Chen Yan took it off while talking and handed it to her.

Wei Han was surprised and said, "Isn't this like the legendary Heavenly Silkworm Treasure Clothes!"

After taking it and touching it, she found that it was not just two layers inside and outside, but there were actually several layers inside, but it was quite thin, so it was thin and light.

Chen Yan was surprised and said, "Heavenly Silkworm Treasure Clothes?"

Wei Han said excitedly, "Yes! It is written in the folk novels. It is said that there is a kind of silkworm called Heavenly Silkworm. The silk it spits out is extremely flexible. It can be woven into clothes and worn on the body to protect against swords and guns!"

Chen Yan didn't expect that she had also read the novels, and asked curiously, "You also read the novels?"

Wei Han couldn't let go of the bulletproof vest and said casually, "Yes, my mother told me the novels since I was a child. When I grew up, I read them myself, and I read a lot!"

These days, there are indeed few women reading storybooks. Chen Yan was also a little surprised, thinking Turning around, he teased, "Have you read "Erlang Punishes Jinlian Sao"?"

Wei Han looked up at him in astonishment: "What is that?"

Chen Yan said seriously: "It's a picture album about a knight who punishes evil women. I strongly recommend you to read it when you have time. By the way, it is sold in major bookstores in my county."

Wei Han said happily: "Okay, I'll buy it later! Thank you for the recommendation, Lord Chen."

Chen Yan smiled and said: "You're welcome."

On the side, Qian Wu lowered his head quickly, fearing that his expression of holding back a smile would be seen by Wei Han.

Wei Han was unaware of it, and happily compared the bulletproof vest on her body.

It was the first time that Chen Yan saw her so happy, and suddenly he regretted teasing her.

Suddenly, Wei Han looked up at him again: "Master Chen, why are you so nice to me?"

Chen Yan did not expect her to ask this question, and was stunned, and asked back: "What do you think?"

Of course, he was not trying to please Wei Han for no reason.

Just from the fact that she was responsible for the escort of the saltpeter mine alone, it was known that she was no ordinary person in Zhou's Chamber of Commerce.

Having a good relationship with her would definitely be beneficial to future cooperation!

But if this reason was said, the effect would be greatly reduced, so he had to deal with it vaguely, using rhetorical questions to delay, and his mind was turning quickly, trying to find a reason that would not disgust her.

Wei Han trembled, looked at him deeply, and suddenly two red clouds appeared on her cheeks. She turned around quickly and said: "I... I'll go back first!"

She said and walked away quickly.

Chen Yan was stunned and turned to ask Qian Wu: "What does her reaction mean?"

Qian Wu scratched his head: "She left in such a hurry, isn't she in a hurry?"

Chen Yan was moved and said: "That makes sense! She is a girl, and she is embarrassed to tell us, so she wants to swallow it quickly to solve it! Qian Wu, I didn't expect that you are so thick-skinned, and there is such a smart day, not bad!"

Qian Wu hurriedly said: "It's all thanks to your cultivation!"

Chen Yan was about to speak when the sound of horse hooves came from far away.

The two turned their heads and saw Zhang Dabiao riding a horse and shouting from a distance: "My lord! The news from Yongzhou has been reported back!"


Back at the county government office, Chen Yan read the secret letter carefully and sneered slightly.

Zhang Dabiao next to him asked, "Sir, what are you laughing at?"

Chen Yan laughed and said, "I am laughing at Gongsun Cheng's lack of wisdom and strategy. He actually made such a big mistake. No matter what conspiracy he has, he will never succeed."

The secret letter was about Gongsun Cheng's whereabouts.

As Chen Yan expected, Gongsun Cheng was indeed secretly active in Yongzhou.

The letter also included all the actions of this person in Yongzhou, with no omissions, and even a route map was drawn.

After just one look at the route map, Chen Yan understood the guy's intention. As he expected, he really wanted to incite a civil uprising there.

Zhang Dabiao humbly asked, "How did you see that he made a big mistake?"

"His intention is very clear. The disaster in Yongzhou is not as severe as that in Jizhou, and most of the people there are Yi people."

"So his main activities are in the east and north of Yongzhou."

"The main targets are the Yi people."

"Yongzhou is the last area that our Great Zhou has incorporated into its territory. When the previous emperor conquered this place, he also launched a massacre of the people."

"So it is common sense that the Yi people there must be dissatisfied with the Great Zhou. As long as they are slightly incited, they will riot."

"But he I don't understand how much effort the current emperor has put into the Yi people since he ascended the throne! "

"Even during the war, the national treasury and granaries were empty, but he continued to allocate grain and funds to subsidize the people of Yongzhou."

"He also sent many craftsmen and officials to Yongzhou to help the Yi people develop farming and animal husbandry."

"During the five years of war, Yongzhou can be said to be the place that benefited the most from the Great Zhou!"

"Even troops were allocated, and the Yi people in Yongzhou defended against foreign invasions."

"Now that Yongzhou has already won the support of the people, it is as difficult as ascending to heaven to incite a civil uprising there!"

"So this officialIt is a waste of effort to say that Gongsun Cheng is stupid. "

Chen Yan said while laughing, and put down the secret letter in his hand.

Because of the saltpeter mine, he had spent a lot of effort to understand the situation in Yongzhou, so he knew the situation there so well.

Zhang Dabiao gave a thumbs up and praised: "Your Excellency really stays at home, but you are still making plans! With your words, I am relieved. Our business in Yongzhou will not be affected. "

Chen Yan shook his head: "Otherwise, a large-scale civil uprising will not happen, but I think Gongsun Cheng will fail to incite, and will definitely use inducement or coercion. There will still be some small disturbances over there. Especially the area where he is active is too close to the saltpeter mine, and it still needs to be stopped. "

Zhang Dabiao hesitated and said: "Does your Excellency mean to take action?"

Chen Yan shook his head again: "No, why use a butcher knife to kill a chicken? Anyway, there are people who are more anxious than us, let them deal with it! "

Zhang Dabiao understood and said, "Zhou's Chamber of Commerce? But now there is still a long time before the agreed time. Aren't you afraid that the other party will regret the agreed remuneration?"

Tang Yun and Chen Yan agreed at that time to calculate the remuneration on a daily basis, which was 24 days. Now that the investigation results have not been handed over before half of the time has arrived, shouldn't half of the remuneration be cancelled?

Chen Yan laughed and said, "How is it possible! I will ask them to pay the agreed silver without any less! Moreover, I will ask them to add another sum! "

Without further delay, Chen Yan went to find Wei Han immediately after making plans.

Unexpectedly, she was not in the county government office. After asking Qing'er, she said that she had returned and hurried out again, but did not say where she went.

Chen Yan was a little surprised, so he sent the yamen runners to the inn where the guards of the Zhou Chamber of Commerce lived to see if she was there.

As a result, the yamen runners came back to report that Wei Han was not there.

This was strange.

Looking at the sky, it was almost dark.

"Strange, could it be that people could still go missing under my jurisdiction?" Chen Yan was puzzled.

"Sir, do you want to ask Captain Zheng to look for her?" Lu Qing'er suggested. When it comes to finding someone, there is no second person in Qingshan County who can be stronger than Zheng Yan.

"Okay, I haven't seen Captain Zheng since I came back, where did she go?" Chen Yan thought of Zheng Yan and asked.

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