"Well, you still need to rest, just sleep. I slept enough during the day, and I'm not sleepy at all now." Chen Yan said as he tried to pull his hand out of hers, but she held it tightly and he couldn't pull it out.

"Could it be that the lord thinks Xueyan is not good, so he doesn't want to sleep with me...?" Xueyan said subconsciously.

He was clearly intoxicated just now, why is he pretending to be serious now?

"No, no, no! You think too much!" Chen Yan sighed with a bitter face, "You don't understand, it's not that you are not good, on the contrary, it's because you are too good, I'm afraid I can't control myself!"

Xueyan was stunned, and then she let go of her hand with a flushed cheek.

Chen Yan quickly got out of bed and said, "You sleep well, I'll go to the study next door, call me if you have anything."

Eating tofu and taking advantage of it is endless fun.

But she is still unmarried after all. If there is no marriage contract, it would be unfair to her if something substantial really happened.

Especially now that Qing'er is not around, he has no place to vent. He is really afraid that he will lose control and cause bad consequences.

"What if I am willing?" Xueyan suddenly shouted.

Chen Yan stopped for a moment.

After a while, he said without turning his head: "If you obey me, you will never listen to your master again. Can you do this?"

Xueyan's body was shocked!

Chen Yan has too many things worth her getting close to. It is impossible for her to betray the emperor!

Suddenly, she finally understood why Chen Yan's attitude was so close and distant.

In addition to not wanting to take advantage of others, he had seen the positions of the two earlier and knew that she would never betray Tang Yun.

Therefore, he did not want to put her in a dilemma for his own selfish desires.

Chen Yan said nothing more, went to the study, and gently closed the door.

As soon as the door was closed, the unique knocking sound of the sergeants of the Nafu Camp suddenly came from the window.

"Come in." Chen Yan said lightly.

The window was opened from the outside, and Wei Chuan climbed in flexibly.

"Sir, the news has been sent back to Qingshan. The chief clerk received the news and has led people to the hiding place of Tan Chao's navy." Wei Chuan reported.

"It will be handled properly by him. Okay, you go." Chen Yan waved his hand.

"Yes!" Wei Chuan turned around and climbed out of the window, closing the window.

Chen Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

It is said that there are 4,000 navy soldiers in Tan Chao.

All the money he robbed as a river pirate in these years has been invested in it, and it is estimated that it will not be too bad.

And since he has selected them once, the quality of those people should be above ordinary people.

These people, of course, cannot be wasted.

It would be a loss to disband them directly.

But it is even more impossible for him to hand these people over to the court. How could he do something that benefits others but not himself?

Therefore, the best way is to recruit them together.

However, those navy soldiers would never surrender easily, and it would take some effort.

Fortunately, he had someone who was suitable for this task.

What division, winning over, management... No one was more suitable than Yuan Luo, the chief clerk of Qingshan County.

After all, Yuan Luo was the real disciple of Chen!

Once this matter was settled, the matter of Tan Chao would come to an end.

As for how to deal with Tan Chao, Chen Yan had a general idea in his mind. He would be detained for the time being, and he would be of great use in the future.

The next day, Xueyan's spirit had basically returned to normal.

After all, she was a martial artist, and her body was indeed much stronger than that of ordinary people.

If it was Chen Yan who had such a serious illness, how could he recover without lying down for ten days or half a month?

She seemed to have forgotten what happened last night, and served Chen Yan as usual.

If she didn't mention that matter, Chen Yan would naturally not mention it, so as to avoid embarrassment for her.

The fleet continued to sail north, and the weather was getting colder.

Qingshan County was warm enough to wear a single layer of clothing at this time, but it was so cold that people would get goose bumps even if they wore two layers of clothing.

Fortunately, Chen Yan had prepared in advance. The dressing room was fully stocked with summer and winter clothing, so he changed directly.

At night, Xueyan felt that she had recovered, so she gave the bed back to Chen Yan and went to sleep in the study as usual.

As a result, she almost didn't sleep all night!

She tossed and turned, and felt that the small couch was like a nail under it, and she couldn't sleep well.

Xueyan felt very strange, got off the couch, and touched the cushion on the couch.

The small couch itself was made of wood and bamboo, with a brocade cushion on it.

Normally, it was quite comfortable to sleep on, but for some reason, it was particularly uncomfortable to sleep tonight.

When Chen Yan woke up in the morning, he saw that she had dark circles under her eyes and asked curiously, "Didn't you sleep well last night?"

Xue Yan told him about her sleep last night in confusion.

After listening to her, Chen Yan understood what was going on. He laughed and turned around and lay down on his big bed.

With a bang, he was bounced up a little.

"What is this bed made of? It can bounce people up?" Xue Yan asked in surprise.

She slept on this bed more than onceI have never noticed that this bed is so elastic.

"The bed is not the point, the secret is in this mattress." Chen Yan patted the mattress, "You try it."

Xueyan would never fall on it directly like him, so she climbed onto the bed carefully, only to feel a special and strange sinking feeling.

"This mattress is called Simmons, and it is a spring mattress specially made by this official." Chen Yan stretched his waist lazily on his crotch, "The main feature is that it is comfortable to sleep."

"What is a spring mattress?" Xueyan asked in surprise.

She was sick these two days and was not as sensitive as usual. Now she found that this touch was so comfortable. No wonder she felt uncomfortable after changing the bed.

Just like if you have never eaten delicacies from mountains and seas, you will be fine if you eat plain tea and plain rice every day.

But once you have eaten it, eating plain tea and plain rice will taste like chewing wax.

"To put it simply, when people sleep, every part of the body is uneven. If you keep sleeping on a wooden bed, even if there is cotton padding, you will feel tired and uncomfortable."

"But spring mattresses are different. When you sleep on it, each part of your body exerts different pressure on the mattress, and the degree of sinking is also different."

"Naturally, the mattress has different rebound forces on you, achieving an ergonomic sleeping effect."

Chen Yan talked freely. Anyway, the principle of the mattress itself is not complicated. What is really important is the manufacturing process, so there is no need to hide it from her.

Generally, when making a bed at home, cotton batting is mostly used.

People with no money put less, and many of them put decades of old batting, which is naturally limited in softness.

Even if rich people put more, although it can improve some comfort, it is still quite limited. If you sleep for a little longer, the comfort will drop sharply.

But spring mattresses are different.

The overall thickness of the mattress is about six inches, wrapped in cloth on the outside, and divided into three layers inside.

The bottom is a hard board base, which is the chassis of the spring.

In the middle is a support layer made of springs. There are a lot of springs, which support a layer of cotton pads about an inch thick on top.

When people sleep on these together, they feel almost no hardness and are very comfortable.

Xueyan listened to his explanation, stroked the mattress, and a huge wave of emotions surged in her heart.

Chen Yan's powerful designs are indeed amazing, but their uses are limited and can only work in specific occasions.

For example, the so-called "secret weapon" is only useful when breaking through mountains.

But these little gadgets used in life are the real good things that are related to people's livelihood and can be used universally for a long time!

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