But after calming down a bit, Tang Yun realized that something was wrong.

She had felt something was wrong before, and now she thought about it, the ambush in the forest outside the camp was definitely not a temporary arrangement.

Could it be that the other party had planned it long ago and knew that she would come here to rescue people, so they arranged so many people in advance?

Further speculation, this place is so heavily guarded, how could Mo Shuang escape?

Could it be that the other party deliberately let her go back?

The more Tang Yun thought about it, the more frightened she became.

Could it be that the whole thing was arranged and designed by the other party from the beginning?

But what was he for?

Did he know my true identity and wanted to rebel?

Thinking carefully, it was not right.

If that was the case, the other party had no reason to be so polite to her. Although he caught her, he not only did not allow anyone to touch her, but also did not tie her up, and did not arrange her to be in a cell when she was detained just now.

Tang Yun thought deeply and vaguely understood something.

This guy is clearly trying to blackmail her!

After figuring it out, Tang Yun was furious. This guy made such a big scene, but he was just after money!

"Master Chen, aren't you just after money? I admit it!"

Tang Yun said coldly, suppressing her dissatisfaction.

When Chen Yan heard it, he immediately knew that this woman had figured it out, and he laughed.

What he wanted was to dampen the other party's spirit. After all, it was not pleasant to be controlled by others before, but he did not expect that the matter would be so big in the end.

But it doesn't matter, this way, you can make more money.

Thinking about it, Chen Yan smiled and said, "Miss Zhou is still sensible. So, I will calculate it for you."

"My brothers in the camp have worked hard to protect the military camp just now. I have to spend money to reward them. At least they have to have a big meal. Ten taels of silver per person will be enough."

Tang Yun was surprised. It was not too much, but too little!

Even if the other side has 500 people, it's only 5,000 taels of silver, not a loss!

She was about to agree, but she heard Chen Yan counting on his fingers and continued.

"Good wine is indispensable for reward. My Qingshan famous wine Zui Jiuxiao is 5 taels per jar. Let's take one jar per person, so each person is 15 taels."

"When your guards came here, they trampled on many carefully cultivated flowers and trees outside my camp. I'll give you 200 taels."

"To detain your guards for one hour, ten high-end cells are used, and the prison fee is calculated as 100 taels."

"The luxurious cell you are detained alone is 50 taels per cell."


Tang Yun was stunned. This guy is too calculating. They are not staying in an inn here!

What's the point of carefully cultivated flowers and trees outside? Those are all wild, okay!

If you want to say whose things are, they can only belong to her Great Zhou Emperor. When will it be this guy's turn to take them for himself?

At this moment, Tang Yun couldn't listen any longer and couldn't help interrupting him: "Master Chen, just tell me the total."

But Chen Yan paused and said: "That's fine, the total is about 7,100 taels of silver."

Tang Yun said decisively: "Bring me paper and pen, I will write a letter immediately, asking you to pass it to my servants in the county government, they will bring the silver."

Chen Yan said happily: "Great! But 100,000 taels of silver is heavy after all, how about I send a few ox carts?"

Tang Yun said in surprise: "What 100,000 taels? Isn't it 7,100 taels?"

"The total of the damages and rewards is 7,100 taels , but the hush money hasn't been calculated yet. "

"If your Great Zhou Chamber of Commerce did something like this, wouldn't the emperor raid it directly if it got out?"

"So hush money is definitely required, and it's reasonable that it's a bit expensive."

"Originally, it should be calculated based on the number of brothers in my camp, but we are business partners after all, and I can't help but give you face."

"So it's calculated based on the number of your subordinates, and each person only needs a mere one thousand taels!"

"You have a hundred people, and I've even given you a small amount, just as a personal favor!"

Chen Yan narrowed his eyes. It was clearly a robbery, but he said it as if he was thinking about the other party.

Tang Yun's face changed and said, "What! Why don't you rob!"

Just kidding!

One hundred thousand taels of silver, even if it is drawn from the national treasury, is a huge burden!

Besides, how could she bring so much silver here!

I thought this guy was really going to let them go, but now she knows that there is a ruthless knife behind!

"What are you talking about? I'm upright and I only make money with conscience. I never do money-grabbing business! If you don't believe me, ask my brothers. Biaozi, do you think so?" Chen Yan straightened his chest.

"That's right!" Zhang Dabiao on the side responded loudly.

"I... I didn't bring that much money!"

Tang Yun gritted her teeth and clenched her fists tightly.

She was wrong.

Originally, this guy was a gangster, and he was a gangster.The thugs are much more civilized than him!

He is basically a robber!

Not to mention that she doesn't want to give, even if she wants to, the Great Zhou has just been settled, and the years of war have exhausted the treasury. How can there be so much money!

"It doesn't matter. This county can provide loan services with a daily interest rate of 1 cent."

"One hundred thousand taels of silver, just as a loan to you!"

"If it is not a full month, it will be calculated as a full month, which means a monthly interest of 3,000 taels."

"This county is also compassionate, so we won't give you the interest compounding method, which can be regarded as accumulating some good deeds."

Chen Yan said seriously.

"Daily interest rate of 1 cent?! You are crazy!" Tang Yun almost jumped up.

The most ruthless silver shop in the Great Zhou is not so ruthless!

Although this guy has built Qingshan County in a lively manner, he is too inhuman to make money!

"No? Then pay for it yourself!" Chen Yan rolled his eyes.

Tang Yun's face changed again and again, and finally softened.

"Okay, I'll lend it to you!"

The most urgent thing is to leave first, and then deal with this bastard later!

"Okay! Miss Zhou, please move and come to my barracks to sign a document." Chen Yan said happily.

"What should we do with them?" Tang Yun looked at the two women in the iron cage.

"The drug will take two hours to take effect, let them toss for a while." Chen Yan said casually.

"You really gave them both drugs!" Tang Yun said angrily.

Chen Yan smiled, didn't say much, turned around and left.

At night, in the Nafu camp.

Xun Yufei entered Chen Yan's barracks angrily.

The muffled knock in the woods made him unconscious for several hours, and he just woke up now.

Thinking that Chen Yan might have committed a heinous crime during his coma, he couldn't help but tremble with fear.

When the time comes, not only will Chen Yan lose his head, but his life as Duke Xuan will also be in danger!

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