Before Xueyan could react, Chen Yan had already moved past her with his legs tucked together, keeping his legs in an outward position, and moved into the bathroom with difficulty, step by step, and slammed the door shut.

Xueyan turned around in amazement and looked at the locked door and the rustling sound coming from inside.

He actually hid? !

Immediately, she pursed her lips and smiled.

It seems that I was right, this is the real him.

In this way, maybe I can really achieve my goal!

After a while, Chen Yan came out of the bathroom.

It was a close call, I almost missed it halfway!

Xueyan had changed back into her daily clothes and made the bed. She said, "Sir, can I help you wash?"

Chen Yan looked her up and down and nodded, "Yes, it seems that you have entered the door of being a maid."

Xueyan's cheeks were slightly red: "Thank you for the compliment, sir."

Chen Yan walked to her side and said with a smile: "But this dress is too thick, I don't like it very much."

Xueyan was stunned for a moment and said, "If you want me to change back, I will change it immediately."

Her extremely straightforward attitude made Chen Yan confirm his guess.

There must be something fishy!

After these two days of contact, he was sure that this woman was not the kind of wandering person.

Unless she had the purpose of being unreliable, she would never be so easily willing to obey his orders, even at the cost of her appearance.

Although the conservative style of women in the Great Zhou Dynasty has changed a little since the accession of the female emperor.

But deep down, they still attach great importance to chastity and reputation.

But since she changed clothes in the bathroom last night, she suddenly made such a sacrifice. It would be strange if there was no ghost!

Chen Yan didn't want to beat around the bush with her. He stared into her eyes and said, "Did you say it yourself, or did I do it?"

Xueyan was stunned: "I don't understand what you mean, sir."

Chen Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes were like steel needles: "You hide your thoughts, do you really think you can hide it from me?"

Xueyan's expression was slightly stiff, but she was not shocked by being discovered by the other party.

After a while, she said: "Xueyan's thoughts can't be hidden from you, sir. In this case, I have a request for you, and I beg you to fulfill it."

As she said that, she lowered her knees and knelt in front of Chen Yan.

After many contacts with Chen Yan, she has realized that this county magistrate is delicate and sharp, and it is really impossible to hide it from him.

Chen Yan was a little surprised by her frank admission: "What's the matter?"

Xue Yan leaned forward and lay on the ground: "Xue Yan begs you to accept me as your apprentice! If you agree, I will serve you like a teacher and a father for the rest of my life!"

The room fell silent.

After a long time, Chen Yan said with a strange expression: "Apprentice? I'm afraid the whole city of Beijing has heard your plan?"

On the surface, he really made a fortune by getting a beautiful apprentice who would serve him wholeheartedly for the rest of his life.

But in fact, he knew it well.

With his newfangled gadgets, he could find thousands of beauties in the world without any problem.

This girl actually wanted to use her body to get the opportunity to be taught by him?

What a wishful thinking!

Xue Yan lay on the ground without getting up: "Xue Yan will die without regrets as long as I can get a glimpse of your magical skills!"

At the end, she couldn't help but get nervous, and her voice trembled.

Whether it can be done or not depends on this one move!

Although she suffered a lot from what happened in the bathroom last night, it also gave her some confidence.

Although Chen Yan took advantage of her verbally and visually, he rarely took real action, let alone forced her to have sex.

He is definitely not a gentleman, but he does have his bottom line.

That's why she changed her mind and decided to go with the flow and use this to complete Tang Yun's divine decree.

Some people get it by force, while others can only get it by softness.

Chen Yan is obviously the type who will take softness and not hardness. As long as she serves him well and successfully becomes his apprentice, she will have the opportunity to get the design and production method of the "secret weapon"!

Anyway, as long as he doesn't really take away her virginity, it doesn't matter if she gives him some sweet treats. You know, what she gets in return is enough to affect the overall situation of the Great Zhou!

Chen Yan looked at her slender neck and couldn't help but feel warm in his heart. He said, "Master and disciple are messing around... Well, it's nothing. You are quite sincere."

Having a beautiful disciple who can do anything at any time is really exciting!

Xue Yan looked up with joy: "Are you willing, sir?"

Chen Yan calmed down and smiled dumbly: "I only accept disciples with outstanding talents. How about this! I will give you a few tests. If you can complete them, I will accept you as my disciple."

Xue Yan was both happy and surprised, and hurriedly said: "Sir, please give me the questions, and I will do my best to complete them!"

Chen Yan helped her up and said with a smile: "Have you heard of the 'magic cube'?"

Xue Yan was stunned: "What is that?"

Chen Yan turned aroundHe opened the dressing table, took out a wooden three-order Rubik's Cube from one of the drawers, and threw it to her casually: "The first question is to restore it."

As he said, Chen Yan briefly explained the rules.

This was what he asked the craftsman to make for him. This time, he brought one with him because he was afraid of being bored on the road. Now it was just right to use it to make questions.

This was the first time Xueyan had seen such a thing in her life. She looked back and forth for a long time in confusion before she said resolutely: "Xueyan must complete it!"

Chen Yan stretched his waist and said: "I still need to take a nap. You know what to do, right?"

Xueyan blushed, and hurriedly put down the Rubik's Cube carefully, saying: "I will serve you to sleep."

Chen Yan was secretly happy.

Of course there is a solution to the Rubik's Cube, but with her knowledge and cognition, even if she can think of it, it will probably take three to five years. Before that, he doesn't have to teach her anything, and he can get her best service for free, so why not?

Everyone understands the joy of getting something for free!

In the palace of the capital.

Tang Yun sat high on the chair, her face cold, looking at Wei Han kneeling on the ground.

The surrounding Fengling Guards all felt the heavy pressure, and no one dared to say a word.

“All of you get out!”

After a while, Tang Yun said with a sullen face.

After a while, the people in the palace retreated completely, leaving only the two of them.

“Gongsun Cheng was able to escape from you, how do you think I should punish you, Earl Yingwu?” Tang Yun said coldly.

“Wei Han failed in his duty, no matter how the emperor punishes me, I deserve it.” Wei Han lowered her head and said softly.

“Oh, your crime is just failure in duty?” Tang Yun sneered.

Wei Han was shocked and looked up at Tang Yun.

After Gongsun Cheng escaped strangely, she failed to catch him again, so she had to take people back to the capital to apologize.

But Tang Yun's reaction at this moment surprised her.

"I don't understand what your majesty means..." Wei Han said hesitantly.

"You don't understand? You understand very well!" Tang Yun stood up suddenly, pointed at her and said, "How did Gongsun City get lost? Do you need me to expose it for you!"

Wei Han's body trembled violently, and the blood on her face disappeared instantly.

"You are one of the people I trust the most, but you dare to commit this crime of deceiving the emperor. Wei Han, Wei Han, you deserve to be executed!"

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