"Now you should understand why it is more lively outside the city than inside."

"Because of the high entry tax, ordinary people find it difficult to enter the city."

"So we can only form a market outside the city for market transactions."

"This is the most cunning thing about the prefect, raising the entry tax to screen out the rich and the poor."

"There are many rich people in the city, so the environment inside the city is naturally much better, and the public security environment is not bad."

"Every year, the above sends imperial envoys to inspect, the scene looks good and it is easy to get the job done."

"But there are not many rich families after all. So the city is much quieter."

"On the other hand, Zhao Changhe is much more efficient in collecting money."

"Increasing the house tax and land tax, and increasing the tax on shops, the income of the government office will certainly not be low."

"And the rich have many concerns, even if the prefect cuts their oil, they will not easily make trouble because they can bear it."

Chen Yan said slowly.

Wei Han was surprised and said, "That sounds pretty good."

Chen Yan laughed and shook his head.

"So you common people are just common people after all, with narrow vision, and you can't see things from the overall situation like me!"

Wei Han paused, feeling very dissatisfied.

What a joke, her official rank is much higher than his, but she was mocked by a seventh-rank county magistrate for not seeing the overall situation!

"May I ask what your opinion is, Lord Chen?" She asked patiently.

"Suppose that if all these poor people are expelled, will our Great Zhou become rich and strong?" Chen Yan said leisurely,

"Of course not!" Wei Han didn't know whether to laugh or cry, what a stupid question.

"Why not?"

"Rich people are educated, elegant in conversation, and presentable."

"Poor people are uneducated, speak rudely and unpleasantly, and curse at every turn."

"Rich people have money and can afford high taxes."

"Poor people are poor. Not to mention paying taxes all year round, the court may have to subsidize them to support them."

"Rich people abide by the law. If they are the main body, the country will be stable and there will be no war."

"Poor people who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes. They can do anything when they are in a hurry. The court has even made statistics on this. Most of the people who break the law are poor people!"

Chen Yan kept talking one by one.

At the end, he added heavily: "Since the rich have so many benefits, why doesn't the country become richer and stronger if the poor are expelled?"

Wei Han was speechless and couldn't answer.

What he said seemed to make sense, but she always felt that something was wrong.

Seeing her speechless, Chen Yan became proud: "So, a commoner like you can't see the overall situation like me! The key lies in the number of people!"

Wei Han said blankly: "What's the problem with the number of people?"

"Let's assume that the ratio of rich to poor is about one to ten."

"If there are no poor people in our Great Zhou, the population will drop sharply. If there is an invasion by foreign enemies, who will go to the army to fight?"

"Without food, who will farm and supply food?"

"Without wood, iron, silk, who will weave and cut?"

"We can't count on those rich people, right? Even if they are willing, with such a small number of people, how can they take care of all aspects?"

Chen Yan talked freely.

Wei Han nodded continuously, and it was indeed the truth.

"So the poor are the foundation of the country. Expelling the poor is just a superficial good idea, but it actually destroys the stability of the country."

"That's what the prefect did."

"Now the city is full of rich people. It seems stable, but the poor are gathering outside, and it is difficult to govern outside the city, which can easily lead to bad consequences!"

"Now, do you still think this is a good idea?"

Chen Yan said meaningfully.

Wei Han said with conviction: "Your Excellency's insight has opened my eyes. Wei Han has learned a lot!"

Chen Yan didn't mean to be modest at all, and said with a smile: "So you are really lucky. You are really lucky to hear so many insights from me!"

If someone else said this, Wei Han would have rolled his eyes at him long ago.

But when she heard what he said, she didn't feel dissatisfied at all, but said sincerely: "It's really beneficial to get along with you. May I ask how to deal with the matter of entering the city?"

Chen Yan said happily: "It will take a while to get to the posthouse anyway, so I will teach you a few more tricks. First of all, you have to understand what a 'city' is."

Wei Han's eyes showed doubt: "Isn't a city a place built by these houses?"

"Wrong! A city is not a 'place', but a 'people'."

"If there are people, you can call it a city; if there are no people, no matter how magnificent and magnificent your place is, it cannot be called a city."

"The role of a city is to allow people to live together, to facilitate business, and evenTaxes are easier to collect, and there is no need to go over mountains and hills to collect from every household. "

"So if the 'city' needs people, within a certain range, the more the better!"

"And the poor account for the majority. If the city is to play its greatest role, it is not to expel the poor, but to make them rich."

"This is also what I am committed to. My Qingshan County does not exclude the poor. Why?"

"Because no matter how poor he was before, I will make him rich!"

"Once the poor have money, they will naturally pay taxes, abide by the law, and even read and write to increase their knowledge, improving the per capita cultural level of our Qingshan County! "

Chen Yan spoke eloquently, and when he was excited, his saliva splashed out.

Wei Han didn't feel dirty at all, she was fascinated by his words, and nodded involuntarily.

She had never heard of these truths!

When she thought about it carefully, there was indeed a reason for it.

Moreover, this was not just a theoretical level, but there were actual results, that is, Qingshan County.

Although the entry tax for outsiders in Qingshan County was one or two silver coins, it was not cheap.

But for local residents, there was zero tax and they could enter and exit freely.

And now everyone is rich. They are not rich, but they are rich. The public security in the city is obviously good. It is rare to have a robbery or a fight.

And the people obviously support Chen Yan very much, and the county is stable.

Chen Yan sighed at the end.

"In fact, for an official, isn't the most important thing to do to handle the relationship with the people well?"

"The more people support you, the more stable your official position will be. ”

“The people are like the water in the river, and the officials are like the big ships, which are carried by the water and sail forward high above.”

“However, water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it!”

“Therefore, you have to make the river smooth and not let it raise waves.”

“Hey, I’m thirsty from talking so much, where’s my tea?”

Wei Han on the side hurriedly said, “Sir, take a rest, I’ll pour you some water!” "

This was the first time she spoke to him with a respectful title, and Chen Yan was very happy.

A young girl is teachable!

Soon, the carriage arrived in front of the posthouse.

Chen Yan got up and got off the carriage. He was injured and it was not very convenient for him to move.

Wei Han actually took the initiative to help him, which made Chen Yan look at her in surprise.

It was normal for him to take advantage of her, but she took the initiative to help, especially to help such a physical relationship, which was a bit problematic. After all, men and women should not be intimate with each other, and women should be more reserved and cautious in this regard.

Wei Han's cheeks were slightly red, and she said: "You are injured, and Madam Chen is not here, so it is my duty to help you."

Chen Yan felt itchy when he heard it.

Qing'er was not here, so no one helped him, so she helped him.

That night, no one would sleep with him, so could she...

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