"Da Zhou is based on farming, but if it wants to develop, commercial flow and industrial production must be vigorously promoted."

"This county is ahead, but it is only ahead. In the future, other cities will develop in this direction."

"In the future, perhaps decades or hundreds of years, if you are still alive at that time, you will see such scenes everywhere!"

In the car, Chen Yan saw Wei Han's shocked expression and said lightly.

There is another sentence he didn't say.

This industrial zone can be said to be the top priority of his Qingshan County construction plan, the foundation of everything!

His plan is to designate the eastern district as an industrial zone in the future, and expand the residential and commercial areas to the south, away from the industrial zone.

These factories are actually just primitive industries. Although they have formed some scale, they are far from being full of chemical waste like those factories in his previous life. The smoke and dust emitted are not worth mentioning in front of the purification capacity of the primitive natural environment of Da Zhou.

Wei Han seemed to understand, but his heart was surging.

The prosperity of Qingshan County is visible.

According to Chen Yan, it is achieved through commercial circulation and industrial production.

If the whole Great Zhou is like this in the future, it is not a luxury for Great Zhou to become the richest and most powerful country in the world!

"If you enter the court and work hard to promote this matter, wouldn't it benefit the world?" Wei Han blurted out.

"How can it be that simple? This process is not achieved overnight, but a long-term process. The most taboo is to be impatient for progress."

"Even my Qingshan County is still a long way from real prosperity. If you rashly think about blessing the world, you will be courting death."

"If you don't let the people of the world enjoy the blessing, but drag my Qingshan County into the quagmire, it will be more than worth the loss."

"So you must grow up!"

Chen Yan said without hesitation.

He had already thought about these things clearly, and no one could shake his mind.

At this time, they had entered the main road between the factories. They saw all kinds of horse-drawn carriages, ox-drawn carts, and mule-drawn carts on the road, and even some strange-shaped carts, which were different from the common chicken buses.

There were at least more than 2,000 people on this road alone. If the whole district was counted, there were probably tens of thousands of workers here alone!

Wei Han looked at them in surprise while listening to Chen Yan's words, and she was confused. When she was about to ask what was the meaning of wretched development, Chen Yan said, "We're here!"

Qingshan County Compound Feed Processing Factory.

In front of the factory, a large plaque hanging on the side of the gate clearly stated the name of this place.

It was a simple name, and Wei Han knew all the characters, but when they were put together, she was completely confused.

"Sir! You are here! County Magistrate Li just told me to call you!"

As soon as they entered the gate, a young man wearing a full-body smock and a cloth mask came out on a horse and met them.

"Where is the fish?" Chen Yan asked.

"I'll take you there." The young man glanced at Wei Han twice before turning the carriage and taking them inside.

Wei Han followed behind on horseback, only to feel a strange smell suspended in the air.

It was not fragrant or smelly, but it smelled familiar, but also strange.

She was puzzled, but it was not easy to ask at this time, so she could only keep it in her heart for the time being.

The factory was very spacious, at least thousands of acres, divided into multiple areas.

Cars, people, horses, etc. shuttled back and forth between the areas, and it was extremely lively. Those who knew each other greeted each other, and there was no time to stop and talk, and they went to do their own things.

Busy, but gave people a sense of peace.

And just like outside, when they saw Chen Yan's carriage, everyone took the initiative to greet him. Chen Yan would say hello if he was happy, and nod if he was not happy. Sometimes he would just skip the nod and just blink.

Wei Han was surprised. This guy's attitude really didn't match other people's enthusiasm. How could so many people love him?

Arriving at the north area of ​​the factory, strange buildings at least six or seven meters high stood together. Each one was like an inverted giant incense burner, with a door for entry and exit below, and all other places were closed. Only the top had a chimney for smoke and dust to be discharged.

After arriving here, Wei Han finally smelled a familiar stench.

Those dead fish were pulled here and piled up in an area next to these giant incense burners. There were too many to count, and they were piled up into small hills.

Wei Han couldn't help feeling numb when he saw it. They were all dead fish, which looked creepy.

At this time, there were at least a hundred people at the scene, loading the fish into carts and then sending them into each incense burner.

When he got closer, Wei Han discovered that there were pits dug under the incense burners, which were filled with black blocks of various shapes.

"What is that?" Wei Han asked curiously.asked.

"Coal." Chen Yan simply answered with one word, jumped off the carriage, and walked towards Li Feng who was directing not far away.

Wei Han quickly got off the horse and followed.

"Sir!" Li Feng saw Chen Yan coming and hurriedly saluted and reported, "It's almost ready. Do you have any instructions?"

"What can I order? You know all these procedures. Continue." Chen Yan said in a muffled voice.

"It stinks. Aren't you afraid of the stink?" Wei Han pinched her nose and frowned.

Everyone here wrapped the lower half of their faces with cloth towels, but even so, they still looked sad. Obviously, the stench was so lethal that it was not something that those cloth towels could protect against.

Chen Yan turned his head to look at her.

Wei Han then realized that this guy had put on a strange mask at some point, covering the lower half of his face, including his nose.

"What is that?" She was surprised.

"The gas mask is still relatively crude, but it is basically enough to prevent odor." Chen Yan explained. Because the mask fits the face tightly, the voice becomes extremely dull and sounds strange.

"Can this thing really prevent odor?" Wei Han was a little confused. The odor is so piercing, how much effect can such a small thing have?

"You will know if you try it." Chen Yan took off the mask and handed it to her.

Wei Han's cheeks were slightly red.

This is the close-fitting thing he just wore!

Although it is attached to the face, it is not too private.

But after all, shyness can't overcome curiosity. She hesitated for a moment, then took it and put it on her face according to Chen Yan's instructions.

In an instant, the whole world was quiet.

In fact, the odor was not completely eliminated, and she could still smell some.

However, this odor, compared with the horrible odor that penetrated the heart and lungs just now, can be ignored!

This mask was made by Chen Yan based on the principle of the gas mask in his previous life. The original intention was to protect factory workers and replace those cloth masks to reduce the inhalation of dust into the lungs as much as possible.

However, many materials, such as plastic parts, cannot be made now, so they can only be replaced by animal skins and cloth.

The key filter screen and filter cotton are difficult to make due to the lack of polymer materials, so they can only be replaced by multi-layer fine fabrics and some other vine leaves that can absorb odors.

In terms of effect, it is naturally worse, but compared with the existing veil masks in Da Zhou, it is a product of two dimensions, which can be called black technology!

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