Thinking in her heart, Bai Lu frowned slightly, secretly cursing herself for being stupid and underestimated the Nafu Camp.

Since the main gate of the Nafu Camp is so heavily guarded, and the patrol team is so well planned and arranged with the guards in front of the gate and the arrow tower, there is no blind spot in sight, so there is no chance for people to take advantage of it, then how could the side be defenseless?

Now that I think about it, it is probably a trap set up by the other party on purpose.

Let them go, lure them in, and then catch them on the spot.

Thinking of this, Bai Lu glanced around, but did not find any surveillance facilities.

However, she was sure that this camp must have set up a sentry in a hidden place, specifically guarding the north side.

Otherwise, these soldiers would not have come so quickly.

"Who dares to break into the military camp? Don't you want to live?"

Qian Wu said angrily.

He is the captain of the first team of the Nafu Camp in Qingshan County.

Of course, the position of captain was changed by Chen Yan himself.

The purpose is also to make it easier to remember.

Bai Lu was surprised, but not panicked.

After all, he was the deputy commander of Fengling Guard, and had been with Tang Yun for a long time. He had also been on the battlefield with Tang Yun, so he still had the necessary self-control.

"Just curious."

Bai Lu said lightly.


"That's not a good reason."

"There are always scoundrels who want to find out the truth about our Nafu Camp. You are not the first, and you will definitely not be the last."

Qian Wu sneered.

"Humph, who sent you here? Speak up, we may let you go."

At the beginning, there were many bandits around Qingshan County.

Those bandits coveted Qingshan County.

They would send many spies to find out the truth about Nafu Camp.

However, this happened more than a year ago. After Nafu Camp in Qingshan County cleared out the bandits around them, no one broke into the camp of Nafu Camp. Today's incident was a rare event.

"I really came in by mistake. Please forgive me, sir." Bai Lu changed into a delicate and feminine face, hoping to get away with it.

"Stop, stop, stop. Judging from your skills and clothes, you are not ordinary women." Qian Wu smiled contemptuously: "There are many more female spies in Qingshan County recently. You are one of them, right? Do you really think we don't know and just don't want to bother with you?"

Qian Wu's words shocked Bai Lu and the other two.

Could it be that the activities of Feng Lingwei have long been under the control of Nafuying?

Who are the people in Nafuying, Qingshan County? It is true that Feng Lingwei are all women, but each of them has received strict training and is good at collecting intelligence.

Even in the surrounding countries, there are many spies of Feng Lingwei, but they are rarely seen by others.

The strength of Nafuying, Qingshan County is too terrifying!

This is not a Nafuying. I'm afraid it is the most elite army of Da Zhou. If it is investigated by Feng Lingwei, it will be difficult to find the trace of Feng Lingwei, right?

How did a mere Nafuying do it?

For the first time in his life, Bai Lu had deep doubts about the strength of Fenglingwei.

Just then, a rough man came over, wearing casual clothes instead of armor.

But when this man approached, all the soldiers of Nafuying present were stern, and they saluted in unison with the unique military salute of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

"Sir, sir!"

The silver armor, the uniform movements, the friction of the armor, and the soldiers' confident shouting all surprised Bai Lu and the other three.

When did the Great Zhou have such a neat military team?

Bai Lu was sure that the imperial guards of Luocheng were definitely not as good as the soldiers of Nafuying in front of him in this regard.

Was it the whole Nafuying of Qingshan County, or was it just this group of soldiers?

At this time, Zhang Dabiao strode over and glanced at Bai Lu and the other three.

Judging from the attire of the three people, it has been concluded that these three women must be from Zhou's Chamber of Commerce.

Although he has not seen them, his subordinates have already described them.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Apart from other things, the female guards of Zhou's Chamber of Commerce are really beautiful.

Zhang Dabiao thought in his heart, but he said, "Who are you? Why are you running to the military camp? Are you spies from the enemy country, or the remnants of the rebels?"

Zhang Dabiao looks rough, but his mind is exquisite.

In any case, Zhou's Chamber of Commerce and their Qingshan County are now in a cooperative relationship.

It's not good to be caught by the people of Zhou's Chamber of Commerce suddenly. Although it was caused by the people of Zhou's Chamber of Commerce who broke into their camp, it would be troublesome to explain it at that time.

It's better to put a big hat on them directly.

No matter what the final result is, the big hat must be put on them, and in the end, it must be that Nafuying is right.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Bai Lu was shocked.

RegardlessWhether they are spies from the enemy country or remnants of the rebels, they will be beheaded if caught.

"If they are not, why are you investigating our Nafuying camp? You obviously want to investigate the armaments of our Great Zhou army!"

Qu Moyue subconsciously said: "Humph, if a spy wants to understand the armaments of the Great Zhou army, he will not investigate your Nafuying."

Everyone can hear the subtext.

Nafuying is the lowest-ranking army in the entire Great Zhou army system. It does not even have the qualifications to go to the battlefield. Spies from other countries do not look down on it at all.

Zhang Dabiao did not care at all and smiled: "I heard that there were bandits in the county government yesterday. Don't be careless and keep these three under strict supervision."

"Yes!" Qian Wu shouted.

After speaking, he waved his hand.

Several soldiers rushed forward.

"We are Miss Zhou's personal guards, you can't catch us!"

Bai Lu shouted.

However, no one paid any attention to her.

After taking the three away, Zhang Dabiao frowned slightly.

"Keep a good look at them, don't let them escape, I'll go to the adults now."

Zhang Dabiao instructed.

Chen Yan still had to make the decision on how to deal with these three people.

"Remember, don't hurt them at all, provide them with good food and drink, but don't let them escape."

"Don't worry, adults." Qian Wu replied.

Zhang Dabiao was still very confident about Qian Wu. Without hesitation, he rode a fast horse and rushed towards the county town.

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