"What's the best way to beat up Xiong?" Zheng Yan was a little dissatisfied.

"No hurry, wait until I figure out the whole thing first." Chen Yan just said this calmly, and suddenly his face changed, "Hey! You ate all my rice cakes, what else can I eat!"

Unconsciously, Zheng Yan ate the remaining rice cakes one by one.

"You have food, eat her!" Zheng Yan said with a red face, got up and ran out of the house.

Chen Yan knew she was talking about Lu Qing'er, and watching the surging waves when she ran, he felt itchy in his heart.

Qing'er's is good, but hers is even more delicious!

He stood up and turned to walk into the inner room.

"Qing'er! The food that the young master wants is here!"

Afternoon, Lianggu County, the backyard of the county government.

In the garden, a table was set up. Xiong Jin was drinking and eating meat with a happy face. From time to time, he would touch the maidservants beside him. He was in a good mood.

On the side, Wu Ming frowned slightly and drank silently.

"Wu Bingcao, you are wrong."

"It was not easy to deal with Chen. You should be happy for me."

"You look sad and sad. It's really a spoiler!"

Seeing that he looked unhappy, Xiong Jin was a little unhappy.

Wu Ming sighed: "Sir, I really can't be happy. If that sir Chen knew about this, wouldn't it be troublesome?"

Xiong Jin laughed: "The good thing is that he has no way of knowing about this. This county is behind it."

After the last incident, Xiong Jin lost so much money and felt so painful. He wanted to make up for it when he came back.

Just then, he suddenly received a message saying that the yamen officials of Qingshan County came to buy grain from them!

Xiong Jin's eyes lit up at that time.

To purchase grain, you need to bring silver!

Although Qingshan County is poor, the man surnamed Chen just extorted a sum of silver from him, and he might use that silver to purchase grain!

He immediately found the largest grain merchant in the county and gave him some instructions. The grain merchant dared not disobey and had to agree.

That's how the high-priced forced sale happened.

The grain merchant detained the yamen official in his own grain store, and then forced his companions to get the silver and sell it at five times the price.

But what Xiong Jin didn't expect was that he misjudged the silver the other party brought.

It wasn't the first time that Qingshan County came to them to purchase grain. Last year, they spent two thousand taels of silver in one go.

So Xiong estimated that this time should be about the same level.

As a result, the other party actually brought six thousand taels of silver!

After paying the money, the grain merchant released the yamen official and his companions. Xiong Jin swallowed 5,500 taels of the 6,000 taels of silver and gave the remaining 500 taels to the grain merchant, which made the latter very angry.

But he could only bear it.

Everyone knew the character of this county magistrate. If he bargained with him, he might even take the 500 taels!

Afterwards, the yamen official went to the county yamen to beat the drum to complain. Xiong Jin asked him on the spot for evidence of forced sale, but where was the evidence? The yamen official had no choice but to leave.

Xiong Jin was very proud of this matter. He had planned it long ago. If Chen Yan really suspected that he did it, he could deny it completely.

After all, there was no evidence to prove that he did it. Even if the grain merchant became a traitor and revealed the truth, he could deny it flatly.

Of course, he knew better that the grain merchant would never dare to disclose it.

At this time, Xiong Jin was very proud of himself, but Wu Ming sighed secretly. Just as he was about to speak again, someone suddenly came in trotting outside.

"Sir, there is something urgent in the Nafu Camp. There is a fight among the brothers in the camp!"

"What! Sir, I will be back soon."

"It's a bummer. Go ahead!"

Wu Ming followed the man and left quickly. When he arrived outside the county government office, the carriage was ready.

"I don't ride in a carriage, don't you know? Bring the horse!" Wu Ming said unhappily.

"Sir, it's better to sit down." The man didn't move and said lightly.

Wu Ming was stunned and looked at the other person.

Just now, he took a quick look and recognized that the other person was wearing the uniform of the Lianggu County Nafu Camp, and didn't think much about it. At this time, he looked closely and suddenly felt something was wrong. This person's face was quite unfamiliar!

He was suspicious and was about to ask, but the curtain of the carriage suddenly opened a little, revealing half of the face inside.

Then, the curtain was lowered again, covering the other person's appearance.

Wu Ming's face changed drastically, gritted his teeth, and stepped into the car.

After the curtain was lowered, the inside and outside of the carriage were separated.

Qian Wu looked at Wu Ming sitting opposite him with a half-smile, and said: "Brother Wu, my master asked me to come here to ask you something."

Wu Ming's heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help but recall his experience in the Nafu Camp in Qingshan County, and clenched his hands tightly.

After a long time, he said dejectedly: "Ask."

Xiong Jin could never have imagined that his trusted and beloved general had completely betrayed him.

Qian Wu said in a deep voice"What is going on here with the county officials being forced to buy and sell?"

Wu Ming sighed inwardly, and began to speak, telling the whole story without hiding anything.

After listening, Qian Wu sneered: "It was indeed that dog official who did it! As expected by the adults, it seems that he refused to accept the toast and had to drink the punishment!"

Wu Ming hurriedly said: "Lord Xiong did not personally show up for this matter, Lord Chen really should not use force..."

Qian Wu laughed: "How can you predict the methods of my master? He said before I came that for your face, he would not be so impulsive as to bring people to kill directly."

Wu Ming was stunned: "My face? Do I still have face?"

Qian Wu patted him on the shoulder: "The adults said that since you have joined us, you are one of us, and we will not make things difficult for you. If you rush to kill rashly, the surname Xiong may be suspicious and it will be bad for you."

Wu Ming looked at him in surprise, his heart was surging.

Although he had no choice but to betray Xiong Jin because the other party had the evidence, he was at most a prisoner in Chen Yan's eyes and could be sacrificed at any time.

But he never thought that Chen Yan would actually think about him!

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