"How is it?"

Zheng Yan asked anxiously.

When she heard that the thing she and her men had been guarding for three days turned out to be candy, she was already very interested.

She loved sweets the most, but after coming to Qingshan County, she didn't have many opportunities to eat sweets.

Especially after she completely cut off contact with her family, she relied on a meager salary for food and clothing, and couldn't afford sweets at all.

Since Chen Yan came to Qingshan County as the county magistrate, his salary has increased, several times more than before, so he has spare money and can eat maltose once or twice a year.

But she still couldn't bear to eat too much, and the appearance of the candy in front of her looked much better than maltose, and her gluttony was immediately aroused.

"Don't worry, the brothers have not worked in vain these days."

Chen Yan put down the spoon, his expression was indifferent, and he was very satisfied with the finished white sugar.

Zheng Yan's eyes lit up immediately.

If it were someone else, she might not believe it.

Chen Yan is always picky. He has just tasted it. If he can say this, then the sugar must be very sweet.

Thinking of the sweet taste, she couldn't help but pursed her lips.

"A hero like Zheng Butou also likes sweets?"

Chen Yan asked jokingly. In fact, he had known for a long time that Zheng Yan would secretly go to the shop to buy maltose every year.

Not only did he know, but everyone in the Qingshan County government knew it.

Zheng Yan blushed and glared at Chen Yan fiercely, "Why do you have to make fun of me, sir? It's no secret that I like sweets."

"In that case, why don't you try it, and give me some advice." Chen Yan smiled.

"Yes, sir!" Zheng Yan bowed perfunctorily, then took the spoon from Lu Qing'er, glanced at the shiny sugar in the bamboo tube, and without much hesitation, she scooped a large spoonful.

"Alas..." Lu Qing'er just opened her mouth, but found that Zheng Yan had already put the sugar in her mouth.

Zheng Yan's eyes suddenly widened, she was extremely excited, and she turned her head to look at Chen Yan with admiration.


Perhaps because she ate too much at once, the sweetness was a bit choking, and Zheng Yan started to cough.

"Good, very sweet!"


"It's much better than maltose, there is no other taste, only pure sweetness."

"Well, it's just too sweet."

Chen Yan glanced at Zheng Yan and said unhappily: "Who told you to eat so much at one time."

Zheng Yan wanted to say that she hadn't eaten sugar for more than half a year, and now she had the opportunity to eat free food, so she naturally had to eat more at one time, but when the words came to her lips, she changed her mouth.

"As long as Zhuzhe (sugar cane) is used as the raw material, it can be made?"

"Haven't you seen all the production processes, and you still ask me?" Chen Yan said unhappily.

Chen Yan attached great importance to sugar making, so he arranged Zheng Yan to guard it. Except for the people in the county government and a few craftsmen, no one else was allowed to enter.

Therefore, Zheng Yan saw it all from the beginning.

"I just can't believe that Zhuzhe can make such delicious sugar." Zheng Yan said excitedly.

Zhuzhe is sweet, as everyone knows.

But few people will taste it, for no other reason than that the taste is really not very good.

"This matter needs to be kept secret." Chen Yan instructed again.

Zheng Yan knew the importance of this matter and nodded repeatedly, "I will arrange it."

"Ahem, that..."

Lu Qing'er coughed twice and pointed at the spoon in Zheng Yan's hand.

Zheng Yan was startled, "What's wrong, why are you looking at me like that?"

Lu Qing'er murmured, "Captain Zheng, that spoon was also used by the adults just now."

Zheng Yan's face flushed instantly, and she smacked her lips subconsciously.

Chen Yan used a spoon that she had used before, but she did not wash it at all. She used it again. Wasn't that indirectly touching Chen Yan's mouth?

Chen Yan did not think it was a big deal. Seeing Zheng Yan's embarrassed face, he could not help but tease, "What, how does it taste?"

Zheng Yan's face turned redder. She stamped her feet subconsciously, revealing the attitude of a little girl, and glared at Chen Yan, "What taste? It's because I just ate too sweet. I'm a little thirsty."

In fact, the whole county government knew that Zheng Yan was a woman dressed as a man.

The majestic figure in front of her meant that no matter how she disguised herself, others would never mistake her for a man.

It was just that few people would expose her.

At this moment, Wang Dazhu ran in happily and bowed, "Sir, there are two women from other places who want to see you. I have been accompanying them for a while. They look like they are also rich dogs."

It has always been Chen Yan's habit to call wealthy businessmen from other places "rich dogs".

The yamen runners under him also learned it.

"Have you checked it out? Are you very generous?" Chen Yan asked. If it was a small vendor, he would be too lazy to deal with it. It would be a waste of time and he wouldn't make much money. "Very generous, just give a small rewardThe reward money is several taels of silver."

"That should be quite rich. I'll go and see him."

Chen Yan was interested.

It just so happened that white sugar had just been made, and a batch of refining equipment was needed.

If there was a wealthy family that could afford the cost of the refining equipment, it would be great.


Standing in the lobby of the Qingshan County government office, Tang Yun was a little surprised.

All his eyes fell on the two plaques behind the county magistrate's seat.

"Be the first to worry about the world."

"Be the last to enjoy the world."

"These two sentences are good."

"I didn't expect the county magistrate here to have such ambitions."

Tang Yun said with great appreciation.

Then, he glanced upwards and fell on the horizontal banner above.

"A clear mirror hangs high."

"The horizontal banner is appropriate, but it doesn't match the meaning of the plaques on both sides, right? "

Of course Tang Yun couldn't know that these were all randomly pulled out and pieced together by Chen Yan, just to make the lobby look like a county government office.

As for whether the combination was appropriate, Chen Yan didn't care.

"Worry about the world before you worry about yourself, and be happy after the world is happy."

"Qing Yuan, write these two sentences down. I think it's appropriate to engrave these two sentences in the palace hall."

"Remind me at any time, and you can also remind the ministers of the Great Zhou at any time."

Qing Yuan didn't dare to delay and bowed to accept.

"By the way, what is the name of the county magistrate here?"

"My host, this person's name is Chen Yan."

Tang Yun nodded slightly and silently remembered it in her heart.

"Oh, two distinguished guests, I'm sorry for not welcoming you from afar, I'm sorry for not welcoming you from afar. "

At this time, Chen Yan came to the lobby with a warm face, but he was stunned when he saw one of the women wearing a veil.

Because the Great Zhou had a female emperor and was currently under the rule of the empress, and after several years of war, the customs of the people were much more open than before, and there was no restriction that women could not show their heads in public.

Therefore, few women would wear a veil when going out.

But the woman in front of him was wearing one, which made Chen Yan a little strange.

"Your Excellency is polite."

"I am sorry to come here, just hoping to do a business with you."

Chen Yan was wondering, and Tang Yun said straight to the point.

She was very sure in her heart that the batch of black-armored cavalry that Xuan Guogong had produced must have come from Qingshan County.

If she wanted to get clues from it and confirm this matter, she could only start with the county magistrate in front of her.

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