After dark, the army moved slowly on the outskirts of Qingshan County.

They had to move slowly, because the road was too bad!

The two scouts received Chen Yan's secret order and went back to report to Zhao Changhe, claiming to have mastered the secret path to Qingshan County.

Not only can they quickly reach the county, but they can also avoid the possible eyes and ears of the other party.

Zhao Changhe was overjoyed and immediately asked the army to follow them.

So they perfectly avoided the cement road and entered Qingshan County from another mountain forest swamp.

"Fuck! What a broken road!"

"That's right, there's not even a place to stand, and I sprained my foot!"

"I don't know what bad luck I have, I was actually summoned by the adults to do this job!"

"Shh! Keep your voice down, don't let the adults hear it!"

The government army was complaining, and Zhao Changhe of the central army had already started cursing.

"Damn Chen Yan, you made this prefect suffer so much, I will tear you into pieces one day!"

Because the road was too bad, it was impossible to ride a horse, so Zhao Changhe and all the cavalry could only get off and walk.

He has always been pampered, how could he have suffered such hardship?

If this trip was not for an important purpose, he would have ordered the prefectural army to turn back!

Since he decided on the strategy a few days ago, he has been waiting for Chen Yan to send someone to ask for help.

He has already planned that as soon as the person asking for help arrives, he will immediately mobilize the prefectural army and rush into Qingshan County.

Then he will take the opportunity to kill Chen Yan, so that even if this guy has a handle on him, he can't use it to harm him!

Unexpectedly, he waited and waited, but no one came to ask for help!

The spies sent out would send back news every half a day, describing vividly how the refugees burned, killed and looted after entering Qingshan County.

Even the city of Qingshan County was broken down by the refugees, and the residents inside were also deeply affected.

According to the news from the two, Qingshan County has now become a ruin, and the county magistrate Chen Yan has disappeared.

This made Zhao Changhe feel a little uneasy.

Could Chen Yan have already fled Qingshan County?

Fortunately, this morning, the spy sent back news that Chen Yan was seen in the ruins of the county government.

Zhao Changhe couldn't wait any longer, and was afraid that he would escape, so he immediately ordered 4,000 government troops to rush into Qingshan County!

In name, of course, it was to save the people of Qingshan County and solve the problem of refugees.

Therefore, he led the troops to set off.

After half a day in the mountains and forests, by midnight, the army was tired and exhausted.

Zhao Changhe was even more tired, so he had to order to set up camp and rest.

"Come here! Call the spies over here. I want to ask them what they are looking for!" Zhao Changhe angrily ordered his guards. "Yes, sir!" The guards immediately took the order. After a while, the guards came back and said, "Sir, I don't know where the two of them went. I didn't... I didn't find them!" Zhao Changhe was furious: "What! How can you not find them? Look carefully!" The army was busy for half the night, but still couldn't find the two. "Sir, something seems wrong." The deputy general felt something was wrong. Zhao Changhe was stupid, but he had already reacted. Did the two spies do something wrong? But why? "Could it be that... Chen Yan knew that we were going to deal with him, so he bribed the two people and asked them to deliberately lead us to the wrong way?" The deputy general hesitated. "Nonsense! How could Chen Yan know that the prefect came here for... Wait, what's that sound?" Zhao Changhe was getting angry when he suddenly heard the sound of "swoosh, swoosh, swoosh" and was stunned.

The deputy general was stunned and listened attentively.


"Someone attacked the camp!"

"Quick! Report to the prefect!"

Screams and exclamations rang out almost instantly. The soldiers at the outermost edge of the camp were exhausted and most of them fell asleep, but they didn't expect that the devil would attack them in their dreams and they were caught off guard!

"Quick! All troops on alert!"

Zhao Changhe had seen the wind and waves after all, and he shouted in a deep voice immediately.


A strong arrow shot from nowhere and hit a big tree half a foot away from him.

Zhao Changhe turned his head palely and saw that the tail of the arrow was still trembling, and the arrowhead was completely immersed in the tree trunk, which showed how strong the arrow was!

"Quick! Protect this prefect!"

Zhao Changhe screamed in shock and ran away!

In the distance, Qian Wu was a little annoyed: "Damn! I missed the target!"

The sergeant next to him hurriedly reminded: "Captain, the master said that he can't be killed!"

Qian Wu glared at him: "Nonsense! How could I not know? I wanted to shoot his helmet! Alas, I didn't expect it to be so difficult to miss the target intentionally!"

If he was allowed to kill Zhao Changhe, the arrow just now would have killed this official dog.

But Chen Yan had already instructed that he must not be killed directly.

The court of the third rankThe official suddenly died in Qingshan County. It would be strange if the court didn't investigate!

How can he keep a low profile then?

This time he made a complete battle plan. He first let the spies report false news to wear down the government army, and then took advantage of the terrain to attack from a distance at night.

The purpose of alerting the enemy is not to kill people, but to break up the enemy's formation.

Of course, it is not a big problem to confront the enemy head-on, but it may still cause some losses.

Each of the soldiers in his Nafu Camp is a precious treasure and cannot be wasted on such occasions. Even if a life is lost, it is a loss!

Chen Yan always likes to get the best effect at the lowest cost, so he designed it this way.

At this time, the soldiers who attacked at night did not kill forward, but just attacked with strong bows from a distance.

The Longzhou government army is actually an elite army.

In the past few years of war, the government army has fought with the rebels several times, and there is no problem with strength and experience.

But in this extreme environment where they don't know where the opponent is, they have already lost their footing.

Although the generals around the camp were constantly trying to maintain their positions, and even asked the palace army archers to shoot back, without a target, how could these arrows be of any use?

Even if some arrows could reach the soldiers in the dark camp, they could not break through the protection of the special steel armor.

After three consecutive rounds of arrow attacks, Qian Wu gave an order and all the archers switched to rockets!

Amid the whizzing sound of arrows, most of the rockets hit the tents and baggage, and the flames rose wildly!

On each of these special rockets, a small leather bag was tied to the tail of the arrow, which contained a large amount of grease.

When the flames rose, once the leather bag was broken, the grease immediately became the best combustion aid, causing the tents and baggage to be quickly engulfed by the flames!

"Quick! Put out the fire!"

"I've been shot! Help me! Ah!"

"Water! Find some water to put out the fire!"

There were large numbers of panicked shouts, but even if there was water, it wouldn't be able to put out the grease-stained flames, not to mention that there was no water source around!

The flames shot up into the sky, and the surrounding trees were set ablaze.

The government army was already on the verge of breaking, and now it was officially declared to be disintegrated!

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