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