
"Sir, those two sluts, no, those two Chamber of Commerce guards have recovered!"

Zhang Dabiao's voice suddenly came from outside.

"Okay, I've talked so much, let's do it this way."

"Biaozi, take Miss Zhou to find her guards and send them away."

"Serve me well, if you dare to neglect, watch out for your dog head!"

Chen Yan smacked his lips, tired of talking, and gave the order directly.

"Got it!"

Zhang Dabiao responded from outside.

Tang Yun was listening intently, wishing she could stay here today to listen to Chen Yan continue to talk about those novel ideas.

But she was also worried about the safety of Fenglingwei, so she had to turn around and leave the barracks.

There will be many opportunities to explore this guy's bottom line in the future, so there is no need to rush at this moment.

Xun Yufei was about to follow him out immediately, but Chen Yan called out, "Brother Xun, please stay."

Xun Yufei hesitated and stopped.

"Look at how anxious you were just now. You should tell me the truth now, right?" Chen Yan said with a smile.

"Brother? Did you ask someone to knock me out just now?" Xun Yufei got angry when he thought of this.

"It was an accident, a pure accident!"

"My subordinates did it. I didn't order it!"

Chen Yan lied without blushing.

In fact, he did order it in advance, otherwise Xun Yufei showed up, how could Chen Yan continue to blackmail Tang Yun?

After all, he is the Duke of Xuan, right?

"Brother, it's not that I'm narrow-minded, it's just that you shouldn't have done that!"

"Miss Zhou is of extraordinary origin. If you touch her, no one in the world can save you!"

"Fortunately, I didn't make a big mistake now!"

Xun Yufei sighed a few times with lingering fear.

Chen Yan's heart moved when he heard this, and he deliberately tried to test: "No one in the world can protect me? I really don't believe it! With you as a brother protecting me, even if I lend her courage, she won't dare to touch me!"

Xun Yufei laughed: "Don't say it, if you touch her, not only can I not protect you, but even I can..."

Just when he said this, he suddenly became alert, stopped talking quickly, and glared at Chen Yan: "Good boy, you are testing me!"

Chen Yan kept him here just to find out about Miss Zhou.

But looking at Xun Yufei's posture, it is clear that he will never reveal it.

"Chen Yan, I have always been grateful to you, but there are some things I can't say. However, you'd better not explore Miss Zhou's identity. She is willing to do business with you, you just need to do it well."

"When the time comes, everything will be clear naturally."

Xun Yufei said earnestly.

Chen Yan said meaningfully: "If she wants to do business well, of course I welcome it. What I'm afraid of is that she doesn't just want to do business, right?"

It's not that he hasn't cooperated with the big families in Beijing before, and the Tian family has never sent people to investigate his camp!

This Miss Zhou is definitely not that simple!

But since Xun Yufei refused to elaborate, he couldn't force it.

Anyway, the document is in hand, with signatures, seals and handprints, at least the silver can't run away!

Unable to get any informative news from Xun Yufei, Chen Yan lost interest and asked someone to send him away.

Not long after, Zhang Dabiao came back and entered the room to tell Chen Yan that Xun Yufei and Miss Zhou and others had left.

"I know, go down." Chen Yan responded casually.

Zhang Dabiao was about to leave, and suddenly seemed to think of something, and looked at Chen Yan hesitantly.

"Anything else?" Chen Yan saw it.

"Hey, it's nothing, I just have something that I can't figure out no matter how hard I think about it." Zhang Dabiao touched his head.

"The sun is rising from the west? You, a tough kid, are also thinking about something? What's the matter?" Chen Yan became curious.

"It's just that loan, sir, where is the silver shop in our county that does loan?" Zhang Dabiao finally asked after holding back this question for a long time.

Qingshan County is now considered rich, but the business of the whole county is in the hands of the county magistrate.

As far as Zhang Dabiao knows, Qingshan County has no silver shop business, let alone a silver shop that can support the scale of 100,000 taels of loans!

"Stupid, I didn't really give her 100,000 taels, just an IOU." Chen Yan laughed.

Why do you really need money for this empty loan trick?

Anyway, he doesn't really want to take out the money, even if he says one million taels, what's the harm?

However, Zhang Dabiao's incident reminded Chen Yan.

What is the most profitable business in the world?

Salt, sugar, iron, etc. are of course profitable, but the real rich people are all money rolling money!

It was almost time to start arranging the silver shop business.

It was still dark when Tang Yun brought the girls back to the Qingshan County Government Office.

Except for a few Fengling Guards who were close to her, the rest of the people dispersed.

"I am incompetent and have put my boss in danger. I am willing to die to apologize!"

In the courtyard, Bai Lu knelt on the ground crying.

Qu Moyue was even worse than her., after the effect of the drug wore off, the person also fell into a coma, and has not woken up yet.

"You really deserve to die, but considering your countless meritorious services in the past, you can make meritorious services in the future."

"However, the position of deputy commander will be temporarily removed, and you will be reinstated after you make meritorious services in the future."

Tang Yun said lightly.

Bai Lu was overjoyed and thanked her repeatedly.

Tang Yun dismissed everyone and meditated alone in the room.

Chen Yan is a very capable person.

If he can enter the court, maybe the current situation of the Great Zhou, which is in need of reconstruction, can be improved.

"It seems that we have to find a way to let this guy enter the court."

Tang Yun muttered to herself.

As she was thinking, Xun Yufei walked in carefully and saluted respectfully.

Seeing that he didn't go to rest, Tang Yun knew that he must have something to do, and asked, "What is it?"

Xun Yufei hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, I have found out about the assassin!"

Tang Yun frowned slightly: "Have you forgotten my instructions? Even here, you should be careful of ears!"

Xun Yufei apologized quickly and changed his words: "Miss Zhou, I have confirmed that the mastermind behind the assassin is the rebel king Tang Shuo!"

Xun Yufei explored the four borders of the county in the past two days and finally got the news.

There are indeed suspicious people who have appeared in the county.

He even found out the inn where Wu Handong and others stayed. Silver can make the devil push the mill, and the shopkeeper also told about the other people who came to stay with him.

Xun Yufei was the main general who suppressed the rebellion. He knew Tang Shuo and his subordinates. After hearing the shopkeeper's description of the other party's appearance, he immediately knew who it was.

"But unfortunately, before the action the day before yesterday, the Rebel King had already left Qingshan County, and now it's hard to find his whereabouts." Xun Yufei felt a little regretful.

"From what you just said, there was another person that night?" Tang Yun said calmly.

"Yes, Miss Zhou can't hide it. Although the Rebel King has left, his dog-headed military advisor Bai Xiang is still in Qingshan County!" Xun Yufei said calmly, "That night, this guy found out that the plan failed and hid in fear. However, I have found out where he is!"

Tang Yun was refreshed: "Where is he?"

Bai Xiang must know where Tang Shuo's nest is. With him, it will be very helpful to catch Tang Shuo!

She has already given Tang Shuo a chance.

But he refuses to repent. This time, she will never let the tiger go back to the mountain again!

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