On the other side, Gu Wei said to Jin Ze in a low voice: "Sir, this matter is of great importance and cannot be delayed. It is not appropriate for the county magistrate Chen to delay the court's mission like this?"

Jin Ze looked at him coldly: "Then how do you think it should be dealt with?"

Gu Wei hurriedly said: "Of course, it should be decided by you. However, I think this man is so arrogant that he sat on the ship himself and asked you to stay in the cargo hold. He has no respect for the superiors and the inferiors. I don't know how many rude acts he has made with him as an assistant! Why not transfer him away temporarily, and I will find another capable assistant for you. What do you think?"

This Chen Yan is so hateful. He made him look bad first and then picked on him. They just met. If they get along for a long time in the future, I don't know how much trouble there will be. If he can be transferred away, it will be much more convenient for future actions.

However, Gu Wei also knew that he could not handle this matter himself, after all, Chen Yan was brought by Jin Ze, so he thought of a way to sow discord between Jin Ze and Chen Yan and let Jin Ze handle it.

He had a good plan, but Jin Ze said coldly: "He was appointed by the court. If Lord Gu wants to transfer him, it is naive."

Gu Wei was stunned and said in surprise: "Why did the court appoint a small seventh-rank county magistrate?"

Jin Ze snorted: "Humph, Lord Gu is ambitious, and he even wants to intervene in the affairs of the court?"

Gu Wei was startled and said in panic: "It is your humble servant who said too much!"

Jin Ze's expression eased a little: "However, Chen Yan is indeed arrogant. The court's mission is of great importance. With him involved, I am really worried."

Gu Wei's heart moved, and he took the opportunity to say: "This person is so aggressive, so there will naturally be many mistakes."

Jin Ze waved his hand: "I am old, even if there are mistakes, I can't see them clearly."

Gu Wei cursed in his heart.

This old fox clearly wants to stay out of it!

However, since it was known that Jin Ze was not satisfied with Chen Yan, things would be much easier.

As long as a few loopholes were found, would we worry about not being able to deal with this guy?

Thinking of this, he immediately said: "I understand! My Lord, you are tired from the journey, why don't you go to the post station to rest first? The rest will be handled by me and County Magistrate Chen."

Jin Ze nodded, took Zeng Hong and others on the prepared carriage, and went to the city.

Gu Wei sent someone to escort them, and after watching the carriage go away, he began to think in his heart.

Judging from Jin Ze's meaning, I'm afraid that this Minister is also dissatisfied with the appointment of Chen Yan.

However, since Chen Yan was appointed by the court, we can't use tough means, so we have to set a trap for him.

"Mr. Gu, may I ask where are the 600 laborers that our chamber of commerce entrusted you to recruit now?"

Just as he was thinking, a woman's voice suddenly came from behind him.

Gu Wei turned around and saw the pretty maid who had been following Chen Yan. He was slightly surprised.

"Who are you?" He looked her up and down.

"I am the person in charge of Zhou's Chamber of Commerce this time. You can call me Xueyan." Xueyan said calmly.

"So you are not his... Ahem, it takes a long time to recruit the laborers entrusted by your Chamber of Commerce. Now we have only found the hundred or so you have seen just now." Gu Wei avoided his eyes.

Xueyan's eyebrows immediately frowned.

Six hundred employees are needed in Jiyuan City this time.

In addition to unloading, driving escort, carrying goods, etc. will also require employees. According to the plan, there will be about 500 people waiting in Pancheng to prepare for entering the mountain.

At this speed, I am afraid that it will take until next year to recruit thousands of employees!

"Such a delay, Lord Gu seems to have not taken the imperial edict seriously." Chen Yan said coldly on the side.

"Mr. Chen, you may not understand the people's sentiments in Jizhou."

"Jizhou has recently experienced a civil uprising, and the people are displaced and there are no more men left in each household."

"Like Jiyuan City, there were originally 5,000 households, but now there are only more than 1,000 households."

"Those young and strong have long since fled here."

"Most of the remaining ones are the elderly, the weak, women and children, where can we recruit strong men?"

"Not to mention that we have to recruit them within half a day, how easy is that!"

He said with a fake smile.

Chen Yan said calmly: "Is it really impossible?"

Gu Wei spread his hands and said: "It is really impossible."

Chen Yan said indifferently: "What if I recruit 600 strong men today?"

Gu Wei laughed and said: "Mr. Chen is a bit boastful. What I can't do, how can you do it?"

Chen Yan nodded: "Okay, I will do it for Lord Gu to see!"

As he said, Chen Yan turned around and went to the ship.

Gu Wei looked at his back and sneered.

I will not cooperate. I want to see how you can do it!

Chen Yan returned to the ship, and Xue Yan whispered: "Sir, what should we do now?"

Chen Yan smiled and said: "Of course, hurry upTime to recruit. Wei Chuan! Write me thirty recruitment notices and send people to post them in the busy places of Jiyuan City, saying that 600 hired workers will be recruited, and each person will be paid one tael of silver per day! "

Xue Yan was stunned, and then exclaimed: "What!"

Previously, the plan was to hire each worker for no more than 20 coins a day.

He suddenly raised the price to one tael of silver. The money that could have hired 50 hired workers was now spent on one person. How could that work!

You know, with the people's sentiments in Jizhou, I'm afraid that ordinary people may not be able to earn one tael of silver in half a year!

But Chen Yan said calmly: "There must be brave men under a heavy reward. If you want to recruit 600 people in such a short time, how can you feel sorry for this price? Besides, isn't there a man named Gu to pay for this money? Don't worry too much, I'll take care of it."

Wei Chuan took the order and went.

Xue Yan frowned and said: "But such a high price has exceeded the original budget. I'm afraid that Lord Gu will not agree? "

The main thing is that this matter also involves a long-term strategy. The hiring is not for one or two days, but for nearly a year.

According to his spending, the budget will be exceeded too much in one year. Not to mention that Gu Wei will not agree, the emperor will not agree either!

Chen Yan sneered slightly: "If he doesn't agree, force him to agree! How can we allow these parasites to drag down the important matters for the country and the people? I must make this thief pay the price!"

Xue Yan saw that he called Gu Wei a "thief" without any hesitation, and her heart moved.

Even when he had such a bad relationship with Jin Ze, Chen Yan never called him a "thief", which shows how much Chen Yan hates Gu Wei.

Well, let's see how he does it.

After Wei Chuan asked people to write thirty copies of the notice and post them in various places in the city, Chen Yan thought about it and asked people to take out strange things from the cabin under the deck of the small building ship and assemble them directly on the shore.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the thing was assembled, and it turned out to be a carriage!

"You even brought a carriage! "Xueyan was stunned.

Moreover, it can be temporarily assembled, and it can be used directly after tying two horses.

"Since we are going to travel by land, we must prepare a land vehicle."

"But can't we prepare a carriage here? Why do we have to travel thousands of miles..."

"How can those carriages work? If I take them to Tianxuan Mountain, I'm afraid I will be torn apart before I get there! Come on, prepare the horses!"

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