Chen Yan was startled and hesitated for a moment before picking up the seal. After a closer look, his face suddenly changed!

"You are really the Minister... Minister?! I am blind, please forgive me, Minister!"

As he said this, he suddenly knelt down.

Cao Yu stretched out his hands to stop him, and said with a smile: "No need to be polite, so as not to attract attention. I like peace and quiet, and don't want too many people to know my identity. Can you please pretend that you don't know about this?"

Since he spoke, Chen Yan naturally dared not disobey, and said nervously: "Yes, I understand!"

Wei Han on the side was completely confused!

She had also seen the private seal, and of course she knew why Chen Yan knew that the other party was not lying by this seal.

Officials of the Great Zhou all have official and private seals, and some even have multiple different official or private seals.

And these seals are used according to different purposes. But there is one thing that is the same.

All seals were made by the seal shop designated by the court. They were marked with special materials to prove that they were seals certified by the court and their true identity.

The law stipulates that this seal cannot be made except by the designated seal shop, and violators will be severely punished. Secondly, it is extremely difficult to make, and it is basically impossible to imitate it perfectly, so it is highly credible.

With it, it is enough to prove that Cao Yu is indeed the Minister of Heaven!

Her first reaction was that it was bad. If someone recognized her, what if the other party called her name and let Chen Yan find out that she was not from the Zhou Chamber of Commerce, then Tang Yun’s business would be over!

But then, she reacted and secretly rejoiced.

It’s not like he just came. He has been here for a while. If he recognized her, wouldn’t he have called her long ago?

She was different from ordinary officials or nobles. She was a commoner who was awarded the title for military merit.

Even when she was awarded the title, she was still leading troops in the war.

Moreover, after the war subsided, she asked Tang Yun for permission not to enter the court because she was not good at being an official, and Tang Yun agreed.

Therefore, she did not know most of the officials in the court, so she did not recognize Cao Yu just now.

Correspondingly, many officials in the court did not know her, and Cao Yu was one of them.

"Now you should understand that I am not talking nonsense, right?" Cao Yu said with a smile.

"Yes, your subordinate, ah no, I am blind to Mount Tai." Chen Yan laughed in his heart, and naturally still pretended to be terrified on the surface.

"How is it? Are you interested in the deal I proposed just now?" Cao Yu said again.

"It is my blessing that the old gentleman is willing to guide me, and I will obey your orders." Chen Yan said respectfully, "May I ask the old gentleman, what is going on? The news I have inquired about is that it is indeed He Fucheng..."

"He Fucheng is indeed a wise and upright person. If he becomes an official, he will benefit the people."

"Unfortunately, the way of officialdom is not so simple?"

"Longzhou is close to Sili, which can be said to be the land under the feet of the emperor. It is not enough to rely on ability alone."

"Wise and upright can only mean that you have a good governance; but in the area close to the capital, you can't just know how to govern, you also need to be able to communicate with the upper level."

"Only when you communicate with both the upper and lower levels can everything go smoothly."

Cao Yu stroked his beard and spoke with a sense of majesty.

Wei Han couldn't help but listen to him in a trance.

Old ginger is spicy, and old wine is fragrant. When old man Cao Yu speaks, there is indeed some truth!

Chen Yan understood much more than she did. He understood immediately and whispered, "Your Excellency means that someone above doesn't want He Fucheng to be the prefect of Longzhou?"

Wei Han was stunned.

What kind of weird understanding is this? Lord Cao clearly said something that made sense, but why did Chen Yan change his mind?

Before she finished thinking this, Cao Yu smiled slightly, "My friend, you can understand it, no need to say it explicitly."

Wei Han was stunned for a moment!

What Chen Yan understood was actually correct!

Chen Yan hurriedly said, "Yes."

Cao Yu said leisurely, "The biggest problem with He Fucheng is that he doesn't know how to adapt, so there are discussions in the court about his succession. It's just that Zhao Fuyin personally recommended him, and after all, he had to go through a process, so he sent me here. Now, the future successor should be on the way."

Chen Yan frowned when he heard this.

Wouldn't his great plan be ruined?

"Excuse me, old sir, who is the real candidate?" he asked carefully.

"Song Zhixian, the prefect of Yuzhou Prefecture." Cao Yu lowered his voice.

"So it's Mr. Song! I understand, thank you for your guidance!" Chen Yan was secretly happy and thanked him immediately.

Knowing who it is, it will be easy.

No matter how high your official position in the court is, how strong your background is, you want to ruin my business? No way!

"As for the rest, I don't need to say more, you should know how to do it." After Cao Yu finished speaking, he showed an anxious look again, "Come, take out the chess quickly, I have thought of a way, orI can solve your strange game!"

After getting the information he wanted, Chen Yan didn't keep him in suspense and asked Qian Wu to take out the chessboard and put it on the table.

While he was playing chess with Cao Yu perfunctorily, he began to think.

Song Zhixian, he had an impression of this name. In fact, he had obtained information about all the more important officials in the Great Zhou Dynasty and made a clear list of the other party's characteristics.

This was not listed according to their official rank, but according to their importance in various places. Song Zhixian was the prefect of Yuzhou Prefecture and had a certain importance, so he was on his list.

It was not a big problem to prevent Song Zhixian from becoming the prefect of Longzhou Prefecture.

He remembered that there was a long list of this person's weaknesses in the list, and he could do it by just finding a few points to overcome.

The key is why this person will be transferred to Longzhou.

The person or people who support him behind the scenes are the real trouble, and we must take this opportunity to find out.

Otherwise, even if Song Zhixian is removed, there will still be Zhang Zhixian and Wang Zhixian, and He Dun's position as the prefectural governor is still hopeless!


The next day, Chen Yan personally sent Cao Yu away, and then got on the carriage and returned to Qingshan County.

This old man is very cunning, and he didn't reveal anything afterwards.

Chen Yan was not in a hurry, and played chess with him all day.

He knew that an old hand like Cao Yu would easily arouse suspicion if he showed too much anxiety.

On the way home, Wei Han still rode with him, looking at him frequently, wanting to say something but stopping.

Chen Yan closed his eyes and rested, and said lazily: "Ask if you want to ask, don't hold it in and get hurt."

Wei Han hesitated and said: "Are you really going to bribe He Fucheng?"

Chen Yan sneered: "Who am I, do I need to bribe him? "

Wei Han asked in confusion: "Then why did you lie to Lord Cao?"

Chen Yan slightly opened his right eye and glanced at her: "Who said I lied to him? I only said I was going to visit Lord He, and I didn't say I wanted to bribe him. I am honest and upright, how could I be the one who bribed me!"

Wei Han opened her eyes wide: "But didn't Brother Qian say..."

Chen Yan said nonchalantly: "There are so many people under my command, can they all represent me?"

Wei Han was speechless for a moment, but she was not convinced in her heart.

Qian Wu would say that, it was obvious that he arranged it, but this guy still didn't admit it!

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