Ansier lowered his mind to mobilize the huge divine power stored by his God of Light, and imagined an invisible giant net that was enough to encompass the entire world.

A thin thread of white light started to stretch out from the body of the God of Light, extended indefinitely, and then began to gradually weave into a light web.

A divine net composed of divine power and possessing various miraculous functions takes the remains of the God of Light as the source, and gradually wraps the Vasiloa Continent in the void.

At the same time, the original incomparably huge figure of the God of Light began to quickly become pale and collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The remains of the God of Light are the source of the power of the God of Light. Even if everyone in the church can't control and steal the God of Light, they will never let their source of power have the slightest problem.

Half of the top demigod-level combat power of the Church of Light is placed around the ban to prevent other races, especially magicians, from trying to destroy and blaspheme the God of Light.

At this moment, they all stared in horror at the slough that had illuminated the confused believers in the mainland for thousands of years.

Not only the twelve cardinals guarding around the God of Light felt the mutation of the God of Light, but the countless priests and paladins on the ground suddenly felt that their power was slightly stagnant, but they did not know what happened.

The powerhouses above the demigod level were shocked to feel that the power bestowed on them by the God of Light had weakened.

In the Sacred Church, the old Pope dressed in white had a gloomy face. If something happened to the God of Light, the entire Church of Light would collapse in an instant.

He immediately used divine magic to ask the bishops stationed around the God of Light what happened, and at the same time summoned all other members of the church above the legendary level.

An accident with the shedding of the **** of light is definitely the most serious thing about the **** of light.

Ever since the dark races fled into the underground world like rats crossing the street to survive, the tyrannical dragons can only do good at sea, and the elves have survived under the shelter of the tree of life, human beings have no competitors on the mainland.

The only thing that could damage the God of Light would be the mortal enemies of the church, those damned magicians.

Although the friction between the church and the magician organization has not been great in recent years, the church has not despised the existence of magicians, and dare not neglect the protection of the God of Light.

But now there is still a problem with the God of Light!

The Pope clenched the holy scepter in his hand, and he must not sit by and watch the magicians shake the foundation of the light religion.

As the Pope, he is well aware that the power of magicians has skyrocketed in recent years.

Although he vigorously promoted the belief in the God of Light, he was still only the source of belief in half the continent, and the growth rate was limited.

However, he still has the ability to break with the magic capital.

The Pope glanced at the scepter in his hand. This is the key to unlocking the Kingdom of Light. It can bring down the angelic army that destroys all evil, at the cost of his and the lives of many believers.

If things were too bad to be irreversible, he had already made up his mind to sacrifice his life for the God of Light.

Every member of the church is a fanatical believer of the God of Light. They can be corrupt in ideology and morality, but they all have a heart to give everything for the God of Light. This is the price for their power.

The Pope believes that other believers are also determined to die for the God of Light.


Just when the church was in chaos, the magic capital also noticed the strangeness of the God of Light.

On the Observatory of the Magic City, there is a group of magicians who study astronomical magic. They are using their homemade magic telescope to observe and record the running rules of the stars in the sky.

Just as they were busy discovering new astrological laws, a magician suddenly discovered that the relic of the God of Light, which was originally shining with the light of faith in the sky, suddenly flashed continuously, and at the same time, the light became dim and faint.

The faces of the magicians changed, especially the demigod-level magicians with higher status. He naturally knew the importance of the God of Light to the church.

Although the magic capital is powerful and its background has surpassed the Church of Light, they never thought of the idea of ​​fighting the God of Light.

The group of people in the church are usually fine. Once they encounter something related to the God of Light, they are as crazy as crazy and not afraid of death.

Magicians have all heard that there was a high-level magician who studied divine power before. He wanted to find other magicians to help sneak into the body of the God of Light to collect experimental materials, but was rejected by the Natural Research Institute and warned that every magician should not be free. Approaching the God of Light.

Even if there is a problem with the God of Light, they will help the church to protect the remains of the God of Light, lest the lunatics of the Church of Light will burn all jade and stone and drag everyone into the water.

The demigod-level astrology magician in charge of the observatory immediately realized the seriousness of the matter. Now that there is really a problem with the God of Light, even if it is not something done by the capital of magic, I am afraid this black pot will be detained on the magician's head.

Originally, he thought that his heart would not fluctuate violently except to study the truth, but at this moment, his mind was really messed up.

Except for the necromancer, every magician knows that peace is the best environment to study the truth.

The astrological magician just wanted to inform the Natural Research Institute of the bad news, but when he turned around, he suddenly found that the other magicians around him had fallen to the ground.

He was horrified, thinking that the magic capital was also invaded, what a terrifying alien the opponent would be.

The demigod-level astrology magician couldn't care less, and virtual planets appeared all over his body, the power of the law was fully activated, and he wanted to rush out of the observatory.

But just after he took two steps, the law rising around him became illusory, and at the same time, he felt extremely dizzy.

In a whirlwind, he faintly saw an old man in pajamas appearing in the observatory.


The astrological magician was overjoyed, but found that he was speechless and fell into a coma.

But as long as the Dean is around, it's safe, he thought at last before falling asleep.

The old man in pajamas ignored the magicians lying on the ground, and just looked at the **** of light outside the sky, unable to see what he was thinking on his expressionless face.

Afterwards, the old man casually pointed and mobilized the authority of the Magic City to block the observatory.

"Is that the only way we can save humanity?"

The giant tower spirit in the magic capital made a sound, and the tone was full of sighs.

The old man nodded, and Dandan replied: "Lord Law God has already told us the answer."


In the void, Ansi Er has constructed the prototype of the divine net, and a light net that is enough to wrap the entire Vasiloa Continent is slowly falling.

Only the gods can see this magical net created out of nothing by divine power. Ansair is not worried about other weak beings coming to stop him. The only thing that makes him feel a little troublesome is the **** of life.

That is the only higher **** in this world other than him who survives and has his own wisdom.

Thousands of years ago, the God of Life did not take the initiative to participate in the battle of gods, and was firmly rooted in the forest of elves. Only then did he escape the catastrophe and guard the elves all the time.

Ans Er originally thought that the divine net he made would be destroyed by the God of Life, and at least a hole the size of the Elf Forest would be missing.

After all, the existence of the God Net will promote his own entertainment and balanced priesthood, which is equivalent to turning the entire world into a place of his belief, which is absolutely unacceptable to other gods.

Fortunately, the gods are all dead now, otherwise Ans El would not be able to implement his own divine net at all.

Even the once tyrannical Dharma God was besieged by many gods because he used his divine power to create a magic net.

But the God of Life only resisted it a little, declaring that after he knew the existence of the God Net, he would no longer resist the expansion of the God Net.

Watching the Divine Net wrapping the entire continent and turning it into invisible rules, Ansi Er knew that the Divine Net had been completely established, and now only lacked the medium to use.

It really went well.

Ansel couldn't help muttering in his heart.

Just as he was about to withdraw his will from the body of the God of Light, he suddenly realized that he was surrounded by a group of small and powerful bugs.

Ansier could feel that they were all vaguely related to the God of Light, and instantly realized that they were members of the Church of Light.

Feeling the depleted body of the God of Light, Ansi Er also understood why the Church of Light responded so much. It seemed that all the powerhouses above the legendary level were dispatched.

Ansier originally wanted to retreat from the body of the God of Light, but he felt that the strength of many members of the church could cause a lot of damage to his own body. He changed his mind and tried to use the will of the God of Light to attack them. sound transmission.

"Spread...God Net..."

I don't know if I don't try it, but just say four words, Anse Er's little divine power suddenly burned half, and there was not much left.

Fortunately, all the people in the church in front of them heard the divine will of the God of Light, and they all knelt down and worshipped, tears of excitement flowing from their eyes.

"Lord Bright God... Have you finally returned?"

The old man in white, who was the leader of the church, asked excitedly with tears on his face.

Ansair guessed that he was the Pope by looking at his dress.

He originally thought that the people in the church were corrupt and defeated, either thinking of stealing the throne, or thinking of making a profit.

But when he really saw the people in the church, he realized that these people were obviously mad believers, just like Sandro.

Obviously they are all legendary and demigod-level powerhouses, but seeing the **** of light regain consciousness, tears are rushing out of the old wrinkled face.

So weird!

Ansier cherished the little divine power he had left, and sent the last two words to the Pope.

"God... make."

Then his consciousness returned to his own body, withdrew from the soul space, and used the natural magic charm to transform into the appearance of the six-winged Archangel Kyle in the game.

Watching the God of Light fall into silence again, the Pope recalled the divine will of the God of Light.

Spread the divine net, and the divine messenger.

But what is the "God Net", and how should it be spread?

Could it be that the God of Light will send an envoy to answer these questions, and lead the Church of Light back to glory, spreading the faith to the entire continent.

The Pope was full of doubts. Why didn't the God of Light return to inform his congregation?

And with the strength of the God of Light, it is enough to sweep the continent, so why waste his divine power to create the so-called "God Net".

Maybe there really is an angel to answer these questions.

Just as the Pope was thinking about it, a fiery red figure flew out of the God of Light.

Everyone in the church looked at Ans El in amazement.

I saw one with three pairs of pure white wings on its back surrounded by a fiery fire that scorched evil, with red eyes, holding a flaming dagger on the left and right in its hands, very much like an angel of strength who replaced the great God of Light to crusade the evil in the world.

The angel is one of the representatives of the church, and the angel in front of him still appeared from the body of the God of Light. The Pope immediately reacted to the fact that the envoy of the God of Light was in front of him.

"Congratulations, Lord Envoy."

The Pope bent down, and the void under his feet seemed to be a flat ground. He bowed down and gave Ansier full respect.

Seeing His Majesty the Pope like this, other church members also knelt to the ground one after another, and at the same time felt a little uneasy. After all, there was suddenly an angel who was jealous of hatred to manage the church, and their life would inevitably be difficult.

They even worry about whether the angel in front of them will pursue their past behaviors that violated the After all, I heard that angels can penetrate good and evil.

Of course, what Ansair made with the natural magic charm was just a stand, and he nodded reluctantly when he looked at them respectfully.

"From today onwards, I will follow the instructions of the Lord of Light, and promote the popularity of the God Net on the entire continent at all costs."

The church members were relieved to hear that Ansair did not want to pursue their thoughts.

As mad believers of the God of Light, they will unconditionally follow any order of the God of Light, but what is the God Net?

The church members present all knew that Lord Light God had consumed the huge amount of divine power accumulated over the millennia to create a miraculous creation, but they did not know exactly what this thing was.

So the Pope respectfully asked Ansier: "My Lord God, so what kind of existence is the Divine Net?"

Ansier stretched out his hand, and a thing that was as black as a brick but reflected light appeared in his hand. This was a mobile phone he created by consuming divine power.

"The God Net is a magical existence that covers the entire continent. Through the medium in my hand, I can connect the God Net and transmit information to thousands of miles away."

The Pope was stunned when he heard the words, and it sounded that what his master had spent so much effort made out seemed to be a casual creation in the capital of magic.

Other church members also showed puzzled expressions on their faces.

Ansair showed a mysterious smile on his face and said, "This is just the most basic function. The most important function of the Divine Net is to allow everyone to enjoy the attention of the gods. Walking on the ground is like walking on the Lord's Kingdom of God. In, happiness and joy last forever!"

The God Net is just a foundation, and he has to add some other functions to it, but the divine power consumed by these things is much smaller.

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