Xiong Jin woke up from his dream and saw Wei Han and Chen Yan sitting in the same car. He couldn't help but feel envious and jealous.

Good boy, he has taken all the beauties!

Not to mention that female police chief, he actually hid such a beautiful woman in the car. Who knows if she was doing something dirty in the car just now!

Such a beauty should be enjoyed by me!

"Good Chen Yan, it seems that the charges I have against you are not enough!"

"You are doing such a shameless thing in the carriage in broad daylight!"

"As a court official, you disregard etiquette and shame, you should be charged with another crime!"

"My beauty, I am the magistrate of Lianggu County. I want to inform you that this man's official hat is no longer safe, so don't go astray."

"I think you must have been deceived by this man. Please get off the car quickly and stay away from this evil star. Otherwise, you will be implicated. I don't think you want to be imprisoned, right?"

Xiong Jin made several moves in succession, first scolding Chen Yan, then persuading the beauty, and then secretly threatening.

In his opinion, this woman must have taken a fancy to Chen Yan because he was a county magistrate, so she flattered him and offered herself to him. As long as she knew that Chen Yan's official position was no longer safe, she would naturally leave Chen Yan.

Then, he would have a chance!

Wei Han's eyes suddenly widened, and her cheeks were irritated: "Who do you say is doing something immoral in the carriage?"

Xiong Jin secretly praised in his heart, this woman is so charming even when she is angry!

"What? You guys did it, and I can't say anything?" He said while swallowing his saliva.

"Humph!" Wei Han was furious, and suddenly rushed out of the carriage, jumped under the carriage, and then pointed her toes, like a swallow, and threw herself into Xiong Jin's carriage.

Xiong Jin was stunned at first, he didn't expect her to have martial arts.

Then he was overjoyed, this beauty actually threw herself into his arms!

He couldn't help but open his arms and greeted the other party's delicate body: "Beauty, this official...ah!"

Before he finished speaking, he saw Wei Han's pink fist, swung and hit him in the fat face!

Xiong Jin screamed, the whole person was beaten and fell off the car, and fell hard on the ground!

The whole process was so fast that not only the yamen runners, but even Chen Yan didn't react.

What happened?

He hadn't made a move yet, so why did this girl rush over? !

"You insulted my reputation, I won't spare you!"

Wei Han's pretty face turned cold, and she cursed, and stepped forward and kicked Xiong Jin several times, making him cry for his parents and roll over with his head in his hands.

"What are you doing... Ouch! Save me! Protect me quickly... Ah! Help!"

The yamen runners around finally came to their senses, all of them were shocked and angry, and jumped off their horses and rushed towards Wei Han.

Chen Yan frowned slightly and patted Qian Wu on the shoulder: "Go and help."

After all, she is a member of the Zhou Chamber of Commerce, and she can't let her make any mistakes.

Qian Wu agreed, and was about to get up to help, but suddenly sat back down.

"My lord, it seems that I am no longer needed." He scratched his head and said.

It turned out that in just a moment, Wei Han's fists and feet were as nimble as a butterfly, and she easily knocked down the other yamen runners to the ground. Only two people were left standing, but they were stunned and dared not move forward.

They could not imagine that a mere woman could be so powerful!

They naturally could not imagine that this was not an ordinary woman, but one of the most capable generals of the emperor of the time. She killed countless enemies in the battle. How could these yamen runners who were usually not good at fighting with fists, feet and swords withstand a single move from her?

"Humph!" Wei Han's anger was finally vented. She snorted and returned to the carriage with a stern face.

Chen Yan looked at her blankly, then looked at Xiong Jin and others who were crying and shouting on the ground, sighed, and felt a little sympathetic to them.

I didn't do anything, but she had already tossed me into this state. You dare to provoke her anger, you are looking for death!

"Let's go!" Chen Yan came back to his senses and gave orders.

"Yes!" Qian Wu whipped his horse whip and drove past the crowd, ignoring them.

"Chen Yan! I'm not done with you!" Xiong Jin struggled to get up and screamed, "Bitch! Sooner or later, I'm going to get you and make you live a life worse than death!"

A group of yamen runners hurried forward to help him.

Xiong Jin stood up while screaming in pain, punching and kicking the yamen runners: "Waste! A bunch of waste! You were beaten to a pulp by a woman. This county has raised you waste in vain!"

Although the yamen runners did not dare to fight back, they couldn't help cursing in their hearts.

Isn't it because you had lustful thoughts and talked nonsense that you got this unjust disaster?

On the other side, in the carriage, Chen Yan looked Wei Han up and down, thinking.

"Miss Wei is really brave. She even dared to hit an official appointed by the imperial court. I'm afraid she will be imprisoned..."

"Hmph, if he has the guts, just arrest me!" Wei Han snorted, not taking it seriously at all.

In terms of title, she is a noble baron.

In terms of official position, she leads an army and holds military power.

Even if she is a first-rank general,Officials dare not act arrogantly in front of her!

What can a mere seventh-rank county magistrate do to her?

"Beating officials is a serious crime after all. I'm afraid even Miss Zhou can't protect you." Chen Yan tried.

"He insulted me first. Even if he is arrested, I'm not afraid." Wei Han said proudly.

"He insulted you with his mouth after all, not with his hands or other parts. But you hit him, not only with your hands, but also with your feet, and there are so many witnesses." Chen Yan said deliberately.

"Why do you seem to want me to be arrested?" Wei Han glanced at him.

"Of course, he insulted you, and you insulted the law! I am an official of the court, how can I sit and watch!" Chen Yan straightened his chest.

"You!" Wei Han stomped her feet in anger. Fortunately, there was iron sheet under the car, otherwise it might be crushed by her foot.

At least she helped him, this guy is so ungrateful!

"No, I can't go with you, or I will be implicated by you!" Chen Yan frowned, full of worry, "Get out of the car quickly! Otherwise, I must have someone arrest you!"

Wei Han never thought that he would turn against her. Thinking of Qian Wu's incredible physical strength and amazing weapons, she might not win if she really fought. She couldn't help but feel anxious and angry.

Is he really going to get out of the car?

"No, no, just getting out of the car is not enough. Your incident has too much impact, and Zhou's Chamber of Commerce will be implicated. The cooperation between this official and Zhou's Chamber of Commerce can no longer continue!" Chen Yan said anxiously.

"What! How can this be possible!" Wei Han was shocked and lost his voice.

"Qian Wu, stop the car!"

"Send a message back immediately to stop cooperation with Zhou's Chamber of Commerce immediately!"

"Fortunately, there are accidental protection clauses in the agreement, otherwise this official would really be killed!"

Chen Yan yelled angrily.

Wei Han was dumbfounded. She was originally angry, but now she was in a panic because she had ruined something big.

She was not afraid of leading troops to fight, and she could take a walk in front of life and death without any worries.

But if it affected the business of the emperor, it would affect the interests of the country, and she would become a sinner for all eternity!

In a hurry, she blurted out: "Don't worry, it's not that bad, that fat guy dare not sue me!"

Chen Yan sneered: "It sounds good! Who do you think you are? A prince or a noble? Do you have the power to suppress such a big thing?"

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