Tang Shuo looked thoughtful, paced back and forth for a few times, and then said: "In fact, what you just said, I have already considered it. Now that Duke Xuan has led the army to Jizhou, it is indeed a good opportunity. But Tang Yun is a foxy woman, and I am worried that she did this on purpose to lure out my true strength so that I can catch them all in one fell swoop!"

Xiong Jin was moved and said: "I have indeed never considered this."

Tang Shuo said calmly: "So now we must be careful, but we must not be timid. If this is really an opportunity, it will be a pity to miss it. Sir Xiong Listen to my orders!"

Xiong Jin was excited and immediately knelt on the ground: "I am here!"

Tang Shuo helped him up with both hands and lowered his voice: "You have done a great favor to me, so there is no need to be so polite! Send a trusted subordinate to the Jiangzhou Prefecture to pass on a message for me."

Xiong Jin was shocked and said: "Could it be..."

Tang Shuo smiled slightly: "Everyone thinks that my luck has run out, but they don't know that it is just a trick of my eyes! My real trump card is now over there!"

Xiong Jin was overjoyed. As he expected, the King of Yan still had a killer move!

Tang Shuo immediately picked up his pen and wrote a letter, sealed it, and then taught Xiong Jin a set of complicated communication methods.

Xiong Jin listened to it twice, but he couldn't remember it, but was confused.

The steps are cumbersome and the complexity is comparable to hand-made maps!

But he had no doubts, and felt that it was just right. If it wasn't such a rigorous method, wouldn't he have been caught by Tang Yun's people long ago?

After finally getting all these done, Xiong Jin had a heroic look on his face and said resolutely: "I will never let your highness down, no, I will never let your majesty down, and I will do my best to complete this matter!"

Tang Shuo laughed loudly: "This king, no, when I ascend the throne in the future, I will definitely confer Xiong the title of Protector of the Country!"

Xiong Jin was overjoyed and knelt down to thank the emperor for his grace, and then he left happily.

Seeing him disappear outside, Tang Shuo breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve.

That was a close call!

I didn't expect lying to be so difficult. It seems that I have to practice more in this area in the future.

The so-called trump card was of course fake, and the contact method was made up by him temporarily.

It would take at least three days for Xiong Jin's men to rush from here to Jiangzhou, and at least ten days to find the so-called contact person using that fictitious contact method before they could find something wrong.

And then wait for him to return, another three days.

In this way, at least he could fool around for half a month.

As for what to do then, we'll talk about it later!

Now, let's enjoy the free wine and food, as well as the soft and docile maids!

He smiled and turned to walk into the back hall, just in time to see one of the maids bending over to make the bed for him.

Looking at the faint beauty in the thin skirt, his heart warmed up, walked behind her, and suddenly lifted the hem of her skirt. Amid her exclamation, the room was filled with spring.

The land of gentleness is the tomb of heroes. If the rebellion fails, then just be a hero in the land of gentleness!

Xiong Jin did not doubt him, and was still immersed in the joy of being named the Protector of the Country. He hurried back to the county government and called Wu Ming.

"What do you want, sir?" Wu Ming was confused.

"I have something to do. Send someone capable and reliable to do it." Xiong Jin said this, and suddenly thought about it and changed his words, "No, I don't trust anyone else, you do it yourself!"

He then told the story again.

Wu Ming was shocked. He helped Xiong Jin accept Tang Shuo, and in fact, he had the same selfish motives at the beginning, wanting to take advantage of this to get ahead.

But now the matter has been leaked, how dare he get involved?

"Sir, this is a serious matter. Would you consider it again? What if someone finds out..." Wu Ming said with a stiff face.

"Oh, how can you get rich and noble if you are so afraid of wolves in front and tigers behind? Don't worry, no one knows about this." Xiong Jin said confidently.

The most likely time for the leak is when Zheng Yan secretly saw the scene when he welcomed Tang Shuo that day.

But after Xiong Jin tested Chen Yan and Zheng Yan last time, he believed that the matter had not been leaked after the two of them acted together.

Seeing him like this, Wu Ming knew that it was useless to say anything more, so he could only sigh and agree.

After leaving the county government office, he went directly back to the Nafu Camp, and after getting ready, he rode out of the county.

But after leaving the city, he did not go to Jiangzhou, but turned around and headed towards Qingshan County.

Xiong Jin wanted to die, and he couldn't be buried with him!

In the county government office, Xiong Jin was furious at this time: "What did you say!"

Wu Ming had just left when County Magistrate Chang Rui came.

Chang Rui was Xiong Jin's brother-in-law, who was promoted to County Magistrate by the latter and became the latter's deputy.

"Brother-in-law! Something bad is going to happen!"As soon as Chang Rui came in, he shouted.

"What's the fuss?" Xiong Jin frowned.

"Our fishing business is gone!" Chang Rui was pale and looked distressed.

"What! What happened?" Xiong Jin was surprised.

Chang Rui started to talk.

The biggest industry in Lianggu County is fishing and hunting.

Several lakes in the territory are rich in fish, which can not only be self-sufficient, but also make a lot of money by selling to other counties.

After Xiong Jin took office, he used his official power to demarcate several lakes into his private property, and also established his own fishing business, monopolizing the fishing and hunting production in the county, and prohibiting private fishing.

Lianggu County originally had several fishing businesses, but they were closed because of this. Those private fishermen had no way to make a living. They could only work in his fishing business under his coercion and make money by fishing for him, while they could only take a little salary that was barely enough to make ends meet.

With this item, Xiong Jin can make nearly 30,000 taels of silver every year, which can be said to be an important pillar for his private wealth.

But two days ago, the buyer who had cooperated with his fishing company for many years suddenly regretted the contract and said that he would no longer buy his fish products and wanted to terminate the cooperation.

After hearing Chang Rui's words, Xiong Jin was furious.

He has always been the only one who dared to regret other people's contracts. How could someone dare to do this to him? He was looking for death!

After a while, Xiong Jin calmed down and felt something was wrong: "Wait, even if one company stops, there are still other buyers, right?"

Chang Rui said with a bitter face: "Brother-in-law, there are no other buyers now. Two years ago, we regretted the agreement with other companies and only sold to this Li's fish products!"

Xiong Jin was angry: "How could you not discuss such a big thing with me? How could it be tied to only one company!"

Chang Rui cried out: "You asked me to do this in the first place! Have you forgotten? Because Li's fish products are willing to buy at a price 30% higher than other buyers, you asked me to stop doing business with other buyers!"

Xiong Jin was stunned, and after thinking carefully, it seemed that this was indeed the case.

Two years ago, the Li's fish products came to the door for the first time, and the offer was generous and high. The greedy Xiong Jin naturally became greedy and broke the agreement with other buyers and only sold Li's fish products.

But after two years of pleasant cooperation, he didn't know that the surname Li would do such a thing!

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