After getting up in the morning, they had a meal on the deck, and ordered dishes that they couldn't finish at all at the restaurant.

Originally, Xueyan thought that Chen Yan just wanted to disgust Jin Ze and others.

Now thinking back, could it be that these two things were not just for this?

The real purpose was to make the pirate spies who were secretly monitoring him think that he, Chen Yan, was a corrupt official who was extravagant and extravagant? !

After that, he deliberately left in anger. On the surface, it was for the matter of the two thieves who came to steal the silver, but in fact, he kept a distance from the cargo ship, so that the pirates would focus their attention on his ship and avoid affecting the cargo ship and the cargo!

Thinking of this, Xueyan couldn't help but show admiration.

Chen Yan's seemingly casual and impulsive actions always concealed deep meanings, and he had arranged everything unknowingly!

"It seems that you have guessed it, you are not stupid, haha!"

"What we need to do now is to make the man surnamed Jin anxious for a while and prepare to deal with the river pirates."

"And most importantly, wait for you to prepare lunch."

Chen Yan was talking, and suddenly turned a corner.

Xue Yan was listening to his words seriously, but she didn't expect that he said this at the end, and she couldn't help but be stunned.

"Didn't the lord eat just now?" She asked in surprise.

"The wine and food in that broken place are really unpalatable, and your cooking is still delicious." Chen Yan said with a smile.

"My cooking is not as delicious as the one in the restaurant." Xue Yan was happy in her heart, but she said modestly.

"Indeed, your cooking skills need to be improved." Chen Yan didn't refute her, "But the ingredients I brought are good. My pork belly bacon, even if boiled in plain water, is a hundred times more fragrant than his signature dish!"

Xue Yan looked at him with a black face.

This guy, if he praises her a few more times, he will die, even if it's against his conscience!

Thinking about it, she seemed to suddenly realize something, turned her head and looked at the cargo ship that was getting farther and farther behind, and was suddenly stunned.

Unconsciously, the cargo ship that was chasing her desperately from behind had disappeared.

In just a few words, the small building ship had actually thrown the cargo ship behind it out of the visible range of the naked eye!

The next moment, she turned her head sharply to look at both sides of the river.

I saw the trees on the shore flying backwards!

There were still many ships sailing on the river, but the small building ship saw ships overtaking ships, no matter whether it was a large ship or a small ship, none of them was not surpassed in an instant.

The boatmen and sailors on those ships were all staring at the small building ship speeding.

"Oh my god! How can that boat be so fast!"

"It's strange, there are no oars below! How can it run so fast against the current?"

"And it seems to be very stable. Look at the couple on the deck. They can stand steadily at such a fast speed."


Xueyan listened to the constant exclamations and was also confused. She said in a lost voice: "This...what's going on?!"

"You don't think that this official is as slow as your snail-like cargo ships? I slowed down to wait for them." Chen Yan said proudly.

Xueyan rushed to the side of the boat and looked down, but because of the reflection of the sun and the turbulent river water, she could only see the part of the boat above the water, and the part below could not be seen.

"Wait, where are the oars of this boat?" Xueyan suddenly found something wrong.

These days, she has been on this boat every day.

But she didn't realize that this ship was different from a cargo ship. There was no oar hole under the cargo hold, and there was no oar sticking out for paddling!

In fact, she was usually much more alert than this. If it was normal, she would have discovered the abnormality earlier.

But in the past few days on this ship, she was either learning to cook or studying the Rubik's Cube. In addition, all her time was spent serving Chen Yan and being teased by him. How could she have the spare time to pay attention to the weirdness of this ship?

And now she suddenly realized that this ship seemed to have another secret that she didn't know at all!

"The oar is below, but you have to go under the water to see." Chen Yan explained.

"The oar is below? Wouldn't the person paddling be drowned!" Xueyan was completely confused.

Generally, the cargo hold is under the deck of a ship, and the oar room is below it. When the oar force is needed to push, such as against the current or against the wind, the oarsman enters the oar room and paddles with the oars extended outside.

Although the position of the oar room is low, it must be above the water surface first, otherwise the oarsman inside will be in trouble, right?

But Chen Yan actually said that the oar chamber of this boat was actually underwater, how could this be possible!

"Who told you that there was someone paddling under my boat?" Chen Yan asked back.

"How can the boat move upstream without someone paddling?" Xue Yan was even more confused.

And the speed was so fast, it would be impossible to have such a speed without fifty or sixty experienced paddler!

"Listen carefully." Chen Yan suddenly said.

Xue Yan was stunned and listened attentively.

The sound of water, human voices, wind... and bursts of crackling sounds."It seems... there is a strange sound under the deck." Xueyan murmured.

"Wrong! It's the rumbling of my stomach!"

"If you keep asking like this, I'll starve to death before I can finish answering!"

"Hurry up! Remember to put the bacon back in the pot!"

Chen Yan urged.

Xueyan had no choice but to agree and went to the kitchen. As she walked, she couldn't help but look at the deck.

Because of the noise around her, she didn't pay much attention to it before.

But now that she paid attention, the strange click sound could no longer escape her ears.

What exactly was the sound?

Chen Yan watched her enter the ship building, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

It's no wonder that Tang Yun sent her here.

This girl is indeed very curious about industrial production. If she is told more, she might understand how this ship moves forward.

His small building ship can be said to be the top existence in the shipbuilding industry in Qingshan County!

Not only did it remove the limitation of traditional driving power and greatly reduce the number of sailors needed, but it also produced propeller blades and transmission devices.

Of course, the power is still far from the level of automation, but the transmission device and lever can be used to make the entire ship flexibly driven by up to eight soldiers from the Nafu Camp.

Using the central control cabin under the cargo hold, the power is transmitted to the eight propellers at the bottom of the ship with a winch and pedals to increase the driving force of the ship.

The driving was slow in the past few days, and two soldiers were enough to meet the speed requirements.

Today, we need to prepare for war, and increase the number of people to four. This speed is beyond the reach of ordinary ships.

However, he deliberately accelerated, in addition to staying away from the cargo ship, there was another purpose.

Chen Yan squinted his eyes and waited for a while, and suddenly saw a mirror-reflected light coming from the shore.

He was refreshed and carefully paid attention to the appearance and disappearance of the light.

Not long after, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Here it comes!

Two hundred feet behind, four medium-sized ferries were chasing the small building ship like crazy.

The sailors and oarsmen on the ship had tried their best, and even pulled up the curved sails to increase the speed to the extreme, but they still did not see the small building ship again.

"Damn it! How could that ship be so fast!"

On the deck of the first ship, a young woman grabbed the handrail of the ship's side and squatted down to stabilize her body to avoid falling, saying angrily.

After all, when the speed of the ship is fast, it is difficult to keep steady even when walking on the deck, and you have to rely on external force to stabilize your body.

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