The Good-For-Nothing Demon King's Road To Killing Gods

Chapter 1: The Demon King Who Works In A Convenience Store

On the roadside, a young boy with messy hair who looked like he hadn't washed his hair in a few days was squatting on the roadside with two children.

"In this way, the evil hero relied on trickery to defeat the great devil..." The young man added: "That's me. Finally, I had no choice but to escape here." The young man said vividly, and the two children on the side listened with interest. .

"But it sounds like the devil is the bad guy and the brave is the good guy." The little girl opened her eyes wide and asked in confusion.

The boy was furious, stared at the little girl and said, "What do you know! We devils have been striving for the great goal of conquering the world since we were born! Doing all the bad things is the awakening of being a devil!"

The young man softened his tone, glanced at the two children in front of him, and said, "I admire you two very much. Now that we have said this, do you two have any pocket money? Use it as the starting capital for me to conquer the world. It will be done." Then I will call you both the devil's marshals." As he said that, he reached out to rummage through the child's pockets.

The two children suddenly burst into tears.

"Mom! Xu Qinghuan stole our pocket money."

"Xu Qinghuan!" A middle-aged woman with a strong figure rushed out of the house on the roadside cursing, protected her two children, pointed at the nose in front of her and yelled: "I haven't been in good shape all day! The rent is three days late. I haven’t paid my monthly dues! Now I’m actually paying attention to the children!”

The young man named Xu Qinghuan smiled awkwardly and explained: "Sister Wang, I was joking with him."

"If you don't pay the rent at the end of this month, pack up your bed and leave!" Sister Wang took the two children back to the house, "Let's go, stop playing with this lunatic."

Xu Qinghuan laughed along with her: "Slowly, sister."

After the charterer left, Xu Qinghuan sat on the side of the road depressed, holding his head in his hands and not knowing what he was thinking.

Xu Qinghuan can be said to be the most pitiful Demon King. As a young man, he defeated the old Demon King who was at the peak of his strength and became the youngest and most powerful seventh Demon King in the history of the Demon Clan.

Having just become the new king of the demon clan, he swore an oath to conquer the world and launched the demon clan's counterattack against humans. Under his leadership, it only took five years for the originally weak demon clan to capture most of the human cities. Just when he was only one step away from conquering the world and was about to complete the great feats that no previous demon king had ever accomplished, the human church A powerful brave man emerged from it, whose strength was comparable to that of the strongest demon king. Under the leadership of the brave man, the human army began to counterattack, and in the final battle, the brave man, who held the hope of all mankind, defeated him.

Adhering to the truth that there is no need to worry about leaving green mountains without firewood, Xu Qinghuan consumed all his magic power to open the space rift to escape to another world, and came to this world called Earth. The demon king who lost his magic power degenerated into an ordinary human being, and changed his name to Xu Qinghuan.

It has been more than two years since he escaped to Earth. The Demon King, who was unfamiliar with the language and penniless in the place where he was born, lived a hard life of poverty, but he quickly adapted to the new world with his strong learning ability. His identity and environment, and found a job in a convenience store to make a living.

Even the devil needs to eat.

It was already late at night when he finished work, and Xu Qinghuan was walking on the way home.

He was wearing white short-sleeved shirts, black sweatpants, and sandals on his feet. He was holding a plastic bag with his work clothes in his left hand, holding a cigarette in his right hand and walking on the deserted street with a tired look.

After taking the last puff of cigarette, Xu Qinghuan reluctantly threw away the cigarette butt, complaining about the injustice of fate.

"Damn brave man, let me fall to this situation!" Xu Qinghuan kicked the stone on the roadside hard, and unexpectedly hit a hard stone, hugging his feet and wailing.

"**! ***! The brave man of**!"

In a city with many tall buildings, on the rooftop of a building, a figure dressed in black was hidden in the darkness. It could be seen that she was a girl with a graceful figure, a slim waist and long legs. The girl held a strange-looking sniper rifle in her hand. The gun body did not have a magazine, but was inlaid with a gem that glowed with a faint blue light.

The girl looked solemnly and stared at the sniper scope. Where she was looking, a giant black dog the size of an ordinary car was running on the deserted street.

The girl took a deep breath, saw the right moment and pulled the trigger. The magic power in her hand was connected to the crystal inlaid on the gun body. The crystal light shone. In an instant, a bullet formed by the magic power silently ejected from the muzzle of the gun. The bullet was high-speed. The flying bullet hit the monster's hind leg, but unfortunately the bullet did not penetrate the black dog's amazingly defensive skin.

The black dog was in pain and ran away into the dark alley, disappearing into the darkness.

The girl looked ugly. This was her first mission to participate in the action team. As a proud student with excellent grades in all subjects in the academy, she could not accept that her full blow could not break through the monster's defense.

The girl lifted her long hair, revealed her earphones and reported: "The target is fleeing to the southeast of the city."

A man's sharp voice came from the earphones: "Everyone, continue to intercept! Make sure not to let it escape! Lin Yue..." The voice paused, "You and the members of the confidentiality team will conduct logistics and confidentiality work."

Lin Yue ignored the captain's order, took off her earphones, deftly disassembled the gun and put it back into the gun case, jumped lightly to the edge of the rooftop, and jumped down. When she was still seven or eight stories above the ground, her feet Stepping on the wall of the building, he rushed towards another tall building ahead, leaving a deep footprint on the wall.

The black figure flashed in the night sky of the city, like an elf traveling in the forest.

Xu Qinghuan was walking home. The place he rented was an old residential building. It took half an hour to walk from the convenience store where he worked. Unfortunately, he couldn't even afford a second-hand electric car.

"Why are they so hot?" Even through the soles of his shoes, the temperature from the ground made his feet feel unbearably hot.

He curiously looked at his surroundings and found huge footprints on the ground every ten meters, and several traces of sharp claws on the wall nearby.

Are there monsters?

Since escaping to this world, he has been looking for a way to restore his magic power. Unfortunately, this world looks ordinary and he cannot feel the existence of magic power at all.

Xu Qinghuan was so excited that he ignored the heat on the soles of his feet and quickly disappeared at the end of the road, looking for footprints.

Lin Yue clung to the wall of a residential building with one hand, overlooking the situation on the ground. Suddenly her eyes lit up, and she found a black dog licking its hind legs in the ruins of demolition. Obviously, although the shot she just fired failed to penetrate the monster's skin, it still caused a lot of damage to it. .

Lin Yue's confidence immediately increased upon seeing this. She climbed up to the top balcony lightly, opened the weapon box behind her and quickly assembled the sniper rifle, aiming at the monster that the execution team had been hunting for a long time.

She put her headphones back on and resumed communication.

"Target found." She glanced at the special watch she wore on her left hand and reported her current coordinates to the team members.

"The target's hind legs have been injured and are recovering on the spot. No civilians have been found around."

Behind the scope, the corners of Lin Yue's mouth raised slightly. She is in a very good mood now. As one of the few students in the college with a comprehensive evaluation of A, she was able to make an exception to participate in the execution team's actions in her sophomore year, and played a vital role in the first hunting mission. This score can be far ahead of the students at the same level.

"Everyone rush to the target location immediately!" The captain's voice came from the earphones.

"Lin Yue! Obey the order! This is a battlefield, not playing house in the academy! You stay where you are and wait for us to arrive. Report any movements of the target at any time. No more disobedience to the order is allowed."

"Received." Lin Yue said softly.

Two minutes have passed, and there is still no new movement from Black Dog.

Lin Yue resisted the urge to pull the trigger on Hei Quan's head. If he cannot be killed with one shot, the black dog will definitely counterattack. The safest way at this moment is to wait for the arrival of his teammates and carry out encirclement and suppression.

Suddenly, a black shadow shuttled around the corner and caught Lin Yue's attention. Lin Yue thought it was over, someone actually broke in at this moment.

"What do those people from the confidentiality team do?" Lin Yue frowned, observing the movements of the black figure through the sniper scope, praying that the person could leave just now.

Unfortunately, the man didn't hear Lin Yue's prayer. He turned left and right in the ruins, getting closer and closer to the monster hiding in the darkness and licking its wounds.

"Someone broke into the dangerous area where the monster is! The monster is approaching." Lin Yue reported in a low voice into the earphones.

"Confirm the identity of that person and find a way to stop him!" The voice on the other end of the earphone paused, "You can kill him if necessary."

Lin Yue observed the thin figure running around in the dark through the sniper scope. He sighed softly, put the sniper rifle aside, and quickly jumped from the top floor, relying on the trees and walls along the way to jump, like a vigorous bird. The black cat came behind the figure in the dark.

Her pride as a Night Watchman prevents her from killing innocent people to complete her mission.

Lin Yue covered the man's mouth from behind and raised his right hand to knock him out and take him away. Unexpectedly, the man reacted very quickly. He leaned to one side and avoided Lin Yue's movement, almost instantly. The full plastic bag in the man's hand hit Lin Yue's head. The bag should have been filled with clothes. It was soft and didn't hurt.

The man pointed at Lin Yue and shouted angrily: "Who are you! You are so brave that you dare to sneak attack me."

Under the moonlight, Lin Yue saw clearly the appearance of the man in front of him. The man was young, with messy hair, and looked like a wasted young man. He was wearing white short-sleeves and black pants, with a pair of slippers on his feet, and his right hand was holding the plastic bag that had just hit him.

Lin Yue quickly made a silent gesture and was about to drag the boy away.

Looking at the girl's outfit, Xu Qinghuan had an expression of understanding.

The days are really going well. I never thought that I, the devil, would be reduced to being robbed by a woman.

In order to maintain the dignity of the devil, Xu Qinghuan threw the plastic bag containing work clothes on the ground and gestured with his fist.

"Come on! Want to rob me? Let me tell you, you have found the wrong person. Not only am I very strong, I am also very poor!" Xu Qinghuan raised his fingers at the provocative girl in front of him.

Lin Yue was helpless. This was the first time she had seen such a strange person. Just as she was about to say something, the sound of the monster's footsteps sounded in her ears. Apparently, the noise they made attracted the attention of the monster with sensitive hearing. At this moment, she did not After a moment's hesitation, a dodge appeared behind Xu Qinghuan, hitting him in the neck and knocking him unconscious.

Lin Yue had no time to care about the boy who fainted on the ground. The monster's footsteps were getting closer and closer, and an invisible pressure enveloped the entire abandoned street.

Lin Yue kicked Xu Qinghuan on the ground angrily, and at the same time pulled out a simple Japanese long sword from behind, the blade glowing with a faint blue light. Not only is she good at shooting, but her performance in melee combat is also among the best.

At this time, Lin Yue was dressed in black, holding a knife in both hands, and looked like a Japanese ninja. She was thinking of luring the black demon dog away, but she didn't know that a pair of blood-red pupils as big as fists were staring at her in the darkness.

This damn monster has actually found it here. Lin Yue's heart trembled, and her feet even felt a little weak. This was the first time she had observed this black dog at such a close distance. Its huge body was as tall as a story, and its trunk and limbs had strong muscles. As it breathed, Lin Yue smelled the unpleasant stench from its mouth. taste.

"It's time to brush your teeth, you idiot!" Lin Yue struck first, leaping up with a knife and slashing at the black dog's head.

The abandoned streets were too narrow for Black Dog to move easily. He subconsciously raised his front paws to resist, and the blade hit Black Dog's forearm, as if it was cutting on indestructible steel. Lin Yue's hand holding the knife was shocked and painful. The black dog didn't give her time to react. He opened his big mouth and bit. Lin Yue reacted very quickly. She jumped onto the wall to avoid the black dog's attack. The black dog's sharp teeth were only a few inches away from her body. Then he fled to the rubble and rubble on the side.

Under the moonlight, Lin Yue stood on the gravel, holding the long knife tightly, confronting the black dog more than ten meters away in front of her.

The Black Demon Dog, the legendary hell dog, has dark red eyes that emit a dazzling red light. It is said that the road it walks on will become very hot, as if the fire of hell is burning.

If she could single-handedly kill the black demon dog with a danger rating of quasi-A, her name, Lin Yue, would be resounding throughout the Night Watch organizations around the world.

She could even hear her own heartbeat at this moment, feeling both excited and scared.

In the dark alley where no one was paying attention, a strange black aura scatteredly gathered into the body of the boy who was knocked unconscious.

The black demon dog couldn't help but launched an attack and rushed towards Lin Yue, its scarlet eyes standing out in the darkness. Lin Yue dodged to the side with the knife, and then slashed the black demon dog's previously injured leg with his knife, but unfortunately he still couldn't break through its defense. Lin Yue muttered a strange language silently, and a strange blue flame wrapped around the blade. She quickly waved the long knife in her hand, and the blade was extremely dazzling in the dark night along with the flame.

In an instant, a dozen wounds appeared on the black demon dog's hind legs and back, dripping with blood.

The black demon dog roared and turned around. He swung his front paw, but Lin Yue nimbly dodged it sideways and hit the ground hard. The ground cracked instantly, which showed the power of this blow.

In the night, a girl holding a long knife is fighting fiercely with a monster.

Lin Yue's face was pale, and he was breathing heavily. His waist was torn open by the monster's fangs during the battle, and blood kept oozing out. However, the black demon dog was not much better, and Lin Yue's neck was torn open. He was hit with a knife and his face was covered in blood.

The battle with the monster consumed a lot of Lin Yue's magic power. At this time, she was close to exhaustion and it was difficult to resist the monster's next attack. She glanced at her watch and estimated the time for her teammates to arrive.

Lin Yue silently recited an obscure ancient spell, stretched out her left hand, and blue flames surrounded her left arm. The surrounding temperature suddenly rose to an unbearable level for ordinary people. The black demon dog showed a fearful look and did not dare to approach.

Lin Yue felt proud when she saw this. This was the incantation she was proud of - Soul Flame. It is said that the flame can penetrate the body of living creatures and burn the soul.

The blue fireworks overwhelmingly attacked the Black Demonic Dog who was afraid to retreat. The surrounding rubble turned into ashes the moment it came into contact with the flames. The Black Demonic Dog had nowhere to hide, its whole body was covered with flames, and it kept wailing.

Lin Yue watched the movement of the black demon dog surrounded by flames getting smaller and smaller, and breathed a sigh of relief. The blow just now exhausted all her magic power, and she could barely stand at this moment.

The flames gradually dissipated, and the black demon dog, which was severely burned all over his body, lay quietly on the ground. Just when Lin Yue relaxed his vigilance and was about to contact the team, the blood-red eyes as big as lanterns in the dark lighted up again!

A strong sense of oppression came over, and Lin Yue could feel that the aura of the monster in front of her was stronger than before. She immediately turned around and ran away without hesitation!

Lin Yue glanced at the alley nearby. She knew that the safest option at this time was to escape into the dark alley, rely on the complex terrain to deal with the monsters, and wait for rescue, but the troublesome young man was still fainting there. , the duty of the night watchman is imprinted in her heart, and she must never let innocent people be implicated.

The breath of the black demon dog behind him was getting closer and closer. The speed that Lin Yue was proud of was nothing compared to the monster. He was about to catch up in an instant. The black demon dog opened its mouth wide and bit in front of him angrily, causing him to eat a lot. A miserable human girl.

In a hurry, Lin Yue slashed the black demon dog's fangs with her backhand, but the weapon was knocked out of her hand by the huge impact. She staggered and fell on the gravel. Ignoring the pain in her body, she picked up the long knife and stood up to escape. , the huge figure of the monster has arrived.

It’s over!

Huge fear swept over her like a flood, but she still underestimated the strength of this damn monster! In the face of absolute strength, his fighting skills are completely useless and cannot even be used.

The next moment, the smelly big mouth of the black demon dog bit Lin Yue's body, and its sharp fangs penetrated Lin Yue's waist and legs, causing blood to flow.

The blood and wailing of the prey made the black demon dog even more excited. It bit Lin Yue's body and dragged it wildly, trying to tear Lin Yue's body apart.

The huge bite force squeezed Lin Yue's body, and his face was covered with his own blood.

Even so, Lin Yue still held the long knife tightly in her right hand, and the fire on the blade became weaker, just like Lin Yue's life force was passing away little by little.

It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous that I'm going to die on my first mission because I'm so conceited.

Lin Yue's face was covered with blood. The flames of the long knife in her hand appeared again, and the fire was stronger than before. She saw the opportunity and stabbed the knife wrapped in flames into the eyes of the black demon dog. The black demon dog was in pain, and threw Lin Yue away with a wail. go out.

Lin Yue fell heavily to the ground, the knife in her hand fell aside, and blood flowed from her broken body.

Her last blow, which burned her remaining life, succeeded in delaying time. The black demon dog, with one eye covered in blood, staggered toward Lin Yue.

His vision became blurred, his limbs lost intuition, he closed his eyes and lay on the ground, quietly waiting for death.

“Who walks their dog without a leash?”

The young man's bright voice came from a distance.

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