The women were all shocked!

"Entertain the troops", these two words, you know what they mean even if you use your toes to think!

Although the Fengling Guards are all military men, they are women after all.

Moreover, almost all of them are virgins.

And there are hundreds of strong men in the Nafu Camp!

If they are really caught to entertain the troops, won't they be tortured to death?

The Fengling Guards have a high status, and they don't need to perform formalities even when meeting ministers in the court.

And these rough men in the Nafu Camp can be said to be the most despicable existence in the military camp.

Thinking that such a noble body of hers would be picked by these people, fear can't help but spread from the bottom of her heart.


Absolutely not!

"I thought you were the head of the Great Zhou Chamber of Commerce and treated you as a distinguished guest."

"It turns out that you are a spy who is trying to find out the military situation of our Great Zhou!"

"Not only did you send people to secretly explore our military camp, but you also formed a group to commit crimes and openly attacked our camp with weapons. You are simply lawless!"

"Moreover, you even dared to threaten the court officials with sharp weapons!"

"You have committed several crimes in a row, and you should be beheaded!"

"Thanks to the merits of the current emperor, our Great Zhou has finally settled down."

"But you rebels have appeared again, and you are still determined to destroy our Great Zhou!"

"Mr. Zhou, today I will make you taste the stick of my Qingshan County Magistrate, so that you dare not have any more rebellious thoughts!"

Chen Yan praised the virtues of the empress and scolded the other party, making Tang Yun's face turn pale and green, and she was confused.

It's okay if the other party puts a big hat on her.

But the words were ambiguous and made people imagine things.

The Qingshan County Magistrate's stick?

Was it a real stick, or...

The situation took a turn for the worse, Tang Yun lost all her anger, calmed down completely, and finally realized that something was wrong.

No wonder the Nafu Camp was so quiet. There was such a big commotion at the camp gate, but no one came out to help.

It turned out that the main force of the camp had already been secretly arranged outside!

Thinking of this, she was even more shocked and broke out in a sweat, her back was soaked.

Fenglingwei itself is an expert in reconnaissance, and has undergone countless reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance training.

The other party was able to hide from the eyes and ears of hundreds of Fenglingwei and quietly set a trap. The other party's ability is really amazing!

No wonder Xun Yufei praised the Nafu Camp so much.

Could this be the so-called "special forces"?

"Stop! County Magistrate Chen, you must not do this!"

A scream suddenly came from a distance.

A man rode a fast horse through the forest and rushed towards the military camp.

The man on the horse was Xun Yufei!

It turned out that Xun Yufei had been ordered by Tang Yun to track down the mastermind behind the matter of Wu Handong and others.

As a result, he had just found out some information and wanted to report it to Tang Yun, but when he asked at the county government compound, he found out that Tang Yun had gone to the Nafu Camp in anger.

Xun Yufei knew the capabilities of the Nafu Camp too well, and was scared enough, so he hurried over on a fast horse.

Fortunately, he saw from a distance that it seemed that they had not really started yet, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, fortunately, with his face, this matter should not be a big problem!

Who knew that when his horse was about to run to the front of the camp gate, two strong men suddenly flashed by, holding a tripping pole in their hands and tripped down.


The horse neighed and fell to the ground, and Lord Xuanguo on the horse was caught off guard and fell to the ground.

He just struggled to get up, and a man behind him grabbed the back of the big knife and hit him hard on the back of the head.

With a bang, Xun Yufei's eyes went black and he fell to the ground softly.

At the camp gate, Tang Yun heard Xun Yufei's voice and was secretly happy.

The situation is not good, but with Xun Yufei mediating, there should be no big problem!

But unexpectedly, this guy was tripped and knocked unconscious by someone!

"How dare you be rude to Xuanguo... and Mr. Xun!"

Tang Yun realized that the two people who attacked must be Chen Yan's people. She was shocked and angry, and turned around and shouted.

"Hmph, I wasted my time to open my heart to this man. It turns out that he is an accomplice of you and other rebels!"

"Come here! Take down these rebels!"

"Those who dare to resist will be killed without mercy!"

Chen Yan shouted loudly, and Zhang Dabiao could not wait any longer and rushed forward with his men.

Tang Yun looked ashen, and finally sighed as she looked at the Fengling Guards around her who cast panicked glances at her.

"Don't... resist."

The situation is over!

A sense of regret surged in her heart.

It was all her fault. She didn't listen to the words of Duke Xuan and underestimated the ability of the Nafu Camp.

Even though she had the power to govern the country and the ability to rule the country, she could do nothing in the face of Chen Yan!

Half an hour later, in the central army tent of the Nafu Camp.

Chen Yan carefully examined Qian Wu's bulletproof vest, focusing on the place where the long sword had cut him.

"It seems that there is still a lot of room for improvement."

He murmuredmurmured.

This broken place is always at war, so he has to consider saving his life first.

When he governed Qingshan County, the first thing he did was to deal with the Nafu Camp and turn it into a force that he could fully control.

Since then, he has been using the money he earned to strengthen the soldiers of the Nafu Camp.

The most important thing in this regard is "materials".

The iron knives, iron swords, iron spears, etc. used in the old days of the Great Zhou Dynasty had low ironmaking technology, and it was difficult to cut a piece of wood.

Like Qingyuan's Yanling Knife, it is considered the best among knives, but in Chen Yan's opinion, it is a representative work of backward technology.

Fortunately, when he was bored and surfing the Internet every day, he accumulated a lot of knowledge in this area.

So he focused on improving the frozen iron in Qingshan County, and then tried to make steel.

Finally, he made weapons and armor that were amazingly powerful compared to the conventional equipment of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

But this is not enough.

He can't wear such heavy armor every day, right?

His body was meant for women, not armor!

So he turned his mind to another thing - bulletproof vests!

Of course, there were no bullets in this era, nor were there various high-end materials such as fibers and tiles for making bulletproof vests.

However, the principle can be used for reference. He tested countless materials to make the copycat bulletproof vest on Qian Wu.

The outermost part is made of silk from a thousand-year-old rattan specially made in the old mountain area. This rattan material is extremely tough and difficult to cut with ordinary swords.

A layer of special bark material and sewn metal sheets are added in the middle, and a special lining is added inside, and a simple bulletproof vest is made.

Of course, it is not as light as a real bulletproof vest, but it is good compared to armor.

If you wear it under clothes, you can't notice it if you don't look carefully.

"Sir, I think this bulletproof vest is pretty good. It can withstand dozens of swords!" Qian Wu said with a grin.

"Of course their broken knives and swords are no problem, but if it's our swords and knives, it's good to be able to withstand three hits." Chen Yan rolled his eyes at him.

"Can we deal with those women?" Zhang Dabiao asked excitedly, rubbing his hands.

Hundreds of women, and most of them are pretty good-looking!

If they are used to entertain the troops, they can really have fun for ten days and a half months!

It's no wonder that he and his brothers are so anxious. It's really that they have been training in the Nafu Camp every day, and there are no bandits to deal with. They have no place to put their energy, and they are really uncomfortable!

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