Chen Yan didn't expect that two hours had passed after a few people chatted.

What's even more terrible is that the iceberg beauty actually fell asleep on the table.


Chen Yan pointed at Chen Yun lying on the table with a bitter look on his face.

Qing Yuan was also a little confused, with a little nervousness on his face, looking at Xun Yufei for help.

"Your Majesty...ah, Miss Zhou's alcohol tolerance is not very good." Xun Yufei almost let it slip.

Qing Yuan thought, now is not the time to care about your Majesty's alcohol tolerance!

He Jinyao also felt a little regretful. Just now, he listened to Chen Yan's chatter. Many times, he felt that he made some sense, and then he got a little drunk and didn't pay attention to your Majesty at all.

Now that your Majesty is drunk, he is still in the palace. What should he do?

Subconsciously, He Jinyao also looked at Xun Yufei.

"Why are you looking at me? You are Miss Zhou's housekeeper." Xun Yufei's face was red. He drank some of the strong liquor brewed by Chen Yan. His head hurt a little, but he still maintained his rationality.

He Jinyao thought for a while and said, "Why don't you let the young lady stay in the county government office first?"

Turning to look at Chen Yan, he asked, "Is there an empty yard in the back house of the county government office?"

Chen Yan was stunned and shook his head and said, "No."

This Miss Zhou, who can make Xun Yufei respectful, must have a good status.

Chen Yan didn't want to get into trouble. Living in the county government office, if there was an accident, wouldn't he be in trouble?

At this time, Xun Yufei suddenly said, "Why not? The yard where I recuperated some time ago was empty?"

Chen Yan covered his forehead and thought, why are you so rude?

Xun Yufei pretended not to notice Chen Yan glaring at him, and continued: "How about this, I go to the inn and give that courtyard to Miss Zhou, how about that?"

While speaking, he turned his eyes to Qing Yuan, obviously asking Qing Yuan's opinion.

Qing Yuan thought for a while, nodded and said: "If it is a separate courtyard, it's okay!"

In fact, the best way at the moment is to wake up Tang Yun and ask Tang Yun's opinion.

The problem is, who dares to wake Tang Yun up?

It is obviously not possible to carry Tang Yun back to the inn. If she gets cold in the wind, no one can afford it.

In this case, she can only stay in the county government office temporarily.

"Well, it's a separate courtyard, let your people clean it up." Xun Yufei said.

Qing Yuan understood that the emperor's safety is the top priority and cannot be sloppy.

Even if Tang Yun is visiting incognito, the place where she lives must be strictly checked.

No longer hesitating, Qing Yuan left the county government office, and after a few whistles of varying lengths, several beautiful figures rushed out of the night.

Immediately, several people followed Qing Yuan into the county government office.

Of course, all this was seen by Wu Handong and others who were always watching the county government office.

After going back and forth, Qing Yuan asked, "Where is the place?"

Seeing this, Chen Yan was helpless, but he could only cooperate. He couldn't drive people away.

After all, they were his partners, and staying overnight in the county government office was nothing.

"Qing'er, take Miss Qing Yuan to the side yard. They will stay there tonight. If you need anything, you can help prepare it!"

Qing Yuan interrupted, "No, I will ask someone to get it. Just let her take me there."

Chen Yan curled his lips, "It doesn't matter."

Qing Yuan didn't delay and left with Lu Qing'er.

At this moment, Tang Yun said indistinctly, "Greedy, obsessed with money, don't want a head anymore."

Chen Yan was shocked. Oh my god, so cruel, drunken talk is chopping people?

I wanted to ask if I had to pay for the room, but now I'll forget it.

On the other side, Lu Qing'er brought Qing Yuan to the side yard.

Unexpectedly, Qing Yuan said a little, and suddenly seven or eight female guards appeared, entered the yard and checked around.

Lu Qing'er was really scared.

Qing Yuan explained: "Don't mind, my lady has a lot of enemies, so it's better to be careful."

Lu Qing'er nodded, "Guests are welcome to do whatever they want, tell me directly if you need anything."

Qing Yuan smiled faintly: "Thank you!"


Outside the county government office, Wu Handong and Bai Xiang, who had been watching the county government office all the time, showed a touch of joy on their faces.

"Xun Yufei and He Jinyao have left one after another!"

"Qing Yuan sent someone into the county government office."

"Could it be..."

Wu Handong looked aside with some excitement.

Bai Xiang nodded slightly, "You should be right, Tang Yun is indeed staying at the county government office."

Wu Handong laughed: "Huh, the witch looks cold, but she actually keeps a lover in such a small county, haha!"

Bai Xiang pondered for a while, and said with some doubt: "I still don't understand, since Chen Yan and Tang Yun have such a close relationship, why did he let me and His Highness go last night, why didn't he arrest me and His Highness?Ask Tang Yun for credit? "

Wu Handong curled his lips, "Master Bai, you literati like to think complicated things are simple, and simple things are complicated. If it were me, I would also let you and His Highness go like Chen Yan did."

Bai Xiang didn't understand and asked, "Why?"

Wu Handong said, "If you and His Highness were arrested at that time, wouldn't Chen Yan be noticed by the court? According to the rules of the court, with such merits, he would probably be promoted several levels, and then he would no longer be the magistrate of Qingshan County. Don't forget, we have heard before that this Chen Yan is very low-key. "

Bai Xiang suddenly realized, "You mean, the reason why Chen Yan is low-key is that he wants to continue to be the magistrate of Qingshan County, so that he can be convenient with Tang Yun..."

Wu Handong nodded, "Anyway, that's what I think. You know, a temporary promotion is not as important as being favored by Tang Yun, the witch."

Bai Xiang agreed, "Chen Yan wants to ascend to heaven in one step."

"Hush! "Wu Handong's expression suddenly changed. After making a gesture to keep quiet, he pointed in the direction of the county government office.

However, several Fengling Guards came out of the county government office and scattered around to various places to start alert.

Bai Xiang frowned and said, "There are at least 20 Fengling Guards inside and outside the county government office. How can we get in later?"

Wu Handong smiled coldly, "They are just a group of girls, all for show. Master Bai, don't worry, I have my own way."

At this time, the men around Wu Handong smiled and said, "Master Bai, you don't know that our general has already found a place to sneak into the county government office during the day."

Bai Xiang nodded. Wu Handong was much more professional than him in this regard, so he didn't say anything more.

Wu Handong patted his men's heads lightly, and then smiled with a relaxed face, "There is a place on the north side of the county government office, which is blocked by the surrounding shops. It is a blind spot. No matter how many Fengling Guards are on guard outside the county government office, they can't see it from there. "

Bai Xiang bowed his hands: "General Wu is very thoughtful, I admire you."

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