The river bank there was covered with trees and grass, but the entire river bank, which was about five meters wide, suddenly moved slowly to both sides.

Led by Wei Han, everyone on the boat was stunned.

What's going on!

The five-meter-wide movable river bank was finally completely moved away, and there was a river behind it!

When passing by here before, Wei Han had also observed it, but she didn't realize that the river bank could move, and the seemingly full of trees behind it was just a cover!

"My God... What's going on..."

She couldn't help but murmured.

The moving river bank was like a huge door, closing the mouth of the river.

"Go in." Chen Yan urged, "It's getting dark, let's go in early so that the brothers can close the shop early and go home to rest. They were supposed to get off work before dark, but because of your running around, they can't leave now."

There was another sentence in his heart, which also caused me to spend a lot of overtime pay!

Wei Han woke up as if from a dream, and quickly ordered the ships to enter the forked river.

After all three large ships entered, the river bank door moved again, slowly closed, and sealed everything.

Wei Han had never seen such a sophisticated mechanism door in his life, and was extremely shocked.

A remote and inferior place actually built such an amazing mechanism, how much manpower and material resources would it cost!

"Master Chen, did you ask someone to build this mechanism?" Wei Han asked.

"Yes." Chen Yan did not mean to hide it from her. Anyway, she didn't know how many times she would have to go through this river to transport goods in the future, so it didn't matter to tell her.

"Why did you build this mechanism to cut off the river?" Wei Han asked in surprise.

"Cut off? Miss Wei, you must be mistaken." Chen Yan laughed, "There was no river here originally."

"How could there be no river? I really don't understand what you are saying, sir. Aren't we traveling on this river now?" Wei Han was confused.

"Miss Wei, you don't know that this place was originally a dense forest." Chen Yan said leisurely, "I had someone dig this river."

"What!" Wei Han cried out in surprise, unbelievable!

This river runs straight forward, with a width of more than five meters, and looking forward, you can't see the end at all. The length is at least more than five miles. It's actually an artificial river? How is this possible!

For a project of this scale, let alone the problem of manpower, the silver alone would cost hundreds of thousands of taels.

Not to mention a county, I'm afraid that even if the entire Longzhou gathered all its strength, it would take more than ten years to dig a river of this scale!

This guy is definitely bragging!

Seeing her disbelief, Chen Yan didn't say much.

Believe it or not!

Chen Yan deeply understands the inconvenience of transportation in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

If you want to be rich, build roads first.

That's why he started to build roads vigorously, researched cement, and pioneered cement roads.

This has increased the efficiency of transportation within Qingshan County by more than five times.

In the past, it took at least three hours to take a carriage from the border of Qingshan County to the county seat.

Now it can be reached in half an hour.

Of course, these cement roads are not for anyone to use casually.

Only frequent merchants and permanent local residents can use them.

If they are outsiders who come to Qingshan County by chance and have no business cooperation prospects, the scouts of the Nafuying Camp distributed throughout the county will try to make them take the old roads, old roads and bad roads.

Just like when the head of Cai first came, he took the old road, which was very bad.

For example, when Tang Yun and her companions first came to Qingshan County, they took the mountain road on the map and were exhausted.

The scouts of the Nafu Camp had already discovered them, but seeing that they seemed to be dressed as vendors, they were exactly the target that the county magistrate had been recruiting in recent years, so they did not interfere with their actions and let them discover the existence of the cement road.

And any merchants who came to Qingshan County would sign a confidentiality agreement to ensure that they would not disclose the things here.

Therefore, it is difficult for outsiders to know about the traffic environment in the county that is beyond the times.

It is Chen Yan's basic principle to act low-key, plan secretly, and minimize the chance of being discovered by the court.

However, this is only transportation within the county after all.

Things transported from the outside world to Qingshan County can only take the old road.

The land route has long been in tatters due to war and disrepair, and transportation is extremely troublesome.

Therefore, if it can be transported by water, try to choose water.

Chen Yan spent a lot of effort and organized people to dig an artificial river about ten miles long in the Qingshan section of the Long River. The confluence of the artificial river and the Long River was camouflaged with trees.

If a ship from the court arrived here, these camouflages would work and avoid being discovered.

But if it was Qingshan County's own ship, or a cooperative shipIf there are ship merchants, they will use mechanical devices to remove the disguise and let the ships enter.

On this river, he built several ship ports and docks, with a ship throughput of up to 30 ships.

After the goods are unloaded at the dock, they will be transported to the county town or the required workshops using cement roads.

Of course, he spent so much effort and money to dig this artificial river and build so many docks. Another important purpose is the national logistics system he is planning.

In the future, this place will become an important distribution center in this system and play a huge role!

However, this plan is still far from being realized, and it is still only for Qingshan County to use.

After docking at the dock, Chen Yan got off the boat with his legs bent, and ordered Qian Wu, who had already rushed back, to unload the goods.

Wei Han asked people to open the cargo hold and help unload the things from the ship and pile them on the shore.

One by one, large wooden boxes about one person tall were unloaded from the three ships.

Chen Yan couldn't help but get excited. He asked someone to open one of the wooden boxes and check the goods inside. Sure enough, it was correct!

After waiting for so many days, it finally arrived!

Wei Han walked up to him and said solemnly, "Master Chen, this is the first batch of saltpeter ore that our boss promised you. Please check it."

These three ships of cargo are saltpeter ore!

Because the saltpeter has not arrived, the production of gunpowder has been delayed. Now it can finally be resumed!

Chen Yan was in a good mood, but suddenly remembered something and asked, "Miss Wei, you have worked hard. I wonder why you arrived three days later than expected?"

Wei Han apologized, "I'm sorry, I met Duke Xuan with a large army to besiege a group of rioters on the way, which delayed the trip. I promise you that the next batch of goods will arrive on schedule."

Chen Yan was surprised and said, "Duke Xuan's army is now in Jizhou. How did you meet them?"

Wei Han patiently explained, "Because we have to go down the Fairy River on the way and go around the border of Jizhou, so we ran into them."

The more Chen Yan listened, the more he felt something was wrong, and he said directly, "Miss Wei, may I ask what route you took?"

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