She could see that Bai Lu had some oil stains on her body, and it was obvious that she cooked by herself.

Feng Lingwei's dormitory had a kitchen, and they usually had a special cook to serve them when they ate. However, they were all girls after all, and most of them knew how to cook, and they liked to cook from time to time.

So cooking was normal.

But pork was not normal!

Nowadays, pork is in short supply in the capital, and has become a favorite on the tables of all wealthy families.

Every day, wealthy families who want to buy pork can only queue up for reservations. Even Tang Yun herself, although she was very greedy, the pork was used to make money to subsidize the national treasury, so she could only bear it.

As the emperor of a country, if she also satisfied herself first and then considered the country, would it be okay?

Therefore, except for eating pork in Qingshan County, she had never eaten it once after returning to the capital.

But unexpectedly, Feng Lingwei actually had pork!

At this point, it was impossible not to be honest. Bai Lu said honestly, "Your Majesty, it was indeed pork."

Tang Yun's almond eyes were full of anger, and she said coldly, "Did you ask for it from He Jinyao?"

The only source of pork in the capital is the daily supply of pigs from Qingshan County, and all of these must be handled by He Jinyao.

Therefore, the most likely possibility is that he abused his power for personal gain and asked He Jinyao for it in the name of his Fengling Guard!

Qing Yuan was shocked and said, "Your Majesty, how dare we! These porks were not asked from Lord He, but... were given by Chen Yan!"

Tang Yun was stunned: "What?"

Bai Lu did not dare to hide anything and told the whole story.

It turned out that Qing Yuan was injured because of Chen Yan last time. Although he did not mention it much, he still remembered it in his heart.

Yesterday, Bai Lu went to Qingshan County. Chen Yan asked about Qing Yuan's recent situation, and then gave Bai Lu four pig trotters, asking her to take them to Qing Yuan to nourish her body.

Bai Lu naturally couldn't refuse, so she brought it back.

Hearing that Chen Yan prepared it specially for Qing Yuan, Tang Yun didn't know what to say. Her expression eased a little, and she snorted, "Didn't this guy say that the supply of pork was insufficient? How come there are extra ones for you?"

But she felt a little uncomfortable.

It's good that Chen Yan can remember Qing Yuan's help to him.

But at that time, she ordered Qing Yuan to protect Chen Yan, so she should have the most credit. He actually only brought it to Qing Yuan and not to herself!

Bai Lu said, "I asked him at the time, and Lord Chen said that this was from his own private reserve. Later, I inquired about it and was told that the pigs from the pig farm should be given priority to him before the others were sold."

Tang Yun said with a straight face, "He really knows how to enjoy himself. He keeps a share of all good things for himself!"

Qing Yuan rolled his eyes and said, "Your Majesty, the yam stewed pig's trotters that Bai Lu made for me are just right. How about you try some?"

Tang Yun swallowed her saliva secretly and wanted to refuse, but couldn't.

She has never been greedy for food, but she couldn't resist the temptation when she thought of such delicious food.

"Then...try some?" She hesitated for a long while.

"Then go! It tastes great with spicy dipping sauce!" Bai Lu said excitedly.

"What is spicy dipping sauce?" Tang Yun asked in surprise.

Not long after, in the side garden of the dormitory.

The side garden, about one acre in size, was decorated with garden landscapes, flourishing flowers and plants, and a small pavilion with beautiful scenery.

On the stone table in the pavilion, a large pot of stewed pig's trotters was placed in the middle, exuding fragrance.

There were snow-white yams in the middle, which added a lot of color to this delicious pot.

But next to it, there was a large bowl of spicy dipping sauce that had been prepared.

"This dipping sauce is the recipe that Lord Chen taught me. He said it is delicious with stewed dishes! Your Majesty, please try it."

Bai Lu brought a delicate small plate, scooped some dipping sauce from the big bowl, and respectfully placed it in front of Tang Yun.

"It seems to have a spicy taste. Is there ginger in it?" Tang Yun sniffed it and frowned slightly. She didn't like ginger since she was a child, because it was too spicy.

"Yes, there are also peppercorns, plus soy sauce, these three are the main ingredients."

"In addition, some seasonings are added, such as refined salt and white sugar, and a little vegetable oil."

"Refined salt and white sugar are also given by Lord Chen, and the rest are all bought by me outside."

Bai Lu said while serving meat to Tang Yun, and did not forget to add the last sentence at the end, fearing that Tang Yun would misunderstand that she was using public power for personal gain.

Tang Yun was surprised and said: "Peppercorns? Isn't it a spice? How can it be used in cooking?"

Peppercorns are produced in the southern part of the Great Zhou, but they have always been used as spices and not eaten in cooking.

However, Tang Yun herself tasted peppercorns secretly when she was a child because of curiosity, and she felt numb all over at that time.

Now, when she heard that this so-called "dipping sauce" not only contains ginger, but also peppercorns, her interest instantly dropped.That's it.

"I don't know, but Lord Chen said that it tastes better this way. Your Majesty, please try it first. If you don't like it, don't use it." Bai Lu said, and served Qing Yuan a bowl of stewed and tender pig's trotters, but didn't serve her.

Tang Yun couldn't help smelling the meat, so she picked up a piece with chopsticks and put it in her mouth, stunned.

Bai Lu and Qing Yuan looked at her nervously, and the former couldn't help but said, "Your Majesty, is my cooking good?"

Tang Yun didn't say anything, her mouth opened and closed, she bit it a few times, swallowed it, and showed a little satisfaction.

With her cultivation, she showed such an expression, which was enough to represent everything!

Bai Lu and Qing Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, and the latter smiled and said, "Your Majesty, you can try this dipping sauce, the taste may be really special."

Tang Yun didn't want to try it, but after thinking about it, it was strongly recommended by Chen Yan after all, so it wouldn't hurt to try it. She took another piece, wrapped it gently in the dish, and put it into her mouth with frowning eyebrows.

The next moment, her eyebrows instantly relaxed, and she exclaimed softly: "Oh my God! There is such a taste in this world!"

The original pig's trotter itself is very greasy. Although it is delicious, it is still a little greasy.

But after it is paired with the dipping dish, not only does it completely suppress the greasy feeling, but it also adds a bit of wonderful and strange taste!

This is not just icing on the cake, it is simply a rebirth, making the deliciousness suddenly reach a higher level!

The two women rarely saw her reaction like this, and they couldn't help but feel itchy. They tried it one after another and were all moved.

"This thing is really wonderful! I really wish I had met it earlier!" Tang Yun's eyes flashed with light, and she sighed.

"Lord Chen also said that it's a pity that our Great Zhou has not introduced chili peppers now, otherwise the spicy dipping sauce would be more delicious." Bai Lu said vaguely while eating.

"What is chili pepper?" Tang Yun had never heard of it.

"I don't know, maybe it's a seasoning?" Bai Lu had never seen it before, so he could only guess.

Tang Yun didn't bother to ask any more questions, and ate more than a dozen pig's trotters in a row, and asked Li Rui and other Fengling Guards who were accompanying him to enjoy it together.

The latter had been watching with envy from the side, so they thanked him profusely and started eating excitedly!

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