Chen Yan's mouth was dry from talking. He took the kettle, unscrewed the lid and drank a sip of the tea in it. He smacked his lips and his mouth was fragrant.


Wei Han was quite surprised. She had never heard of these words and such truths in her life.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt it made sense. She said with emotion: "Mr. Chen's insights are really refreshing! However, I still have a question. Can you please help me?"

Chen Yan said happily: "Just ask me. I will tell you everything I know."

Wei Han blinked and asked: "Mr. Chen is not a woman, but why is there so many things in the car like a woman?"

Chen Yan's smile froze and he looked at the boxes of all sizes in the car.

Added together, there are at least thirty or forty boxes!

Qian Wu, who was driving in front, turned his head and laughed: "Miss Wei, you misunderstood. These were not bought by the adults, but given by the people."

Wei Han was stunned.

Just now at the market, she felt a little embarrassed after buying something, but when she looked back, she saw that the cart was piled high!

She didn't see the whole process and thought that Chen Yan bought it. At this time, she was a little proud, thinking that she had questioned Chen Yan, but she didn't expect that it was a gift!

"Do you think I want it!"

"All sweets!"

"My favorite salted pork dumplings, Lao Wei didn't give me any!"

"And grilled fish, Aunt Wang obviously knows that I like her grilled garlic fish the most, but she refused to give me one!"

"She made eye contact with me, but she pretended not to see it, she should act more carefully!"

"These unruly people really make me angry!"

"I will definitely buy up all the goods on their stalls later, so that they have nothing to sell!"

"And they will eat it all in front of them, which will make them angry to death!"

Chen Yan complained in the car.

Wei Han found it interesting and burst out laughing, which made Qian Wu and Chen Yan stunned, as if flowers were blooming and their eyes were brightened.

I have to say, this girl looks really good when she laughs!

Seeing that the two were stunned, Wei Han blushed and quickly changed the topic and asked about other things.

They walked and talked all the way, and when they left Qingshan County, the boxes hanging on Wei Han's saddle were all empty.

After leaving the border, the cement road was gone, and the difference between the carriage and the horse began to show immediately.

The carriage moved forward steadily, and the speed remained about the same as when it was on the cement road, but Wei Han's horse began to slow down.

In order to catch up with the carriage, she had to whip the horse from time to time to urge it to speed up.

As a result, before walking five miles, the horse stepped into a mud pit and fell to the ground with a whine.

Fortunately, Wei Han was agile and jumped off the horse in time and landed steadily.

"Oh no!" Wei Han saw the horse lying on the ground and whimpering, obviously with injured hooves and legs, and couldn't help but feel anxious.

Qian Wu in front quickly stopped the carriage and got off to check the horse: "This horse can't move anymore."

Wei Han pouted after a bad start.

Qian Wu saw that she was unhappy and hurriedly said: "It's okay, don't we still have a carriage?"

Wei Han was stunned and glanced at the carriage: "But Lord Chen is inside..."

Qian Wu misunderstood her and thought that she felt that the carriage was narrow, so he grinned: "Don't worry, the carriage is wide enough, Miss Wei and Lord Chen can roll around in it!"

He was a rude man and didn't think much when he spoke, but Wei Han blushed when he heard it. This was too rude!

"But what about this horse?" She quickly changed the subject.

"It's okay, I'll ask a brother to deal with it and take it back to the city." Qian Wu said, waving at the woods on the side of the road.

A figure ran out of the woods quickly.

The opponent was so fast that Wei Han was nervous and subconsciously pressed the handle of the knife.

But the man rushed over and knelt on one knee: "Captain!"

Qian Wu ordered: "Treat the horse's injury and send it back to Wanma Park in the county. Tell Lao Dai what happened. Ask him to deduct the money for the horse's medicine from the deposit."

The man immediately said: "Yes!"

Qian Wu turned to Wei Han and said: "Miss Wei, let's go. We have to hurry."

Wei Han realized that this person was Qian Wu's subordinate and was secretly surprised.

She was so experienced that she knew that he was not an ordinary expert just by looking at his body movements. Not to mention ordinary soldiers, I'm afraid it would be difficult for her Wei family army to compare with him!

She didn't know whether Chen Yan's training skills were good or not, but at least Qian Wu's ability to train his subordinates was extraordinary!

Inside the carriage, Chen Yan closed his eyes and breathed evenly, not noticing what had just happened.

Wei Han got on the carriage and was a little surprised to see him sleeping soundly.

This guy can sleep so well, right? He can sleep so soundly on such a bumpy road!

She was afraid of disturbing him,Carefully sat on the other side.

The carriage started moving again.

After walking for a while, Wei Han suddenly reacted.

This carriage was so stable, the expected bumps did not appear!


Chen Yan groaned faintly in pain in his sleep, and subconsciously covered his right elbow with his left hand.

That was where she sprained it last night.

Seeing him like this, Wei Han couldn't suppress the pain even in his sleep, and couldn't help but feel more guilty. She got up and walked over, gently grabbed his right arm, and massaged it as gently as possible.

"Qing'er, you are so good." Chen Yan murmured as he felt the pain gradually eased in his daze.

Wei Han couldn't help but smile, he probably thought it was Lu Qing'er who was massaging him now.

Suddenly, Chen Yan reached out with his left hand and hugged her slender waist.

"Come, let the young master hug you..."

Wei Han was startled and reflexively.


A crisp sound of interlocking!


A scream sounded, Qian Wu in front was startled, turned around and lifted the curtain: "Sir!"

But he saw Chen Yan holding his limp left hand, he had woken up in pain, and angrily said: "What are you doing!"

Wei Han was frightened just now, and twisted his left arm in a circle. After twisting, he woke up and said in surprise: "I didn't mean it!"

Seeing that he was in unbearable pain, her heart was filled with guilt, and she said in panic: "Are you okay?"

Chen Yan sat up and shook his left arm that could not exert force twice. The arm was limp like a noodle.

"Tell me if I am okay!"

"How much silver did I owe you in my last life, and you have to torture me like this in this life!"

Wei Han couldn't help but pout.


She didn't mean it, who told him to hug her suddenly! She was a virgin and had never been touched by a man like that. Wasn't it normal for her to have some reactions?

However, she also knew that Chen Yan's action was not intentional. He just mistook her for Lu Qing'er in his dream.

She felt uneasy and guilty, and asked worriedly: "Does it hurt a lot? Will you be disabled?"

This was a problem. He was already bow-legged. If he lost an arm... God would be jealous of his talent!

Thinking back, it was a good thing that he already had Lu Qing'er, so he wouldn't be unable to find a wife because of his disability.

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