Xun Yufei felt that he had knelt in vain.

His Majesty had no intention of dealing with Chen Yan, nor did he have any reason to deal with Chen Yan.

After slowly getting up, Xun Yufei scratched his head and said, "Since Your Majesty had no intention of dealing with Brother Chen Yan, why didn't you say so earlier?"

Tang Yun glared at Xun Yufei, "If I hadn't done this, would you have confessed that those armors came from Qingshan County?"

Xun Yufei cursed himself for being confused and falling for His Majesty's trap.

"Your Majesty, then Chen Yan..."

"Okay, I know what's going on. As I said before, I plan to purchase ironware from Chen Yan, but he definitely doesn't dare to do this kind of business, so I need you to be the middleman, after all, Chen Yan knows that you are a general in the court."


"It's armor and weapons."

Seeing that Xun Yufei was confused, Tang Yun simply went straight to the point.

"Ah, it's illegal to sell military supplies privately, and Chen Yan won't do it." Xun Yufei shook his head repeatedly.

Tang Yun said unhappily, "Of course I know, that's why I asked you to come here. I will go through the procedures for Zhou's Chamber of Commerce to allow it to operate ironware. After you meet Chen Yan, you need to bear witness to it, and Chen Yan will definitely believe you."

Xun Yufei was even more confused, "Zhou's Chamber of Commerce?"

"It's me. My identity is the eldest daughter of Zhou's Chamber of Commerce." Tang Yun covered her head and said, Xun Yufei is an extremely outstanding general, but usually, her mind doesn't turn at all, which is really a headache.

Xun Yufei finally understood, and was overjoyed, with an irrepressible smile on his face: "Your Majesty plans to equip all the soldiers with such armaments?"

Tang Yun shook her head, "It's definitely not possible for the time being, at least in the future, it depends on how much money Chen Yan can make from the white sugar."

Speaking of this, Tang Yun smiled secretly.

I am a genius to make money from Chen Yan's white sugar, buy Chen Yan's armor with the money earned, and arm the Great Zhou army.

But soon, the smile on Tang Yun's face disappeared, replaced by a trace of worry.

No, I've been busy helping Chen Yan sell sugar, and the money I made has to be used to buy Chen Yan's ironware. Doesn't this mean that in the end, all the money was earned by Chen Yan?

In this way, I'm at a loss.

Tang Yun is not a professional businessman, and the twists and turns in it are a bit annoying, so she simply stopped thinking about it.

"Pack up, and go to see Chen Yan with me and He Qing in the afternoon. Remember, don't say the wrong thing and expose my identity." Tang Yun reminded.

"Lord He? The old guy He Jinyao is here too?" Xun Yufei was a little surprised.

Tang Yun nodded slightly, "Sugar is related to making up for the deficit of the Ministry of Revenue, and He Qing will naturally follow."

Just then, the door of Tang Yun's room was knocked.

Then Qing Yuan walked in and said to Tang Yun, "Lord He wants to see you."

Tang Yun waved her hand: "Let Lord He in."

He Jinyao hurried in and was stunned when he saw Xun Yufei, then he looked at Tang Yun.

"If you have something to say, just say it directly."

After getting Tang Yun's consent, He Jinyao's face was filled with surprise, and he bowed and said, "Congratulations, Your Majesty, congratulations, Your Majesty."

Tang Yun looked puzzled and asked, "What are you congratulating?"

He Jinyao smiled and said, "Last night I asked my men to deliver sugar to the capital overnight and called a meeting of major merchants in the capital. As a result...haha, those merchants fought hard to get the right to operate sugar."

Tang Yun stood up suddenly, "Really?"

Whether something is easy to sell is useless just to think about it yourself, it still depends on the market reaction.

And those big merchants in the capital, to a certain extent, reflect the market.

Since they were fighting over white sugar, it was enough to prove that, as she and He Jinyao had thought before, that thing must be very easy to sell.

He Jinyao nodded repeatedly, "They raised the price by themselves and pushed the price directly to two taels of silver per catty."

Tang Yun said coldly: "Since they can offer two taels of silver, it means that there are still people who will buy white sugar at a higher price than this."

He Jinyao nodded, "That's right. Since there is no shortage of people who will buy it at two taels of silver, we will sell it at the price set by Chen Yan, five hundred coins per catty, and I'm afraid it will be sold extremely crazy."

Tang Yun nodded slightly, "Yes, the test you did is very good. In this case, you can be completely assured. You should let Chen Yan start production as soon as possible."

Neither Tang Yun nor He Jinyao wanted the price of white sugar to be too high.

An emperor and a land official in charge of the Ministry of Revenue are not businessmen. While making money, they hope that more people can afford white sugar.

Selling two taels of silver will naturally make more money.

But it is true that white sugar can only benefit a small number of people, and ordinary people can never afford it. This is not Tang Yun's original"Your Majesty, Duke Xun is here..." He Jinyao said in surprise.

Xun Yufei glared at He Jinyao, "Old man, how can you be a follower of Your Majesty, but I am not allowed to meet Your Majesty."

The civil officials and military generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty are not very harmonious.

Not to mention that the world is peaceful now, even half a year ago, when the world was in turmoil, both sides would quarrel whenever they met.

He Jinyao flicked his beard, "Qingshan County is not involved in the war, and it is completely useless for you military commanders to come here."

Xun Yufei sneered: "Humph, do you think I am willing to come?"

Tang Yun's head hurt, and he angrily said: "Okay, stop arguing. I asked Xun Qing to come here, and use him as a middleman to see if he can buy the ironware made by Chen Yan."

He Jinyao was shocked, "Your Majesty intends to allow Qingshan County to make weapons?"

Immediately, he thought about something, and his eyes fell on Xun Yufei again, "Could it be that the armor that Xun Guogong used to roam the battlefield at that time came from Qingshan County."

"He Qing is smart, that's why I noticed Qingshan County." Tang Yun explained.

He Jinyao suddenly realized and murmured: "This Chen Yan is too amazing. He knows how to make salt, how to make sugar, and how to make weapons. Is there anything in the world that he doesn't know?"

Xun Yufei agreed with what He Jinyao said, which was rare.

"That kid really knows a lot, which is admirable."

Speaking of this, Xun Yufei seemed to remember something, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Hehe, since you are here, I must trick that kid into a table of pork tonight. I have been craving it for a while."

While speaking, Xun Yufei gently patted his belly and licked his lips with his tongue, as if he was savoring something delicious.

"Haha, a dignified Duke is actually obsessed with cheap meat, which is really ridiculous." He Jinyao laughed.

Tang Yun frowned, and also felt that Xun Yufei's behavior just now was a bit indecent.

Xun Yufei was stunned: "Why, Chen Yan didn't invite His Majesty and Lord He to eat the pigs he raised? Haha, it seems that Chen Yan doesn't really regard you as real friends."

Tang Yun and He Jinyao looked at each other.

Both of them couldn't understand. Isn't it just pork? Why did Xun Yufei feel so proud?

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