"There are many outside the county, and it is in bloom now, but the wolfsbane does not seem to be a medicinal herb, but rather poisonous." Qi Yunshan reminded.

Chen Yan smiled, as long as there are such flowers around Qingshan County.

Thinking of this, he turned his head to look at Tang Yun, "Let your people pick some back as soon as possible, quickly."

Tang Yun nodded quickly, turned around and gave orders to a Fengling Guard at the door. As for how Chen Yan was going to use it, Tang Yun did not ask more.

In her opinion, Chen Yan was originally a magical person. Since he spoke, he must have a way.

"Mr. Guo, go to your pharmacy and help me get 4 qian each of raw aconite, fragrant white angelica, angelica, and chuanxiong, and 1 qian of arisaema."

After Chen Yan finished speaking, he added: "Double the amount, just in case."

Guo Bi said nothing more, nodded and said: "I will go back and get it now."

"Mr. Qi, try your best to stop the bleeding of Qingyuan first, give me two hours, and then you can take the arrow after two hours, how about it?" Chen Yan asked.

Qi Yunshan didn't know what Chen Yan was going to do. If it was someone else, he would have left long ago if he had been pointing fingers at someone.

After all, as a doctor, when treating people, the most taboo is for others to point fingers at them.

But Chen Yan is different.

Qi Yunshan is also a citizen of Qingshan County. He has lived a rich life in recent years, away from war, and relies on Chen Yan.

It can be said that the people of the entire Qingshan County regard Chen Yan as a benefactor, and Qi Yunshan is no exception.

"Okay, I'll listen to your orders."

Qi Yunshan still had some confusion and dissatisfaction in his heart.

But he still endured it.

Chen Yan did not explain too much, turned around and left the room, preparing the herbs for decoction.

He had seen the formula of Ma Fei San on the Internet and in books in his previous life. It was not complicated, and the herbs were also available in this world.

If Ma Fei San worked and could make Qing Yuan temporarily lose her sense of pain, and the anesthesia was successful, Qi Yunshan should be able to help Qing Yuan remove the arrowhead.

Chen Yan felt that it was worth a try.

Feng Lingwei acted quickly, and in less than half an hour, he had picked a lot of wolfsbane.

Guo Bi had also brought the herbs that Chen Yan wanted.

Chen Yan did not hesitate and began to decoct the medicine.

It took another hour, and the medicine was finally decocted.

Lu Qing'er personally served it out, and followed Chen Yan to Qing Yuan's bed again.

At this time, Qing Yuan's lips were white. She was not fainted, but it could be seen that her consciousness was a little fuzzy.

Qi Yunshan was watching from the side. If there was anything wrong, he would deal with it immediately.

For the time being, there was no danger.

Seeing Chen Yan coming in, Qi Yunshan, Tang Yun and others stood up.

Qi Yunshan looked at the medicine jar curiously and asked, "What medicine is this?"

Chen Yan murmured, "It's an ancient recipe from a hermit. It's called Ma Fei San. After taking it, people will temporarily lose their sense of pain."

Qi Yunshan's eyes widened, "Lose the sense of pain? Not just falling asleep, but completely losing the sense of pain?"

There are many prescriptions that can make people fall asleep and temporarily unconscious. Qi Yunshan can write down a dozen of them at random, but Qi Yunshan has never heard of a prescription that can make people completely lose their sense of pain.

The human body is very strange. Even if you are completely asleep and have no consciousness, as long as you are not dead, you will feel pain under normal circumstances. After feeling pain, you will protect yourself and struggle subconsciously.

Therefore, Qi Yunshan said before that it is not difficult to remove the arrowhead, but it is difficult to remove the arrowhead without any injury.

When he was a military doctor in the army, he had seen too many cases of bone damage and complete disability caused by forcible removal of arrowheads.

The reason is that it is difficult to prevent patients from struggling subconsciously.

Once they struggle, even a little bit, it is very likely to hurt their bones.

"Yes." Chen Yan nodded.

Tang Yun, who was beside him, was also amazed. The world is so big. As an emperor, she has heard of drugs that make people hallucinate, and drugs that make people sleep for several days but not dead, but she has never heard of drugs that make people completely lose their sense of pain.

"Are you sure?" Qi Yunshan looked at Chen Yan and asked again.

In fact, he didn't believe it from the bottom of his heart.

After all, Chen Yan is not a doctor, how could he understand the prescription.

As for the so-called hermit master, it's ridiculous.

There is no such thing as a hermit master in the world, it's just Chen Yan's rhetoric.

If it were someone else, he would definitely not cooperate.

But this person is Chen Yan, it's completely different.

"This prescription is called Ma Fei San, it does have the effect of temporarily making people lose their sense of pain." Chen Yan said again.

"Okay, since the adults have confirmed it, let her take it according to the adults' wishes."

Qi Yunshan nodded and was about to take the medicine jar from Lu Qing'er.

"Old Qi, let me do it.Feed the medicine. "

Lu Qing'er said, came to the bedside, took out a small bowl from the medicine jar, and began to feed.

Tang Yun still believed in Chen Yan, and did not say anything, letting Chen Yan deal with it.

Qi Yunshan and Guo Bi next to him frowned.

Guessing in his heart, what is the meaning of Chen Yan coming up with the so-called Ma Fei San today?

Anyway, the two did not believe in this Ma Fei San, but since Chen Yan said so, they did not intend to say anything.

Chen Yan was also unsure in his heart, after all, this thing was his first time trying, and he was a little nervous.

After taking Ma Fei San, about half a minute later, Qing Yuan's eyes gradually closed, and the whole person seemed to fall into a state of extreme sleepiness.

Seeing this, Tang Yun said excitedly: "It seems to be useful."

Chen Yan also looked happy, "It seems that I remember it correctly. "

Qi Yunshan frowned slightly. He didn't think that Ma Fei San had taken effect.

This woman was just in a coma. It should be impossible for her to completely lose her sense of pain.

But it doesn't matter. Anyway, I will do whatever Chen Yan tells me to do.

Mr. Chen has done a great favor to the people of Qingshan County. Helping Mr. Chen, whether good or bad, is a reward.

On the side, Chen Yan suppressed his joy and looked at Tang Yun, saying, "Can we try to see if Qing Yuan has temporarily lost her sense of pain?"

After all, Qing Yuan is just in a coma now, and Chen Yan is not sure whether she has lost consciousness, so he asked this question.

Tang Yun pondered for a while, nodded, and winked at a Fengling Guard.

The Fengling Guard woman got a silver needle from somewhere and gently stabbed Qing Yuan's arm.

After a while, Qing Yuan did not react at all.

Qi Yunshan was stunned and asked curiously, "Huh, has she really lost her sense of pain? "

As a doctor, he naturally understood that even if a person fell asleep, his arm would move when pricked by a needle.

But Qing Yuan was motionless now!

Seeing this, Chen Yan was also very happy and said, "Old Qi, you can start to take out the arrow."

Qing Yuan was a woman. If she wanted to take out the arrow, she would naturally have to take off the clothes on her shoulders.

Chen Yan obviously shouldn't stay here any longer. Although he was still worried, he still retreated.

At this time, the sky was already dawning.

As soon as he left the room, he saw two people striding in with anxious looks on their faces.

"What's going on? How is the girl?" Xun Yufei's face was extremely solemn.

"We just received the news and rushed here. Is the girl in the room now? "He Jinyao was also extremely nervous.

Tang Yun is the current emperor. If something really happens, neither Xun Yufei nor He Jinyao will survive, including Chen Yan, who will also lose his head.

The Great Zhou, which has just settled down, will set off chaos again.

Both Xun Yufei and He Jinyao don't want to see such a scene in public and private.

Chen Yan didn't expect Xun Yufei to be so nervous. He looked up and down and found that Xun Yufei's arms were actually shaking.

In Chen Yan's impression, Xun Yufei has always been an optimistic person. .

When I met him, he was seriously injured and half of his life was gone, but he was still optimistic.

At this time, he was so nervous that Chen Yan couldn't help but marvel inwardly.

From this point of view, Miss Zhou must be of good status and definitely not an ordinary merchant girl.

A merchant, even a big one, would not be valued so much by Xun Yufei, the Duke.

I think this Miss Zhou must be the daughter of a minister in the court, or she may also be a Duke.

"Don't be nervous, Miss Zhou is fine." Chen Yan said.

Xun Yufei and He Jinyao breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. It can be seen that both of them seemed to relax at this moment.

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