"Selling coconuts! Fresh coconuts!"

"Brother, would you like some grilled skewers? Freshly grilled pork belly, so fragrant!"

"Tanghulu! Selling Tanghulu! Try it before you buy, no money if it's not sweet!"

"Sir, do you want to stop by or stay overnight? Come in!"


Countless shouts came from all directions, and on the street ahead, which was more than five meters wide, there were all kinds of shops and a variety of mobile vendors soliciting customers!

The head of Cai was completely dumbfounded!

Just now outside, she already felt that this place was incredibly prosperous.

Now she realized that she was amazed too early.

What she saw was that the street was bustling with at least three or four thousand people!

The buildings on both sides were tall and large, the lowest of which had two floors, and the highest even had four floors, which was far from the architectural style of Lianggu County, which was mainly bungalows.

And the decoration was unique, with an exotic style that had never been seen before.

It took a long time for Mr. Cai to recover. He got off the carriage and looked around in surprise. He saw many new things he had never seen before.

There were many shop assistants soliciting customers in the roadside shops. When they saw a strange face, they immediately tried their best to solicit customers.

When Mr. Cai finally walked from the beginning to the end of the street and crossed the street about two miles long, there were more than 30 boxes of various sizes in the carriage behind him.

The driver could only sigh in his heart.

Women, you really can't go shopping!

Especially this kind of shopping like going out for a trip, the impulse of spending money is something that women can't resist at all!

Unlike him, he only had six more skewers, two coconuts, four sesame oil cakes, and a cup of sugar water that could almost fit his head...


The driver thought and burped for a long time, and the burp was all sweet.

I don't know how much maltose was added to the sugar water. It was so sweet that he couldn't help but drink it until his stomach was full...

After leaving the long street and asking for the way to the county government office, Mr. Cai returned to the carriage and counted the things he bought one by one, smiling.

"Boss, you spent a lot of money, right?" The driver turned back and asked while driving.

"Not bad, these things cost forty taels of silver... Wait, what are you drinking, why does it smell so sweet?" Mr. Cai was talking when he suddenly realized something was wrong and looked at the thing in his hand that was more like a wooden barrel than a wooden cup.

"Sugar water, boss, do you want to try it?" The driver handed it to her casually, anyway, he was full.

"It seems that I paid you too much wages. You can actually afford such an expensive thing?! And buy so much!" Mr. Cai smelled it in surprise. It was indeed sugar water!

And the sweetness seems to be quite high. It is estimated that a lot of maltose was added to it!

"Not expensive, only fifty coins for one cup. I deposited two hundred coins for this cup, but you can return it to the shop after drinking it." The driver hurriedly explained.

"What! How can it be only fifty coins! Don't you know the price of maltose?" Cai Dadangjia was surprised.

"I asked, and the shopkeeper said that this is not maltose, but white sugar, which is much cheaper." The driver said this and suddenly stopped the carriage, "Boss, we have arrived at the county government office!"

Cai Dadangjia lifted the curtain and saw that they were indeed outside the county government office.

"Who is it!" The yamen runner at the door saw a pretty woman getting off the car and asked.

"Brother official, please inform them that Cai from Lianggu County is here to visit." Cai Dadangjia said hurriedly.

"Cai? It seems that the lord is talking about you." The yamen runner's attitude suddenly became respectful, "Please wait, I will inform the lord immediately!"

Cai Dadangjia was stunned. He didn't expect that Chen Yan had already told the yamen runner in advance.

It seems that this county magistrate still respects him.

After a while, Chen Yan hurried out. When he saw the headmaster Cai, his eyes lit up and he laughed.

"Headmaster Cai, you are finally here! I have been looking forward to seeing you for a long time!" He stepped forward with a smile and held the hand of the headmaster Cai.

"My lord, you..." After all, the headmaster Cai was a woman, and her cheeks blushed. She wanted to pull her hand back, but she was held tightly by the other party and couldn't pull it out.

This guy doesn't look like a good person. Although the etiquette for women has changed after the female emperor ascended the throne, men and women are not allowed to touch each other. He actually came up and touched her!

"The headmaster must have seen the scenery of Qingshan County all the way here. What do you think?" Chen Yan asked with a smile.

This sudden sentence made the headmaster Cai forget about the jade hand being held for a while and was stunned for a moment.

“This is… really QingshanCounty?" She said subconsciously.

"It's true! It's getting late, and the boss must be hungry. I'm going out to eat too, so let's talk while we eat. I'll treat you! "Chen Yan pinched her hand twice more, then let go of her hand and turned to walk out.

Boss Cai was a little surprised. The other party never mentioned the business. Was he waiting for her to mention it first?

A small banquet with six dishes and one soup made Boss Cai almost unable to stand up.

The main dish was stewed meat, which was naturally pork. The extraordinary taste made her unable to resist and eat a little too much.

At the dinner table, Chen Yan talked eloquently about the humanities and geography of Qingshan County, and also talked about the current construction situation and looked forward to future goals. Boss Cai was surprised and puzzled.

What was surprising was that the other party really wanted to build Qingshan County into a city larger than the capital!

What was puzzled was that didn't Li Feng say that this guy wanted to recruit her? Why didn't he mention this matter at all?

After the meal, Chen Yan said happily: "It's almost time, Boss Cai, how about going somewhere with me? "

The head of Cai's heart moved.

Here they come!

After leaving the restaurant, they walked along the avenue. Along the way, Chen Yan just chatted casually, neither mentioning the matter of recruiting nor the matter of Xiong Jin.

The head of Cai endured it again and again, walked a few streets, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, so he wanted to ask.

"Here we are! "Chen Yan spoke first.

The head of Cai looked in astonishment, but he was in front of a shop with a sign hanging on it, but it was covered with red cloth and had not been uncovered. It turned out to be a shop that had not yet opened.

And around, hundreds of people were gathered there, talking about it.

But then, she was stunned, looking at the object in front of the shop in astonishment.

After a moment, the astonishment on her face turned into shock, and her mouth opened so wide that she could almost swallow a fist.

Oh my God!

Could that be...

In front of the shop, a gold ingot-shaped object about ten feet long and high was quietly placed there, silver in color, reflecting silver light under the sun.

If she was not mistaken, this thing was silver!

Crazy, absolutely crazy!

To cast such a huge silver ingot, I don’t know how much cash it would cost!

And it was actually placed outside the shop, isn’t it afraid of being stolen!

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