The six rams, made of unknown materials, which played a huge role, seemed to have never appeared and had disappeared from the bow.

If this strange, ingenious and powerful design could be equipped in the Great Zhou Navy, it would be invincible!

"This secret is only for you, don't tell it to anyone." Chen Yan said mysteriously, "Those rams are hidden in the cabin below. When they are needed, they are poked out from the holes in the hull. When they are not needed, they are retracted and the exits are covered to ensure that no one can find such a huge weapon hidden there."

When Xueyan heard his first sentence, she couldn't help but feel warm in her heart. This sentence revealed that he treated her as his own.

After hearing the following content, she couldn't help asking: "What are they made of? Why are they so hard?"

At first glance, it looks like iron, but as far as she knows, if such a long ram is made of iron, the violent impact just now is likely to cause the ram to bend or even break.

But in fact, the puncture caused very little damage, and its hardness was far superior to the iron she knew!

Chen Yan laughed: "This is alloy steel, but you won't understand even if I tell you. Simply put, it is made of iron as the basic raw material and mixed with other things."

Xue Yan was stunned and repeated the word alloy steel in her heart several times.

"The river surface is cleaned up well. Let the brothers continue to move forward." Chen Yan turned to Wei Chuan and said, "I should go to interrogate the female thief."

The first floor below the deck is the cargo hold. In addition to hiding various lethal weapons in battle, it is basically used to store various luggage and food brought on this trip.

Sister Ping'er was imprisoned on the next floor.

On ordinary ships, that position is the paddle cabin.

But on this ship, it is the central control room.

It is full of various machine components, which are extremely complex, with more than tens of thousands of parts.

Some of the components are still running, and together with large and small gears, they make strange clicks.

If Xueyan was here at this moment, she would definitely find that it was the faint movement she heard on the deck before.

It is precisely because of these structures that the small building ship has power and flexibility far beyond all ships of this era.

There are six people in the cabin, busy operating different machines. When they see Chen Yan, they all bow respectfully one by one, and then go to do their own things after the ceremony.

Chen Yan took Wei Chuan and went straight through a small door next to him.

There was a long corridor behind, with many rooms.

"My lord, she is locked in there." When they arrived in front of one of the rooms, Wei Chuan opened the door and said.

After Chen Yan walked in, Wei Chuan did not follow him in, but closed the door, leaving only Chen Yan and Sister Ping'er inside.

Sister Ping'er, who was tied up tightly, had woken up and fell to the ground, staring at Chen Yan fiercely.

Seeing her panting and the faint blood marks on her hands and body where the ropes were tied, Chen Yan knew that this girl must have struggled a lot after waking up.

But the rope was specially made. Not to mention her struggle, even if she used a knife to cut it, it would take a long time to break it.

Her struggle was not only ineffective, but also hurt herself.

"Dog official, don't think I will tell you any information!" Seeing Chen Yan, Sister Ping'er roared like a female leopard.

Chen Yan smiled and took out a notebook from his arms.

"Yang Ping'er, female, 26 years old."

"My hometown is Songfang Village, Jiuyang County, Jizhou. I lived in Yangshuao at the end of the village when I was young. Later, my parents died and I was adopted by my uncle."

"When I was fourteen, I was abused by my uncle who was worse than a beast. You struggled to escape and killed him by mistake. You fled to Xuzhou for fear of crime."

"As a result, you were deceived by the bad guys and sold to a brothel."

"Fortunately, your first customer there was your own nobleman, Tan Chao from Jiangzhou."

"He took a fancy to you and bought you. Many years later, you and him appeared in Jingjiang , subdued the Jingjiang River Pirates, and became the only river pirate here."

"From your current situation, I can probably estimate that you must have been trained by him over the years and become his capable subordinate."

"In terms of status, you are the second leader of the Jingjiang River Pirates."

"You hope to win the support of others with your ability, but unfortunately, few people in your water village really obey you, and there are a lot of people who want to sleep with you."

As Chen Yan continued to read out these contents, Sister Ping'er's eyes gradually changed from fierce to surprised, and then to shocked.

"Stop reading!" Finally, she screamed, "How can you know so much!"

This fat fish has only been in the range of their village these two days, why does he know her so thoroughly?

Chen Yan put the notebook back in his arms and said leisurely: "It's not just you. There are few people in your group of river pirates who are not under my control. If you know what's good for you and don't come to provoke, it's fine.Since you dare to come, I will eliminate you and eliminate harm for the people. "

Sister Ping'er's face changed several times, and she suddenly sneered: "Hehehe... Do you think you have won by catching me? My brothers are behind and will be here soon! When they arrive, you will see..."

A few snaps interrupted her words.

Chen Yan threw three bronze plates on the ground and said: "Are you talking about these three ships? "

Sister Ping'er's face changed drastically, and she said in disbelief: " could you..."

She brought a total of four boats this time. In addition to tracking, another purpose was to wait for the other party to reach Chengtang Lake and cut off the other party's retreat.

The four boats added up to more than 200 people!

The people on the other three boats were also the confidants of their big boss Tan Chao. Each of them had a bronze plate engraved with the word "Tan". This was given by Tan Chao, representing their status beside him.

However, in order to chase the small building boat, the three ferries with slightly inferior performance were left far behind.

Originally, Sister Ping'er was somewhat fortunate that only her boat was destroyed, and the other three boats would come later and would definitely rescue her.

But unexpectedly, she saw these three bronze plates!

"Why do you think I deliberately kept this speed to separate you from the three boats?" Chen Yan said with a smile, "Before I dealt with you, their three boats had been dealt with by my people! "

Of course, unlike the fierce ship battle here, the three ships were attacked directly by the soldiers of the Nafu Camp, and the pirates on the ships were dealt with one by one.

"No, impossible! Who are you!" Sister Ping'er's face was pale and she shouted in a trembling voice.

"I am the magistrate of Qingshan County, Chen Yan!" Chen Yan straightened his chest.

"Who?" Sister Ping'er was stunned, "Wait, you said you are just... the magistrate?"

The other party had such a powerful ship, she wondered if this person might be a naval general.

But unexpectedly, he was just a seventh-rank magistrate!

"It doesn't matter if you haven't heard of it. This official will give you a chance. If you can tell me one thing, this official will spare your life." Chen Yan didn't want to talk nonsense with her anymore and turned to the main topic.

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