This information confirmed Chen Yan's previous speculation, and it was completely consistent with the time point of the Jizhou uprising.

Three years later, the Jizhou uprising broke out.

If it weren't for Chen Yan, the court would not be able to deal with the uprising at all. In the end, Gongsun Cheng would successfully provoke uprisings in the other states, making the court army exhausted and tied down in the north.

After that, King Yi would be able to raise troops, kill the empress, and restore the court!

Unfortunately, Tang Yun got the help of Chen Yan, and not only quickly suppressed the uprising, but also successfully prevented Gongsun Cheng from continuing the subsequent incitement.

Therefore, this plan failed.

In order to ensure that there would be no leaks, the two parties had already agreed not to contact each other again.

Only when the day of the uprising came, King Yi would send someone to inform Tan Chao.

But it must be said that King Yi's plan was really powerful.

Outside, cut off foreign aid; inside, use himself as an internal response.

In addition to his army's surprise attack, the probability of success is at least 99% if not 100%!

In contrast, the King of Yan's purely peripheral uprising was like a primitive man, without any strategy, just reckless, and in the end he couldn't even fight against the new emperor who had no foundation.

Chen Yan lay on the recliner, squinting his eyes and looking at the sky.

What interested him most now was the lobbyist.

Tan Chao was not someone who could be easily persuaded.

But the other party used one night to make him completely betray the King of Yan. His mouth was probably no less than that of a strategist.

However, apart from knowing that the other party was called "Zhang Yi", there was no other information.

Just like Gongsun Cheng, this person had no reputation before.

King Yi's layout had a sense of moistening things silently, and everything was arranged unconsciously.

As the sun was getting higher, Chen Yan ordered the small boat to go to the east of the lake.

The cargo ship should almost arrive at Chengtang Lake, and it was time to meet them.

On the way, Chen Yan summoned Yang Ping'er.

"You can go now. I'll find a place to put you on the shore."

"But remember, everything that happened here, including everything about me, you have to keep to yourself and don't tell anyone."

"There are ten taels of silver and a few sets of clothes for you to spend on the road."

Chen Yan pointed to a package next to him.

Yang Ping'er bit her lips lightly, showing a complicated look, and didn't respond.

"What? You don't look like you want to leave?" Chen Yan looked alert, "You don't want to stay here and eat, drink and live with me every day, right? No one is raised in vain under my command!"

"You want to eat!" Yang Ping'er didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I just want to ask you, how are you going to deal with Tan Chao?"

"You don't seem to care about him so much." Chen Yan said thoughtfully.

"I don't care about him! I just want to suggest that you kill him as soon as possible, otherwise he will definitely bite you back if he has the chance in the future. I know him too well!" Yang Ping'er said solemnly.

Chen Yan finally understood.

This girl certainly wasn't worried that Tan Chao would turn against him.

She was worried that if Tan Chao escaped in the future, he would deal with her!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile: "You don't seem to have any feelings for Tan Chao."

Yang Ping'er said with a stern face: "I never trust anyone."

Chen Yan pouted: "Why does it sound like you have had so many tragic emotional experiences since childhood? I've heard too much."

Yang Ping'er's face instantly swelled red, and she shouted: "What do you know! You don't have the same experience as me, you won't understand me..."

Chen Yan simply interrupted her: "What I hate most is those of you who always treasure your tragic experiences! Let me tell you a cruel reality, your shit, I am not interested in it, and no one is interested! It's useless except to torture yourself and cry miserably!"

Yang Ping'er was almost furious, and said angrily: "You simply Totally inhumane!"

"Whether I have humanity or not, you are not qualified to judge."

"There are so many miserable people in this world, your misery is just a drop in the ocean, no one will care at all."

"Try to answer two questions for me."

"First, do those experiences bring you good memories?"

"Second, do those experiences make you live better?"

"I can tell you the answer now, all are 'no'!"

"As long as you still hold on to them, no matter where you are in your life or who is around you, you will never have a good life!"

"If you want to live a better life, you have only one way to go, that is to forget the past and live every moment of the present with all your strength!"

Chen Yan said sternly, his expression more serious than ever before.

Yang Ping'er was stunned when she heard it, and her expression gradually calmed down.

Chen Yan slowed down his tone: "As for Tan Chao, you don't have to worry, he is still useful, but there is no chance of leaving the prison alive again. Go!"

Not long after, the small building boat dockedAfterwards, Yang Ping'er got off the boat with the package and left quickly.

Xueyan walked to Chen Yan and said, "Are you really going to let her go like this? I think she can stay with you."

Chen Yan asked in surprise, "Why keep her?"

Xueyan's cheeks flushed slightly, and she said, "Didn't you like to play with her in the river last night? Maybe you can keep her as your personal maid."

Chen Yan laughed and said, "How is this possible! Do you think I am such a superficial person that I will lose my soul just because she looks pretty? Okay, it's almost time to meet up with Lord Jin, and it's almost time for me to collect my five thousand taels of silver!"


Going north along the east side of Chengtang Lake, the exit is Chengtang Ferry.

Chen Yan waited there for a long time before the cargo ship arrived.

"Mr. Chen, you finally let us catch up!" Zeng Hong said helplessly.

Jin Ze and others stood not far away and did not come forward.

These people really couldn't bring themselves to ask Chen Yan for help. After discussing for a long time, only Zeng Hong had a thick skin and decided to discuss with Chen Yan.

"Why did you chase me, Lord Zeng?" Chen Yan was surprised.

"Well, County Magistrate Chen, I wonder if the two you arrested are still..." Zeng Hong said hesitantly.

"They are still on my boat, why are you asking them? Didn't you say that these two little thieves have nothing to do with you, Lords?" Chen Yan said deliberately.

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