Wei Han was so angry that she wanted to overturn the table. She was so embarrassed that she was furious.

"Chen Yan! Why didn't you stop me!"

"I wanted to stop you!" Chen Yan laughed, "But later I found that I wanted to see you make a fool of yourself, haha!"

Wei Han was embarrassed, angry and embarrassed, and stood up suddenly.

Chen Yan hurriedly said, "Don't be angry, don't be angry, drink some tea to cool down." He handed over a cup of tea.

Wei Han took it angrily and drank it all in one gulp. Not satisfied yet, he simply picked up the teapot next to him, blew a few gulps at the spout, and drank it all.

"You can drink too much! At least leave some for me." Chen Yan said in astonishment.

"Humph, I told you to tease me, I won't leave you a drop!" Wei Han snorted.

Chen Yan couldn't help but smile, bent down, took out another teapot from under the table and put it on the table.

Wei Han was stunned: "Why do you have another pot?"

Chen Yan said leisurely: "More than one pot, I have as much as you want to drink. Do you want to drink this pot too?"

Wei Han's stomach was full, how could she drink more, so she had to sit down angrily: "No need! How did you make those dead fish into that feed?"

"In fact, it's not just dead fish, there are many raw materials for feed."

"Dead earthworms, dead grasshoppers, dead mice, dead toads..."

"I am buying them all, and all of them can be processed into high-protein and high-quality feed."

"These things can be used to feed poultry and livestock, which can speed up their meat growth."

"Of course, people can eat them too. If you like, I can have someone send you a big can."

Wei Han listened to him talking about those raw materials, and waves of nausea kept coming up.

But she knew better that this guy was teasing her on purpose. If she reacted, it would be like letting the other party succeed.

She suppressed her nausea and said with a stern face: "You still didn't tell me how to make it."

Chen Yan poured himself a cup of tea: "Dry it and then crush it, then mix and humidify it, and there are a few other details. Finally, dry it again and use a mold to make it into this shape that is easy to swallow and chew. It's done."

This is just a rough process. He naturally won't tell her the real complete process. This is his way to make money, how can he tell her in detail?

While talking, someone pushed a large amount of finished feed in a cart. Chen Yan grabbed a handful and put it on the table.

Wei Han curiously picked up a small brown cylinder about an inch high and as thick as a little finger. The surface was very rough. She squeezed it hard and the small cylinder broke into dozens of particles of different shapes.

She actually didn't understand most of what Chen Yan said, but one thing is certain, that these things can help poultry and livestock grow better than traditional grass!

"For example, the pigs in my pig farm are fed with grass and omnivorous food, and it takes more than a year before they can be marketed."

"But if you feed this kind of feed, and mix it with ordinary grass and omnivorous food, you can market it in half a year!"

"And the meat is tender and delicious, and the taste is excellent."

Chen Yan explained patiently.

Wei Han's heart moved. How could this guy be so patient to tell her all this?

She looked up at him and said, "It's rare that Lord Chen has so much free time to tell me this."

Chen Yan sneered, "Who told you! I asked you to go back and tell your boss about this! If the meat pigs are successfully promoted nationwide in the future, the feed business will definitely be a big hit. Ask her to think carefully about whether to settle the cooperation in the feed business first."

He has always believed that eggs should never be put in one basket.

So when doing business, you can't have too many cooperation projects with one company, and you should expand your cooperation partners.

But Zhou's Chamber of Commerce is really easy to talk to!

When that Miss Zhou talked about business with him, she almost always split the profits 50-50, and rarely argued with him about the division of interests.

For such a high-quality dog ​​owner, he would be sorry for himself if he didn't do more business!

Wei Han finally understood his intention and snorted, "You don't need to tell me, I will tell my boss too."

Although Tang Yun didn't specifically tell her, she knew that Da Zhou urgently needed the support of these businesses to enrich the treasury.

She paused, thinking of another possible business, and asked again, "What exactly is that thing you call 'coal'?"

Chen Yan simply said, "It's a secret, sorry to tell you."

He didn't plan to do the coal business, at least not yet.

Da Zhou lacked geological exploration equipment and technology, and it was very difficult to find places with large coal mines.

The part found now was obtained by extremely coincidental circumstances. It was basically enough for his own use at this stage, but it would definitely not work if he sold it.

This is also something he will focus on solving in the future. Primitive energy commodities such as wood have too many restrictions on use. Advanced energy commodities such asCoal and even oil will become important materials that affect the whole world.

However, this matter cannot be accomplished overnight, and there will inevitably be huge capital consumption in the early stage. Now his most important thing is to make money, the more the better, and accumulate enough original capital to enter the next stage.

Wei Han was a little unwilling to give up and was about to ask again.

"Sir! I got it back!"

A voice came from a distance.

The two turned their heads and saw Qian Wu riding a horse and coming here with a package in his hand.

Chen Yan said happily: "The gift I promised to give you is finally here!"

Wei Han immediately forgot about the coal and said happily: "What is it?"

Soon, Qian Wu came closer and put the package on the table.

Wei Han looked at the shape of the package and suddenly had an idea in her mind.

Could it be...

Her heartbeat instantly increased several gears, and her hands could not help shaking.

Chen Yan opened the package and saw a beautifully shaped sword with a sheath, about three feet long.

Wei Han's eyes lit up: "This... Could this be..."

Chen Yan held the sword with both hands and handed it to her: "Your sword was cut off by Qian Wu. This sword is my gift to compensate you!"

Wei Han was extremely excited. She took it with both hands and felt it was light in her hands.

This sword is quite light.

The sword she used before was given by Tang Yun. Compared with ordinary knives, it is a top-notch product in terms of both sturdiness and sharpness.

But compared with Qian Wu's sword, it was immediately several levels weaker.

Later, when Chen Yan was playing chess with Cao Yu, she was bored and talked a lot with Qian Wu. Only then did she know that his sword was not a peerless magic weapon, but a standard weapon of the Nafu Camp!

At that moment, she was extremely shocked and envious at the same time. She even considered whether to join the Nafu Camp of Qingshan County.

Unexpectedly, Chen Yan actually gave her a knife!

Suppressing her excitement, she grasped the hilt and drew the knife out of its sheath!

Under the sunlight, the blade shone with cold light!

She had used many knives before, and knew at a glance that this knife was definitely not an ordinary one!

It was just that the blade was thinner than what she had used before, and it seemed a little lacking in weight.

"This knife... could it be the standard knife of the Nafu Camp?" She waved it in the air a few times, and said excitedly.

"How is that possible!" Chen Yan laughed.

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