"Whatever County Magistrate Chen wants to say, just say it directly." He Jinyao said hurriedly.

Chen Yan pondered for a moment and said lightly: "If we cooperate, Qingshan County will take 50% of the profits. As for the salt tax and other expenses, Qingshan County will not be responsible."

Tang Yun's face changed suddenly.

After all, there is a shortage of salt, so the salt tax in Da Zhou is very heavy. No matter who the salt merchant is, Da Zhou's court is forced to take 20% of the profits.

Qingshan County takes 50% of the profits, 20% is paid as taxes, and only 30% of the profits are left for Zhou's Chamber of Commerce.

The problem is that Zhou's Chamber of Commerce can't get all of this 30% profit.

The Salt and Iron Bureau also has many miscellaneous expenses, which add up to a lot of money.

"The court has always charged a lot of fees for salt and iron. You take 50% of the profits, how can others make money?"

Tang Yun said subconsciously. In fact, she regretted it after she opened her mouth.

What she really cares about is not the profit of salt, but whether Chen Yan can really continue to mine salt in the abandoned salt field.

Chen Yan raised his eyebrows slightly, "That's your business, and I want to correct one thing. It's not me who takes 50% of the profit, but the entire Qingshan County that takes 50% of the profit."

Tang Yun said nonchalantly: "What's the difference?"

"It's very different. Qingshan County belongs to the Great Zhou Dynasty, not to me, Chen Yan. The money in Qingshan County belongs to the people of Qingshan County, and has nothing to do with me, Chen Yan."

Chen Yan has long been determined to continue to transform Qingshan County.

For example, all the houses in Qingshan County can be converted into two-story buildings.

For example, build some schools and kindergartens in Qingshan County so that children in Qingshan County can go to school for free.

After all, this place will be where Chen Yan will live his whole life in the future. If it is better built, he will be comfortable staying there.

However, all of these require money, and they still require a steady stream of income.

Now there is no way to meet the needs of many industries in Qingshan County.

On the contrary, the salt mines in Qingshan County can meet these needs.

So, Chen Yan must maximize profits.

In the Great Zhou Dynasty, salt was completely unsalable.

As long as there was salt, it could be sold at any outrageous price.

In fact, many private salt dealers had approached Chen Yan, hoping to buy salt from Qingshan County.

Chen Yan had not agreed, not only because he would lose his head if he sold private salt, but he was also waiting for a good price.

Tang Yun did not know that Chen Yan had the intention to continue to reform Qingshan County. She subconsciously thought that the money that fell into Qingshan County would become Chen Yan's money, so she was angry.

It was just that because she was eager to see the salt mine in Qingshan County, she was too lazy to continue arguing with Chen Yan.

"Take us to see your salt mine. Whether you can really extract salt from the abandoned salt mine is still unknown."

Chen Yan did not think much about it. What the other party said was the truth. It was really difficult to negotiate conditions without seeing the things.

"Well, I'll take you to see the salt well later."

Tang Yun was already impatient and naturally had no appetite. After a few people ate hurriedly for a while, they got up and went to an abandoned salt mine in Qingshan County.

The road leading to the salt mine has been paved.

The carriage was very stable.

There were many people guarding and patrolling around the salt mine, including Qingshan County's yamen runners and soldiers, as well as the militia organized by Chen Yan.

Soon, they saw a plaque called Qushan Salt Mine.

Entering from the gate, what immediately caught their eyes were the salt fields that looked like paddy fields.

"Uh, are they drying salt?" He Jinyao asked.

Chen Yan nodded slightly, "Yes, salt fields for drying salt."

"I know that lake salt and sea salt need to be dried in special salt fields. Why does your salt mine need to be dried into salt?" He Jinyao asked the doubts in his heart.

In his impression, salt mines in inland areas like this are mined like iron and stone, and then refined into table salt through various methods.

"Haha, Da Zhou is not short of salt. It's just that there is a lack of mineral salt on the ground. Speaking of which, mineral salt is already scarce, not to mention the open-air mineral salt on the ground? If we only rely on mining open-air mineral salt to obtain table salt, how can Da Zhou not lack salt?"

Chen Yan complained subconsciously.

He Jinyao didn't understand what he meant, "Then how to mine it?"

Tang Yun was silent on the side, but a storm had already risen in her heart.

Chen Yan really has a way to mine table salt in other ways?

He kept saying that Da Zhou was not short of salt. Could it be that his method could really make Da Zhou not short of salt?

If so, I can even reward him with a title.

Chen Yang smiled and said nothing.

Can this tell you? Tell you what I eat?

Take a few people and walk around a salt field and come toA warehouse.

"This is where the salt is stored. There are rain and moisture-proof devices. You can take a look at the finished product."

Chen Yan waved to the guard at the door.

The guard saw that it was Chen Yan and did not stop him.

However, he looked at the people behind Chen Yan with caution.

The people entered the warehouse, and piles of white crystals like hills came into view.

Tang Yun couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, her eyes widened.

As an emperor, she rarely saw so much white salt at one time.

More importantly, the color of these salts is pure, like white sugar, which is very different from the salts she has seen before.

"Haven't you tasted the dishes made with this salt just now? There is no impurity at all. I can say with certainty that these salts are much better than most of the sea salt in the Great Zhou Dynasty." Chen Yan said confidently.

Tang Yun nodded slightly, "At least it looks good."

He Jinyao squatted in front of a group of salt mountains, pinched a little with his hand, put it on the tip of his tongue, and tasted it lightly.

Immediately, his eyes lit up and he looked at Tang Yun with excitement.

"Your Majesty..." As soon as the words came out, he held them back.

Because he was too excited, he almost let it slip.

"Miss, this salt has no impurities at all, and it is much better than the salt on the market."

After saying that, He Jinyao's eyes fell on the middle-aged man who had always followed everyone but never spoke.

"Feng Jin, come and take a look!"

Feng Jin is actually an official of the Salt and Iron Bureau and is considered a professional.

The most important purpose of He Jinyao and Tang Yun's visit to Qingshan County this time is to investigate the salt production in Qingshan County.

Naturally, they need to bring someone who knows the business.

As for Feng Jin at this moment, his heart has already set off a storm.

If he had not come with He Jinyao and Tang Yun, and knew their identities, he would not have dared to believe that what he saw was salt.

Is there such white salt in the world?

As an official of the Salt and Iron Bureau, he had been dealing with salt all his life, but he had never seen it before.

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