The forest was instantly quiet.

After being in a daze for at least five seconds, Zhao Changhe finally reacted, his face changed drastically and he shouted: "You are so brave!"

Chen Yan happily responded: "Your Excellency is wise! I am really brave!"

Zhao Changhe would never have thought that such a well-equipped enemy would be the men of Chen Yan, the poor county magistrate!


He pulled out the sword from his waist out of control and stabbed Chen Yan: "I will kill you!"

Zhang Dabiao's eyes turned cold, and he suddenly drew his sword and chopped it down in an instant, hitting the sword body!


With a crisp sound, the sword broke into two pieces on the spot!

Zhao Changhe looked at the half-broken sword in his hand and said in surprise: "This is..."

Zhang Dabiao raised his sword and put it on his neck.

Zhao Changhe's face lost all color, his hand loosened, and the broken sword fell to the ground.

"Chen... Chen Yan, I am an official appointed by the court, you... you dare to kill me?" he said in a trembling voice.

"Your Excellency is too kind, how could I kill an official appointed by the court?" Chen Yan said leisurely, "But I won't kill you, but a bandit will come and kill you, that's okay, right?"

Zhao Changhe was frightened and his face turned pale: "You don't... don't mess around!"

Chen Yan laughed: "It depends on you, sir."

Zhao Changhe was instantly scared and his tone softened: "Sir Chen, I know that you are suffering from the disaster of refugees, and even the county government office has collapsed, so I came to help you out of kindness, why are you like this?"

Chen Yan's face suddenly sank: "Zhao Changhe, you still want to act in front of me? You and I know why you are here! Don't deny it, I have a bad temper, and I tend to do something impulsive when I am angry!"

Zhao Changhe's face was ashen, he opened his mouth but dared not speak, his back was soaked with cold sweat.

It's over!

"I heard that Mr. Zhao was born in the year of the tiger, but now it seems that you are born in the year of the pig."

"Otherwise, why would you be so stupid as to invade Qingshan County and harm Chen Yan!"

Chen Yan sneered.

Zhao Changhe was shaking like a candy sifter, his face was ashen.

Chen Yan's expression eased a little: "Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you. As long as you do two things, I can spare your life."

Zhao Changhe didn't expect that there was still hope, and hope reappeared in his eyes: " say!"

Chen Yan raised a finger: "First, compensate me for my losses."

Zhao Changhe was stunned: "Losses? How can you have losses?"

Chen Yan took out a small notebook and counted the accounts one by one.

"That's a lot."

"I used 3,213 Storm Arrows to make, and each cost one tael of silver."

"The Storm Bow was shot 3,213 times, and the total wear and maintenance cost was about one thousand taels of silver."

"A total of 225 catties of pine oil were used, totaling about 450 taels of silver."

"A total of 50 soldiers went to the battle, and each received a battle allowance of 20 taels, totaling 1,000 taels."

"I made a battle plan, including 12 major parts, 43 minor parts, and 122 notes, totaling 3,000 taels of silver."

Zhao Changhe was speechless.

So this guy was calculating military expenses!

But, one tael of silver per arrow? The maintenance of the bow can reach three qian of silver at a time? It's made of gold, it's outrageous!

What allowances do soldiers get when they go to the battle? Twenty taels per person? Is this raising a father or raising soldiers?

When he heard about the battle plan again, he interrupted in surprise: "Wait! What battle plan is there? Why is it so expensive!"

Chen Yan said as a matter of course: "This is nonsense. The battle plan is the top priority, and it is a brainwork with high technical content, so it is naturally expensive!"

Zhao Changhe couldn't understand what he was talking about, so he had to let him go on.

Chen Yan listed them one by one, and listed thirty or forty items before finally ending.

"Total, this battle cost 14,212 taels."

"There are also taxes to be paid, so let's say you pay 16,000 taels each!"

"Alas, no wonder they say wars are fought with silver, look at all the money spent!"

"Lord Zhao, do you think it's cash or silver notes? IOUs won't do!"

Zhao Changhe's life was hanging in the balance, and although he wanted to slap the account in Chen Yan's face, he could only swallow his anger and say, "Silver...silver notes, but I don't have any on me, I have to go back and get them."

I thought to myself, when I return to the state capital, I will definitely revive the army, and you'll be in trouble then!

Chen Yan smiled and said, "We are all thousand-year-old foxes, why are you playing Liao Zhai with me? If you don't have it, then go to the county government with me for a few days, and I will ask someone to go back and get it for you!"

Zhao Changhe's heart sank, and he insisted, "My banknotes are locked in a secret box. Only I know where they are, and I have the key. You..."

Chen Yan interrupted him, "Which secret box?"

Zhao Changhe was stunned, "What which one?"

Chen Yan counted on his fingers, "One under the bed in the bedroom, behind the landscape painting in the studyOne, one under the floor of the firewood room... There are seven in total, which one? "

Zhao Changhe finally reacted and said in shock: "How do you know the location of my secret box!"

And there are exactly seven!

Chen Yan narrowed his eyes: "Don't talk about your secret box, I know exactly where the secret boxes of your four wives and concubines are! You have no secrets in front of me!"

Zhao Changhe was shocked and instantly remembered a few years ago.

That night, Chen Yan also said the same thing.

At that time, Zhao Changhe didn't believe it at all until Chen Yan showed the handle.

Suddenly, he knew that he had completely lost.

The art of war says that if you know yourself and the enemy, you will never be defeated in a hundred battles.

He knew nothing about Chen Yan, and Chen Yan knew him inside and out!

The outcome of this battle was decided before it was fought!

"I surrender... This is the key to the secret box in the wing room, and my personal jade pendant. Give the two items to my wife, and she will take out the silver bill for you. "

Take the key and jade pendant, Chen Yan smiled: "Qian Wu! You go there in person."

Qian Wu flashed out from behind a big tree not far away, stepped forward to take it: "Yes!"

After answering, Qian Wu turned around and ran away.

Zhao Changhe realized that there was someone hiding behind the tree, and he was even more frightened.

"The second thing?" He asked nervously.

"Simple, please go back to your hometown and recommend the successor, He Dun, the prefectural chancellor." Chen Yan said slowly.

"What! How can this be done!" Zhao Changhe said in a lost voice.

"Send Mr. Zhao on his way!" Chen Yan's face turned black and he shouted at Zhang Dabiao.

"Yes! "

Zhang Dabiao raised his steel knife and chopped it down at Zhao Changhe's neck like lightning!

Zhao Changhe didn't expect that he would directly order someone to cut him. He was immediately scared out of his wits. His eyes went black and he fell to the ground. He was actually scared to death.

"Fuck Biaozi, move your knife slowly!"

Chen Yan was also scared.

He just wanted to scare Zhao Changhe, but he never thought that Zhang Dabiao would cut so quickly!

Zhao Changhe can die, but he must not die now!

Otherwise, the court will definitely send someone to investigate. Qingshan County, which he has painstakingly hidden for several years, will definitely be exposed!

Moreover, if it is found that he killed Zhao Changhe, his life will not be saved!

"Hehe, don't worry, sir, am I the ignorant person? I just want to scare him. "Zhang Dabiao chuckled and put away the steel knife.

"Are you trying to scare him or me..." Chen Yan kicked him while cursing.

Turning around, Zhao Changhe, who was unconscious, had water running down his pants. He was actually scared to pee!

"Okay, get this guy in the car and go back to the county government!"

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