Chen Yan narrowed his eyes and asked, "What is his reason for rejecting you?"

He Dun sighed, "He said that I am not old enough and inexperienced enough to take on this task."

Chen Yan was slightly surprised, "That's it?"

He Dun nodded helplessly.

Chen Yan pondered.

This reason seems a bit outrageous, not looking at ability, but looking at seniority.

But Da Zhou is a place that values ​​seniority very much. It is really hard to refute Cao Yu's use of this to block He Dun.

After all, He Dun is still young, so his seniority is naturally not deep.

He thought for a moment and said, "You go back first. Xiong Jin's matter will proceed as usual. I will handle Cao Yu's matter."

After he promised, He Dun was greatly encouraged and immediately said, "Yes!"

After the two of them discussed in secret, Chen Yan went over to open the door and said with a nod and a bow, "Sir, take care! I'll take you out."

He Dun's attitude immediately changed, and he said coldly, "Sir, it's not necessary. Please pay attention to what the prefect has told you. Remember not to delay and go to the government office on time tomorrow to confront!"

Chen Yan said in fear, "Yes! I will keep it in mind! Sir, take care."

He Dun snorted and strode out of the house.

When he walked through the yard, he couldn't help but glance at Wei Han who was doing push-ups on the ground. He always felt that it was a bit strange.

Where did I see this figure before?

But he didn't stop and left quickly.

Chen Yan sighed and suddenly said, "Qian Wu! Anyway, we have nothing to do at night, let's go out to the night market."

Qian Wu was feeding the horse, and he hurried over when he heard it: "Sir, Miss Wei..."

Chen Yan looked at Wei Han on the ground.

The latter had obviously reached her limit, but she continued to persist. Every time she went down and got up, she was as slow as if she was carrying a mountain on her back, and sweating profusely.

"Don't worry, I believe in Miss Wei's character. She will never cheat on quantity and quality." Chen Yan smiled and walked out.

"Ah?" Qian Wu was stunned.

That's not what he said!

Obviously, what he wanted to say was that they went out, and it was not good to leave Miss Wei here alone?

But he didn't dare to say anything more, and hurriedly followed.

When the two of them left the yard, Wei Han finally relaxed, fell to the ground, and gasped heavily.

She was so tired!

This thing is more tiring than her usual martial arts practice with a knife weighing more than ten kilograms, which is beyond her expectation.

But she has said the harsh words, she will never give up. Even if she doesn't sleep tonight, she must finish those 500!

But before that, let her take a breath.

She took a break for a while, turned over and lay on the ground, trying to raise her hands to see the condition of her arms.

But after just a little lift, the arms seemed to be sucked by the earth and fell back to the ground.

Thinking that Qian Wu easily completed 600, and even seemed to have not sweated much, Wei Han couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

But at the same time, there was a hint of joy in her heart.

Chen Yan, this guy, was unwilling to teach her how to train soldiers before, but now she has learned a little bit? This strange practice is obviously one of the usual trainings of the Nafu Camp!

"Hmph, Chen Yan, Chen Yan, sooner or later, I will make you look at me with new eyes!"

Chen Yan took Qian Wu outside and strolled around casually.

"Sir, this place is really deserted, it can't be compared with our place at all." Qian Wu shook his head.

"Be careful when you talk outside, don't compare it." Chen Yan said with a straight face.

"Yes, sir." Qian Wu quickly agreed.

"By the way, Qian Wu, are you interested in Miss Wei?" Chen Yan suddenly said.

"Ah? Why do you say that, sir?" Qian Wu was stunned.

"Why did you say so much to her? You are not like this usually. I remember you are very tight-lipped." Chen Yan glanced at him.

"Nothing! I just feel sorry for her..." Qian Wu scratched his head.

"Pitiable?" This time it was Chen Yan's turn to be stunned.

"Yes, isn't she a little crazy? To use your words, sir, she is a little mentally ill." Qian Wu said honestly.

Chen Yan burst out laughing.

So that's it. This guy still remembers Wei Han's overly cautious reaction when they first met.

"Sir, where are we going?" Qian Wu asked hurriedly after he was relieved when he saw him laughing.

He knew his lord too well. He would never go to a night market.

Especially since the night market in Wuyin City is not even one hundredth as lively as that in Qingshan County, it would be a waste of time to go there.

Chen Yan smiled and said, "Help He Dun do some preparation work."

Xiong Jin's matter should be the priority at the moment. After that matter is dealt with, it won't be too late to deal with Cao Yu's matter.

But tomorrow Cao Yu willWe need to leave, time is urgent, and we have to find a way to delay Cao Yu's trip.

Two hours later, Chen Yan took Qian Wu back to the posthouse.

After entering the yard, he was about to go back to the house, but suddenly he was stunned.

In the yard, Wei Han was lying there, her eyes closed, breathing evenly, and she actually fell asleep there!

"Sir, what should we do?" Qian Wu scratched his head next to him.

Chen Yan could see that this girl was obviously tired from doing too many push-ups.

But we can't let her sleep here, it will be troublesome if she catches a cold.

He thought about it and said, "Wake her up."

Qian Wu agreed and patted Wei Han: "Miss Wei, wake up! Go back to the house to sleep, it's too cold here!"

Wei Han turned over and continued to sleep, with no intention of waking up at all.

Qian Wu was stunned and patted again with more strength.

This time, Wei Han simply turned around and lay on the ground, continuing to sleep soundly.

Qian Wu was at a loss, so he turned to look at Chen Yan.

Chen Yan was also quite surprised, this girl was sleeping soundly enough!

He waved his hand, signaling Qian Wu to do his own thing, and the latter quickly turned around.

Chen Yan walked to Wei Han and was about to move.

"Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it, um..."

Wei Han suddenly muttered in her sleep.

Chen Yan was amused.

She did not forget these two sentences in her dream, which shows how deeply these words affected her.

"Damn Chen Yan, I will definitely do five hundred!"

When he was amused, Wei Han suddenly cursed, then turned over and lay on her side, curled up like a baby, hugged her calves with both hands, and her knees directly pressed against her chest.

Chen Yan was amazed.

It must be said that women's bodies are indeed very different from men's.

She could actually sleep comfortably in such an awkward sleeping position, unlike him, who slept in any way he wanted, lying on his back or lying prone.

He reached out and pulled up a dogtail grass from the ground beside him, and gently scratched her nose.

"Stop it... I'm asleep..."

Wei Han moved vaguely, stretched out her hand and scratched it randomly, and fell asleep again.

Chen Yan scratched again.


Wei Han sneezed because her nose was itchy.

Chen Yan thought she would wake up, but she fell asleep again.

Chen Yan threw the dogtail grass with a frown on his face and rolled up his sleeves.

He still didn't believe it, and he had to wake her up today!

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