"That's right!"

Chen Yan replied.

Generally speaking, if salt ore has been formed on the ground, then there must be salt mines underground that have been formed over millions of years.

The abandoned salt mines in Qingshan County have only collected the easily mined salt on the ground, and no one cares about the underground resources.

"Yes, yes, yes, why didn't anyone think of it before." Feng Jin nodded after thinking for a while, "But how to collect the salt mines underground?"

The only thing Feng Jin could think of was to use manpower to dig, but that would be time-consuming and laborious, and it would not work at all.

Suddenly, Feng Jin walked to the salt fields outside where the brine was drying, and his eyes lit up immediately, "Wonderful, wonderful."

The next moment, Feng Jin clapped his hands repeatedly and began to dance with excitement.

"What's going on?" He Jinyao asked in confusion.

Feng Jin said: "The salt fields outside are drying in the sun. Normally, this is an inland area. Where does the salt water come from?"

He Jinyao is also a smart man. After a little guidance, he immediately understood.

"I understand. Lord Chen extracted the salt water from the ground and then refined salt from it."

Chen Yan nodded slightly, "That's roughly it."

The Great Zhou is short of salt. This method should solve the problem of salt shortage to a certain extent.

Chen Yan said this method, but he was not afraid of affecting the selling price of Qingshan County salt.

From the beginning to the end, Chen Yan did not intend to let Qingshan County's salt win by quantity, but by quality.

He can tell others the method of extracting salt from the ground, but he will never tell outsiders the process of refining salt.

Tang Yun's eyes exuded incomparable joy, and he looked at Chen Yan deeply.

He understood the conversation between Chen Yan and Feng Jin just now.

He also knew that Chen Yan did not hide it.

If Chen Yan wanted to, he could have kept it to himself, but Chen Yan still told Feng Jin.

What does this mean? It means that Chen Yan is not a person who is completely greedy for money.

Now, Chen Yan has told Feng Jin the general method of extracting salt, and the court can also start to tentatively extract salt from other abandoned salt fields in Da Zhou.

Perhaps, the problem of salt shortage in Da Zhou can be completely solved.

This guy is not just for money.

Chen Yan seemed to notice Tang Yun's gaze and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Miss Zhou. Even if I tell the Salt and Iron Bureau how to make salt, they won't be able to compete with us. We will still make a lot of money."

Tang Yun was stunned and asked subconsciously: "Why do you think so?"

Chen Yan said: "Not to mention that they want to make salt wells and extract salt water from underground, it will take a long time. Even if the salt wells are made and the salt is extracted, with my extraction skills, our salt will be much better than the salt of the Great Zhou Salt and Iron Bureau."

Tang Yun was stunned. She originally thought that Chen Yan cared about the people and the court.

In order to solve the problem of salt shortage in the Great Zhou, he deliberately leaked the method to the people of the Salt and Iron Bureau.

Otherwise, how could he tell Feng Jin how to make salt when he knew that Feng Jin might be a craftsman of the Salt and Iron Bureau.

Now I understand that this guy didn't think so much.

I simply thought that the imperial court knew the method of obtaining salt, and the quality of the refined salt was not as good as the salt in Qingshan County.

This guy is really confident.

There are so many talents in the Salt and Iron Bureau, many of whom are hereditary craftsmen who have been making salt for generations. Are they not as good as you, Chen Yan?

Subconsciously, his eyes turned to Feng Jin.

Feng Jin felt Tang Yun's burning gaze and felt a little nervous.

Chen Yan didn't know Tang Yun's identity, so he could talk to Tang Yun more casually.

Feng Jin knew Tang Yun's identity, and his voice trembled when he was stared at by Tang Yun.

"Report to Miss Zhou."

"What Lord Chen said makes sense."

"In fact, I just saw the salt fields, which are no different from the salt fields in the coastal counties of Da Zhou. The reason why the quality of the salt refined in the end is so different is because Lord Chen's salt-making technology is far superior to that of the Salt and Iron Bureau."

Chen Yan was really surprised to see this scene.

It seems that Zhou's Chamber of Commerce and Zhou's family are indeed extraordinary.

Even the people from the Salt and Iron Bureau are respectful to him.

Tang Yun nodded slightly and glared at Chen Yan.

This guy is really good at calculating.

However, this guy's contribution cannot be denied.

If salt can really be refined from many abandoned salt fields, the salt shortage in the Great Zhou can be completely solved in the short term.

For her as an emperor, this may be the greatest achievement she has made after resolving the rebellion.

Don't say it, although Chen Yan is annoying, he is also a lucky star.

"I let you make money, but you still glare at me." Chen YanShe was immediately upset.

Tang Yun curled her lips and did not argue with Chen Yan. She changed her mind and said, "Since you are so proficient in salt making, what about iron smelting?"

The sudden question made Chen Yan stunned on the spot.

Salt and iron are basically the foundation of a dynasty, and their status is equal to that of grain.

This woman seems to be very interested in iron smelting. She asked about it when she came last time.

Could it be that in addition to being able to get salt permits, the Zhou Chamber of Commerce can also do ironware business?

"I don't understand!" Chen Yan thought about it and denied it immediately.

Before knowing the other party's purpose, Chen Yan didn't want to admit that he knew how to smelt iron, and Qingshan County did secretly make ironware and even weapons.

Tang Yun's expression was stern, and he sighed. This guy is really stubborn.

You don't admit it?

Very good, I will make you admit it.

Tang Yun has already started thinking about how to "deal with" Chen Yan in her heart.

Chen Yan took a few people to continue walking around the salt field. Of course, some workshops involving crude salt refining needed to be kept secret, so Chen Yan did not take them there.

As for salt wells and salt fields, Chen Yan didn't care anyway.

After leaving the salt field, the sky gradually darkened.

Tang Yun and He Jinyao definitely couldn't return to Luocheng, so they could only stay in Qingshan County for the time being.

Feng Lingwei had already prepared for this and had found a room.

At the same time, before the Qingshan County gate closed, a group of five people entered the county.

The leader was a handsome young man in his early twenties.

He had a fair face, which was quite inconsistent with his ragged clothes.

After entering the city, he stood in front of the city gate and stopped to look around.

Behind him, a man approached and whispered, "Your Highness, this is Qingshan County."

At this time, the soldiers guarding the city just closed the city gate and took a glance at a few people.

Seeing that several people were in tattered clothes, he complained a few words in his heart, but said nothing.

The soldier guarding the city could never understand that among these ragged people, there would be a royal bloodline of the Great Zhou.

The former King of Yan of the Great Zhou, now the most wanted criminal in the entire Great Zhou, Tang Shuo.

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