Xueyan was in a complicated mood, but she didn't expect Chen Yan to point at her. She blushed with shame and lowered her head.

Compared with the ones she wore when serving him at night, this one was indeed quite decent!

At least, the important parts were covered.

But when she saw Chen Yan giving this dress to Yang Ping'er just now, she felt annoyed for no reason.

She had also worn this dress before, and Chen Yan asked her to wear it to read the novel story.

Although it was not actually her dress, she still felt a little uncomfortable when she saw Chen Yan giving it to another woman.

Chen Yan was so good to this female thief, would he even give her the service at night in the future?

Thinking of this, Xueyan was suddenly stunned.


Originally, she agreed to do such a shameful thing because of Chen Yan's request and she wanted to please Chen Yan.

But now why does she seem to be used to it and even take it for granted?

Chen Yan had never thought that she had so many tricks in her mind. He turned his head and looked out of the window, saying, "Tan Chao must have received the news and is ready to fight."

Yang Ping'er didn't care about being shy anymore, and said in surprise, "You really let his spy go back on purpose!"

Just now after coming up, she saw a familiar figure riding away on the shore, and immediately realized that Tan Chao had sent a spy to check the situation.

She even reminded Chen Yan about this, but the latter just smiled and didn't say anything.

Seeing Chen Yan's reaction now, she naturally guessed that Chen Yan had let the other party go on purpose.

"I said that I want to let you see how vulnerable Tan Chao is in front of me, so there are naturally some news that he should know, and people have to pass it on." Chen Yan said leisurely.

Yang Ping'er was so angry that she wanted to stamp her feet, but it was a pity that she had shackles on her feet, which was really inconvenient.

"You, you are too arrogant!"

"Do you know that Master Tan is proficient in military tactics, and even had a brilliant record of defeating 600 river pirates with 30 people!"

"Moreover, he is not only good at surprise attacks with fewer troops, but also never fails in the right battle with more troops!"

"Not only these river pirates, when he was still under the command of King Yan, he repeatedly made ingenious plans and helped the Yan army defeat the imperial army several times!"

"The troops defeated were regular elite divisions!"

"That is why King Yan placed his hopes on him and asked him to come here to control Jingjiang!"

"Now you only have this mere ship, he just needs to use fire attack on you, or drill the ship, and your ramming attack will be useless!"

Xue Yan, who was standing aside, was stunned when she heard this sentence.

She wanted to go to the interrogation of Yang Ping's childhood, but Chen Yan did not let her go, so she did not know about Tan Chao and King Yan.

Chen Yan smiled and said, "You may have some misunderstandings about ambushing. Strategies are only needed when you are not strong enough to defeat the opponent. However, in the face of absolute power suppression, no matter how strong the strategy is, it will fail."

Yang Ping'er was so angry that she turned her head away, not wanting to pay attention to this arrogant guy anymore.

But her mind kept turning.

She must find a way to escape!

Tan Chao allowed her to reveal some information to protect herself, but it was definitely not confidential information like her relationship with the King of Yan.

If he knew that she had said that, killing her directly would be a light punishment, and he might even torture her in every possible way, making her live a life worse than death!

"My lord, everyone is ready." Wei Chuan came up from below and reported to Chen Yan.

"Very good!" Chen Yan stretched, "Let me teach Tan Chao what a water battle is!"

After the small building boat passed the lake mouth for about three miles, two small boats quietly sailed to the lake mouth and began to close the waterway from the lake mouth to the west side of Chengtang Lake.

The people on the boat kept taking out the water plants prepared in the cabin and spreading them on the lake. If any boat wanted to go over to help the small boat, or if the small boat wanted to retreat the same way, it would be difficult to move because of the huge amount of water plants.

This is Tan Chao's usual method. Although it is simple, it is effective.

At the same time, all six large ships have left the shore and sailed to a reed bush on the west side of the lake.

In the lake space of about 200 acres, there are long reeds more than three feet high in all directions. What happened here is difficult to see from the outside, which is the best place for an ambush.

Originally, Tan Chao prepared four large ships and thirty small boats, but because of Ping'er's capture, he improved his assessment of the target's strength and transferred two more large ships and twenty small boats.

There are 100 people on each large ship and 8 people on each small boat. The former will be responsible for trapping the opponent, and the latter will be responsible for flexible guerrilla warfare to catch the opponent off guard.

"Here they come!" The sentry on the mast suddenly shouted loudly.

"Get ready!" The people below immediately issued an order, and soon everyone had received the news and was on full alert.

The ship where Tan Chao was was his flagship,There are two floors of ship building on the board.

At this moment, he stood on the roof of the second floor with his hands behind his back, facing the lake breeze, and looked at the small ship that was hundreds of feet away and was slowly entering the encirclement.

Judging from the size, any large ship here is bigger than that small ship.

But the strange thing is that the other party has a deep draft and its weight seems to be greater than their large ships. It seems that there must be something strange inside the ship.

Tan Chao became somewhat alert, and after a change of mind, he shouted: "Water ghost team, take action!"

The people below looked at him in astonishment: "Master Tan, if we sink the boat, Sister Ping'er and the goods in the boat will probably be..."

Tan Chao said lightly: "Ping'er is good at swimming. Even if her hands and feet are tied, she will not drown in this lake. And the goods in the boat, if they can't withstand the water, they are not valuable. Do as I tell you."

The people below had no choice but to say: "Yes!"

Tan Chao trained a group of water ghosts. The so-called water ghosts are sailors who can hold their breath underwater for a long time and are good at diving.

The biggest use is to salvage and slash the boat.

Generally speaking, slashing the boat is a backup trick, because the sunken boat is not easy to salvage, and some goods are worthless once they are soaked in water, so it is better to rob them directly.

Slashing the boat directly at the beginning like this usually means that they are determined to destroy the boat and don't want the things on the boat.

At this time, twenty water ghosts quietly entered the water from the side of the big boats, and headed towards the small building boat under the cover of the water plants on the lake.

The small building boat moved slowly, and once it entered the encirclement, the two big boats immediately moved to the entrance and blocked the retreat.

Yang Ping'er stood behind the big window on the second floor, looking at the boats in front of her with a bleak face, and she became more and more uneasy.

At this moment, she had no time to think about the shameful clothes on her body, and she was desperately thinking about how to save her life.

Chen Yan suddenly stretched out his hand, hugged her slender waist, and said with a smile: "Sister Ping'er, don't be nervous, come, let's say hello to your master Tan first!"

Yang Ping'er felt that his hand on her waist was dishonest, and she was ashamed and angry, but she had no choice but to follow him out of the house and climb up the wooden steps to the top of the boat building.

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